Try up to last minutes, as miracles are possible

Try up to last minutes, as miracles are possible

The best way to advance our journey to realize the Soul, the best and only way to enlightenment, to the realization of the truth is overcoming ignorance. And to overcome ignorance, we must go on a quest. We have to ask questions. We have to give up the myth we have grown up with. We have to question every belief, every ritual, every superstition.

Unless we ask questions: Who Am I? Why am I here? Who decided my birth? What will happen after death? — unless we ask such questions, we cannot advance on the spiritual journey and realize we are not this body, not the mind and ego that says ME. We are the Soul, the Spark Of Unique Life that came alive nine months before our so-called birthday. We must go on a quest.

There was this time where I was unable to walk. I tried to stand, yet I tumbled. Everyone around me was doing it so I kept trying. No matter how often I fell, I always tried to get back up (literally). It took me many attempts but once I got an understanding how it worked I did it. This is how I learned to walk as I was young.To many this is not a strange story. It's just natural. Yet we forget this sometimes in life. When we try something new the first time we are likely to fail. But we learn. And we try again.

When you where young and you tried to walk. When you failed did you say ‘I guess I'll never be able to walk?’Of course not. So why would you do that now. Just keep trying. At some point you are going to succeed. Not if you just give it a try. Trying is not reaching your full potential and it is not doing the best you can.When you try, you do things half-measured and this will give you half-measured results.

To succeed, you must have faith in and know what you are doing, learn from the mistakes you did, get back up after setbacks and bumps in the road, work smarter instead of harder and be 100% in it. Just?live alone with lots of amazing birds & reptiles. I have travelled the world on my own, I am a scuba diving instructor, I love reading, cycling, playing Pokémon with loads of friends and generally am happy.

It depends on what you are trying to do. For example, if you had a stroke, accident, or other acute medical condition that caused a decline in function, it is well known that more motivated people who “keep trying” with therapy, etc. have higher success rates in restoring that function.

However, when family members insist we “keep trying” with patients who are clearly declining to the point they need comfort care, this can be detrimental on all concerned, especially to the patient. When people think acceptance means giving up, and one must never give up, they are entering the bizarre world of denial.

In the day to day world, it is always good to set reasonable goals and work towards them. They may be quite simple at first, and you can work up to more difficult ones. Healthy self esteem along with strong boundaries provides a safe environment to accomplish them in. Success is subjective as well as personal. You can define it to be anything you want. Success does not come easy nor does it come after ample time of trying. The measurement of success differs for every individual. If you feel successful after giving your upmost best, than kudo’s to you. Nobody can be a judge of your character and will besides yourself. Cheers!

Diana Usher

Empowering others begins with internal cultivation.

1 年

Cheers, thank you Kishore, for your words of inspiration. Have a beautiful Sunday.

Katyayini Urs

Facilitator / Teaching Faculty / Head Mistress / Influencer / Mentor

1 年

Interesting share sir

Amrita Guha Paul

Ex Banker / Social Entrepreneur / Content Writer & Creator / Story Teller

1 年

Good afternoon ??


