Try Them or Try Not
Sherry Holliman, MA
Former Marion Councilwoman Political Columnist, Certified Civil and Domestic Mediator. Lobbyists. CEO-Founder Different Direction Reforms, Consultant Community Advoc
Commentary Writer-Sherry Holliman
Trying someone is always a personal choice. It’s not something forced or accidental, it's deliberate, often triggered by curiosity, jealousy, or intimidation. When a person decides to try another individual, it’s usually because of the energy the chosen one shows. That energy is powerful, commanding, and can leave people walking on their tippy toes, unsure of how to approach that person. Causing you to feel intimidated by the very presence of the person that you want to try. But here’s the reality you need to know trying someone, much like trying certain foods or drinks, may not be in your best interest. Karma is a beast, and if you choose the wrong person to try, you’d better be prepared to receive your share of consequences.
If after reading this you still feel determined, go ahead try them. Push that button. Test their strength, purpose, and resilience. Let your curiosity guide you, but tread carefully because you might discover truths you weren’t prepared to face. See how they move when you’ve pressed that button. Will you be inspired by their power, or will you regret disturbing the calm and unleashing what lies beneath? You must understand this when you try them, the results may not align with what you were hoping for. Sometimes, the storm you provoke isn’t one you’re ready to weather. Trying someone isn’t harmless or inconsequential. It takes intention and readiness to accept the aftermath. Are the people that want to try others out of arrogance, believing you will find a weakness to exploit. But all individuals like them don’t crack under pressure. They’ve been tried before by bigger forces and tougher challenges and they'll always come back stronger, sharper, and even more prepared to dominate the next trier.
It’s easy to underestimate them. Maybe it’s their calm demeanor or the way they let others test their boundaries without flinching. But here’s the thing when they’re tried, they’re always chosen. Their skills, energy, and presence make them unmatched, and their resilience turns trials into victories. Those who try them often learn too late that they’ve walked into a battle they weren’t equipped to fight. Let sleeping dogs lay! Think about how politicians try each other during elections. They throw insults, sling mud, and engage in personal attacks, hoping to tarnish their opponent’s reputation. But mud can’t tarnish what’s pure gold. True leaders will always stand stronger through these tests, proving their worth over and over again. Trying someone out of malice or envy says more about the tester than the one being tested.
Here’s the truth for those who try them with negative intent karma sees it all. Trying someone with bad motives can turn the tables on you faster than you expect. People like them don’t just survive trials, they thrive in them, growing stronger each time. Trying them in hopes of finding flaws or breaking their spirit will only backfire. In the end, your trial becomes their triumph, and your karma becomes your burden. So, if you’re bold enough to try them, know that the button isn’t for everyone to push.
They are not for everyone, and the choice to test their mettle is one you’ll have to own. You may uncover a power and resilience you weren’t ready to face. If you’re intimidated by them now, be mindful, because trying them could leave you walking away with lessons you didn’t want to learn. In the end, one thing remains true when they’re tried, they’re always the best choice. If your reason for trying them comes from a place of malice or envy, let this be your final warning: walk away before they try you. Because when that moment comes, you might discover firsthand just how powerful karma can be and you won’t like the outcome.