Try Something New

Try Something New

“Who knows what may lie around the next corner? There may be a window somewhere ahead. It may look out on a field of sunflowers – JHill

I look out the window - the snow has melted and it is 50 degrees outside – it feels like spring.? My mind is wandering – and I keep getting distracted.? It is still January.? I’m still writing goals.? I know I want to try new things in 2024, but I’m stalling out – too many choices!

Trying to develop new skills, work toward promotion, change jobs, shift career direction – it’s hard to do! ?Even as a coach I am not immune to the inertia of change.

I get up, stretch a bit and walk outside and breathe. ?It is a welcome distraction, to see a bit of sun sparkling in the wet grass.? And the birds – so many birds flitting and flying – okay – just a little walk down the hill to the water – that will do it, starting to feel better.? As I make my way back to the door, I breathe again – I can get back on track from here.

Inertia is the tendency to resist change. ?Mathematicians have done all kinds of calculations to determine what can change an object’s trajectory.? Without a few sunflowers – breathing in nature – and/or a good coach I could guess it might be tenfold the math calculations to change a human’s trajectory.

Fortunately, as humans we keep learning. ?For me – and I expect other humans – I have to take myself to the “Why”.? Most of us don’t have the motivation to change unless we focus on the positive result that the change will bring.? And it has to be something really and truly exciting – and for me ?- something that I can’t be distracted from. There are three tried-and-true methods:

1)???? Why is the first step.? The next step takes discipline. ?Maybe even a coaching partner.

2)???? Stay on Course.? Following are some of my tactics you might be interested in:

a.???? Socialize your intentions (helps keep you honest with yourself)

b.???? Resist shiny distractions

c.????? Expect a few setbacks or obstacles – learn from them.

d.???? Learn from others

e.???? Don’t reminisce about the past

f.?????? Keep positive

g.???? Trust yourself – you want to do this!

h.???? Reward yourself along the way.

3)???? It takes 30 days to create a habit – so stick with it.? Keep practicing these new behaviors.

Celebrate your wins.? Take time to appreciate the accomplishments and survey your new landscape.? What did you learn about yourself along the way?? There may be other examples of growth that you can point to as you reflect on the new skills you’ve learned, the promotion – or shift in your career direction.? You’ve taken a few new steps on your path.? Enjoy!


