Try hard to be the kind of “People” you need to have around you :)

Try hard to be the kind of “People” you need to have around you :)

Try hard to be the kind of “People” you need to have around you :)


Happy new year!

?We are not in a VUCA (Volatility, Uncertainty, Complexity and Ambiguity) world any more, we are beyond that… we are in a BANI World (Brittle, Anxious, Nonlinear and Incomprehensible). And It seems like there is a “heavy cloud” right above us to push us down all the time (Autumn and Winter time can have that effect on me): because someone left the company, and we loved working with (but it's happening a lot here and everywhere...); because we don't see things around us the way we would like too (organized, defined, efficient,.... ); because in every media we see talk about inflation; because my superior is not exactly what I would like her/him to be; because some information has not been communicated as expected; because it seems that COVID is still out there (but so are many other diseases) and we fear everything, and we are anxious, and stressed, and pessimistic, and depressed and overwhelmed, and we all need something in a very short time, or even for the day before, and we feel that there is always a sense of injustice in everything, and kindness is becoming more and more scarce, because we are always comparing our situation with someone we see in a better situation… but that is probably the 10% of people, you know?

Have you tried looking at the other 90%?...

Your family members, your friends, your neighbors, (let’s not even talk about other countries too, that less than a year ago were at the same level we are today and now have a truly dark reality)...


So... Do you know t???? ?????????? ???? ???????????????? ?????????????????


Be interested in living a life filled with passion, success, and gratitude, it’s in your best interest to allow yourself to be authentically amazed all the time.

It's “ok to be not ok”, yet it's “not ok to be not ok always”... Because you don't deserve it!

Life is not just happiness, life is made of happy moments, which that you can collect and feel fulfilled, and I'm, you are, we are all accountable for.

There are no perfect people, so then try hard to be the kind of “People” you need to have around you! Someone kind, with a smile, collaborative, focused on solutions, on action, willing to develop their self’s and others, because behavior generates behavior.


“Win-win sees life as a cooperative arena, not a competitive one. Win-win is a frame of mind and heart that constantly seeks mutual benefit in all human interactions.

Win-win means agreements or solutions are mutually beneficial and satisfying. We both get to eat the pie, and it tastes pretty darn good!”

Habit 4: Think Win-Win, by The 7 Habits of Highly Effective People, from Steven Covey theory < >


Inspire others and inspire yourself!



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