In these trying times...stay at home & try achieving thoughtlessness & zero stress?
In these trying times, offering the Book on @Brainstilling - An Experiential Approach, From a Universal to Social Consciousness especially for you..written for fast #internalConnect & reaching a level of #zeroStress. Since 'I can only give what I have'. My Only request- Read & give feedback.
It was written because, my experiments across the world led people achieving a state of 'thoughtlessness and zero stress in a matter of minutes'. Even President CMP Associates, while I conducted this short Brainstilling Workshop at Poland, during an International World Conference IFTDO on HR & T&D...she called out 'don't you see Anjali, it has led to #Transformation in participants'...!
Ive never forgotten your words dear @CarolPanza :)
P.S. I could not copy paste my whole putting a few chapters. In case you enjoy let me know I'll put more chapters.
Apologise for the it is copied from PDF Authors copy...from the Publisher
Here it is...
BRAINSTILLING An Experiential Approach, From A Universal to Social Consciousness
Why this Book:
This book is a very simple, practical and complete guide to self cleansing, self elation, self integration with the universal macrocosm, the book sets you on a path to increasing your aura and becoming ‘HIS Lighthouse’ for everyone around you. The book has therefore been based on simple experiential learning techniques through which life’s learnings have been drawn and are being shared with you, to become so empowered that you feel, you dream, you eat, you sleep, you love and you live your life’s goal of integrating with your ultimate reservoir of Pure Love & Happiness, through the path of self actualization, by activating the ultimate ideal of ‘Fatherhood of God and Brotherhood of Man’, and hence enhancing one’s universal consciousness leading to enhanced social consciousness.
I would like to share here, I have used the ‘Brainstilling & Visualization Technique’, on almost 20,000 plus participants for the last 10-12 years now. Out of which, 80-90% of the participants, found the technique to be highly effective, in 1st instance, snapping out of the stressful situation in a matter of 3-5 minutes, then shedding all the negative mental baggage, by cleaning the mental slate, and then filling all the 5 koshas of human body (as per Tatriya Upnishad), with universal positive energies. These 5 koshas are the physical body (annamaya kosha), the air sheath (pranmaya kosha) that nourishes the human body, the mind (manomaya kosha), the intellect (vigyanmaya kosha) & the spiritual true self (anandmaya kosha). The universal positive energy spreads to all koshas, making one feel calm and one with the universe. This is, when one starts seeing all human beings as one and the virtue of ‘Fatherhood of God & Brotherhood of Man’ emerges. We now, view all as the ‘ansh’ (small part) of the same divine, leading to living the ethos of ‘Fatherhood of God & Brotherhood of Man’, and enhanced ‘social consciousness’
My ode to being human...
I Love! I love the wisp of fragrant wind in my hair
I Love! I love the wilderness
I Love! The soft grass under my feet
Dancing on the a big Treat!
I am in Love, with the Happiness in my Heart
Growing and rising with a chirpy start!
I am in Love with my eternal self!
I just flip..when HE (God) smiles at HIS little elf (me :)
HE gives me the strength to...
Be able to rid the world of the baggage of stress it carries
I can fly and be with everyone who needs me & is harried!
I ... Truly Wish... that I become a 'WhiteSwan' & can engulf the world with my white wings of Peace, happiness and Tranquility
I wish no child would be abused, I wish no girl is violated.. I wish I wish.
.................Anjali Nigam
Since, In a world full of strife, disease and discord, it gets difficult to distinguish the right from the wrong, I felt helpless...I prayed and prayed, and came up against a vision of relieving all... of the baggage of stress they carry...& filling their body, mind, intellect, & soul with a happiness so pure, that they automatically become a multiplier of Peace and Harmony!
This exercise has been experimented with various objectives, like striking an internal connect, attaining state of zero stress in minutes, relieving self of the mental baggage etc. by me. The experiential sessions were conducted with participants from various backgrounds and diversities in different parts of the world. The participants were from nationalities like India, China, Japan, UK, USA, Poland, other parts of Europe, Saudi Arabia, Dubai, Mauritius, Africa, and other major SE Asian Countries. Different sessions have been conducted for different levels and ages of participants. Invariably the use of the technique has majorly resulted in facilitation of striking an internal connect, in a mode easier & faster, than normal yoga & meditation. Hence, the author proposes this technique as a pprecursor to meditation.
Author has done continuous experimentation with this technique, for a period of more than 10-12 years now, more than 80% of the participants reported help in clearing the thoughts and internalisation of all energies and a gradual escalation of the mind and spirit leading to feeling of oneness of the with the Universe and our Creator.
Based on the above results of experiential learning, the author is submitting that
once the individual is able to escalate his/her mental & spiritual energies to strike oneness with the universal energies, he/she is able to realize the truth of the basic value-system i.e. Fatherhood of God & Brotherhood of Man, and in the true sense, work towards Better Worldliness!
In the words of Professor Prem Saran Satsangi Sahab, the 8th Revered Sant Satguru of Radhasoami Satsang, Dayalbagh, while His visit to the Vivekanand Shila Smaratha, on 31st May 2006, where He minuted about Swami Vivekanand and his achievement of enlightenment. He wrote..."It is indeed a rare privilege & pleasure to re-visit the Vivekanand Shila Smarata this morning...It is truly a befitting memorial in honour of one of the greatest sons of Bharat Mata who attained enlightenment through sustained deep meditation and..."
The above words drive the importance of deep and sustained meditation for attaining enlightenment.
However, in this Book, the author through the researched continuous use of Brainstilling coupled with Visualization Technique, for the last 8+ now 10-12 years, is attempting to drive cleaning of the mental slate, shedding baggage & getting relief from thoughts, internalizing all energies and getting control on self.
It basically leads to creating the mental platform and striking physical, mental, emotional, and spiritual readiness for attaining the universal oneness.
This experience of oneness, would then lead one to work towards a state of i.e. internalizing a value system, which facilitates in building a value-based & loving, caring, gender sensitive society...while being internally connected and feeling truly Peaceful...Dr Anjali Nigam
P.S: Do write if you like the idea / concept of this book...I will then surely publish the chapters for your ready reference here. I never wrote my books for profits...even though my Publisher in Germany insisted on pricing it at $39.92 on Amazon ...I found the price too high, hence I never asked my friends to buy, but sent them free authors copy.