I get asked a lot about what are the most important leadership or success traits. This is what’s worked for me. Set up reminders on your calendar like I have done below and let me know how it works for you too!?
777 means to get rewarded for your efforts. The number 7 also seemed to have worked for Mickey Mantle, Joe Torre, Joe DiMaggio and also Lou Gehrig of the Yankees. There are 7 days a week and 7 continents; I could definitely go on!?
Give it a try and let me know what you think over the next 7 weeks!?
- Attitude - Sunday - The late great Zig Ziglar said "It's your attitude, not your aptitude that will determine your altitude." What a great way to set the stage for the week! Google search “attitude” and read for an hour!?
- Talent - Monday - Time + Effort = Skill. If you don’t have passion, you will not invest the time over the long haul which means effort. "Talent is the result of developing a skill and hopefully aligned to your passion."?
- Intelligence - Tuesday - The Buffett Formula: Going to Bed Smarter Than When You Woke Up. Set the reading/listening schedule for the week. "Genius is seeing the vision beyond knowledge."?
- Luck - Wednesday - My father-in-law always says that he’d rather be lucky than good. I never really understood that until I got to know him. His nickname is the “action man.’ Simply put, luck is the result of taking massive action. "You will not find luck under the cushions of your couch."?
- Toughness - Thursday - Toughness means the state of being strong enough to withstand adverse conditions. The ability to deal with hardship or to cope in difficult situations. You deserve this! ???? ??
- Creativity - Friday - Apply one take away from each day to create value. Creating value is solving an old problem with a new solution…and getting paid for it!?
- Discipline - Saturday - Putting in some extra effort on Saturday will set you apart from 99% of the population. Dwayne Johnson, The Rock calls in ‘sweat equity!”
Everyday I awake to these little reminders on my calendar.?