Trying to Make Money Online? Be Careful Who You Listen To!
David Moran
?? Retired Sales and Marketing Professional ?? ? Blogging and Social Media Enthusiast: I leverage my wealth of experience to share insights and thought leadership.
I wanted to pose an idea for thought, and I would love to hear yours.
There are many people trying to create "side hustles" that can provide additional income. One method being used is an online business - website/blog/podcast/YouTube/etc.
?For anyone trying to earn a living online, or just make some extra money, you'll be bombarded with gurus peddling their “how to” programs. You'll see and hear all the rags-to-riches stories, the “no skill, no money, no website, no time required” propaganda, and you'll see the fancy cars, beautiful people, amazing homes, outrageous incomes, etc.
?Well, the FACTS are that 97.5% of everyone trying to make money online MAKES NOTHING. Zero. Most affiliate marketers earn less than $200 per month.
?All the self-proclaimed experts explain that the reason for this is that we (those buying their programs and trying to make them work), do not do anything with what we learn – that we are too lazy, too overwhelmed, or too stupid to make things work. Yet these gurus keep pumping out the programs, ebooks, courses, videos, podcasts, etc., and they keep telling us that it is just a matter of following their instructions to build a multi-million dollar business.
?So, I have been thinking…. maybe the actual truth is that it’s 97.5% of the information these clever marketers are pushing that is pure garbage, or mostly garbage with a little truth mixed in. And, we are trying to use that garbage to succeed and, or course we fail. How can you build a house on sand and expect it to stand? However, if you notice, the gurus know this, and have their next program all set to fix the lack of results their first one delivered. And on and on it goes. You spend thousands buying their programs, but you make nothing. They get rich, you get nothing.
?Think about it – what business can you start (and make a living) with no talent or skills, no time, no money to invest, and no website – for an online business? Common sense tells you this is ridiculous, yet we want success so badly that we ignore the obvious and hope for the best.
?Can you make a living online? Yes. And no, I don’t have any program to sell you.
?Are there gurus who tell the truth and present real “how to” information that you can use? Yes. After reviewing hundreds, I have found one that I truly trust. You can message me if you would like to know that is.
?Is building an online business easy? No, it is not. It can become overwhelming right from the start. There is a massive amount of information you need to know. There are specific skills you must have or acquire. You must have money to invest, or you must be the luckiest person alive. You need to have a website, and you need to be able to build it. In addition, you had better figure on making it a full-time endeavor because that’s what people do who are successful. What the experts tell you is literally the tip of the iceberg. The mountain-sized portion of the endeavor of building an online success lies beneath the surface.
?That is why 97.5% of all those trying to make money online fail. They quickly realize that some clever marketer's program does not tell the whole story, or cover all the things required, and they've been suckered. They find out that it takes a massive effort, an ongoing financial contribution, and skills they may not have. I would venture a guess that 97.5% of the information you will find online about how to start and be successful in an online business lacks the total truth about what it takes. Oh sure, there are some claims and truths told – that’s the best way to lie – mix in a little truth for credibility. That is called great marketing, but lousy instruction.
?Are there many who fail because they don’t put in the effort? Certainly.
?However, I would say there are just as many who fail because they are disgusted and overwhelmed by the crap they have purchased based on false promises, lack of complete information, and outright lies. Heck, even the gurus themselves attack each other and tell us that the income claims posted online are false and easily edited.
?Like everything else in these current times and culture of ours, who and what can you really believe anymore?