Try it for sometime to see if it works
Atul Prasad (Moorishbblu)
18K+ LinkedIn Connects, Meditator, Poet and an accidental corporate citizen
I write about the Doha's of Sri Ram Charit Manas because I believe in them. Now belief is a choice, born out of our conditioning that we have had till this moment. That conditioning is responsible for all the choices that we make. But what if someone tells you that even the way you have been conditioned has been pre-determined?
I firmly believe that there are certain things that we, as human beings, whose life and its meaning is smaller than the smallest speck of this universe, should not question certain things like the scriptures. However they aren't outside the purview of questioning but then the one who questions, must be ready to walk on the road suggested by these scriptures and then see for himself or herself if it works. Just questioning because you feel you have the right to question, isn't going to take anybody anywhere. The Wright brothers questioned the long held beliefs about heavy objects flying in air and they devoted their whole life to finding the truth and then only could transcend that question and find real answers.
But is there a way to walk the road defined by the scriptures for anybody and everybody. Well yes, there is. There is a certain stretch of the road which needs to be walked forcefully even without one's wish, without ones desire for it, unwillingly, for the road to begin having its effect on anyone, or differently put, till when the road starts to reveal itself and glimpses of the journey and its destination start revealing themselves. Like the one off twinkle of a glow worm witnessed on a dark night which momentarily reveals its surrounding to the lost traveller who relies on such small streaks of revelations to know whether he is on the right path or not.
There comes a stage, when more and more of such momentary revelations make the seeker, the traveller confident that he is on the right path. The best analogy that I could bring in here is that of our everyday life, when we aren't sure whether something (like a career, course of action, a person etc or for that matter a new dress that we see in a designer store) is right for us or not. We seek advice of our friends and family members, and what do they tend to advice us? That "try it for sometime to see if it works".
The same thing is required for understanding scriptures and their real meaning. Reading them will give us the knowledge, but living them will make us internalize them. So what is there to try from the scriptures which can be a starting point.
Goswami Tulsidas says
||??? ??? ?? ??? ?? ?? ???? ??? ???
??? ??? ??? ??? ???? ??? ???? ?? ???||
He says, that Ram Naam is like a number and rest all the means to attain god are like zero or shunya. On its own zero has no value, but if a number is added before it, then its value becomes 10 times. Therefore taking any other means to god will not get you anywhere, but taking the Ram Naam along with any other means will magnify its effect 10 times.
Couple this Doha with the one that I had written in one of my previous blogs
???? ?????? ??? ??? ????
??? ??? ???? ???? ??????
Here he says, that even if you don't like it take the name of Lord Ram. But this initial step is very much required for you to do, even if unwillingly to see and test for yourself if it works. As per him if done over a prolonged period, anyone can see its effect and can benefit (which as per him comes from all directions) from name recitation.
So as this blog writer, I am telling you "try it for sometime to see if it works".