Trying to be eco-friendly? You should start with your new phone:
Pre-owned vs. Refurbished?
The increasingly innovative and diverse features of the smartphones front-end are astonishing; the mobile phone is rapidly becoming the “uber” device – the one device that seems to have it all and is due to become even more vital than it is now.?
Mobile phones have already started functioning as more than just communication devices. Our phones have become our digital camera, our audio and video recorder, our multimedia messaging device, our email and web client, gaming platform, document storage and viewer, computer, music player, TV, wallet, bar-code reader, airplane ticket… you name it!
So, when it is time to buy a new one, we nearly cry at the cost. Especially when you must buy multiple for your family. It’s no wonder many of us look for a cheaper alternative to the ubiquitous Smartphone. Whether you are shopping for an iPhone or an Android, browsing affordable pre-owned phones is really important.
And he most important thing: by buying a cheap refurbished phone, you're actively helping to fight against programmed obsolescence and electronic waste.
Pre-owned or refurbished??
Refurbished phones are returned, damaged or broken phones that have been repaired and inspected. Repaired damage could be as simple as replacing a cracked screen, or cleaning and repairing a phone from severe water damage.??
A factory-refurbished warranty might be included as well, depending on where you buy the phone. If you buy refurbished, seek a warranty to avoid problems down the road, as it was likely once damaged device.
So refurbished, if done right, is probably ideal. But it is very, very, very difficult for the average consumer to know if refurbishment was done right unless you’re buying from the manufacturer themselves.?
And again, if you are looking for the eco-friendly option, where’s the ecological gesture on buying a Chinese battery (or any other spare part) to remanufacture a damage phone? Are those grammes of CO2 taken in account when the marketplace declares “6 oz of e-waste saved”? My guess is not…
Second-hand or pre-owned resellers are not making any representation of something having been replaced. Instead, they have run the phone through functional testing with all the original parts.
Used phones are pre-owned phones that have not been factory repaired, most likely because they were never broken. But the more important difference is they carry much deeper discounts compared to refurbished phones.
This chart will give a good comparison of the discounts pre-owned phones can have.
Where to purchase your next pre-owned phone??
The answer is simple: Consider the source.?
Make sure the vendor has access to high-quality, damage-free phones. Understand their testing and grading procedures. Read their terms and conditions. Inside the terms and conditions, the company will define their criteria and terminology for their grading and will give you a detailed description of what that means.??
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