Try not to focus on the negative
I have spent the day at my desk, working on weekly forecasts and watching the rain come down in one continuous heavy drizzle. It has been one of those days that makes you long for sunshine, singing birds and uplifting walks in the park. Watching this slow continual rain brings to mind that adage, “Into each life a little rain must fall.” The ‘rain’ that falls upon each and every one of us can be compared to life’s challenges and disappointments that we confront at times.
I don’t want to focus solely on the negative or difficult side of life. When I look back on my own life, I am very aware of how my disappointments have often opened new doors and/or sent me in directions I might not have considered otherwise. In fact, some of those disappointments are the very reason that I am doing the work I love so much today.
I like to consider disappointment as simply a missed appointment with destiny, something that just didn’t work out for one reason or another. I often write about the importance of staying upbeat and encouraged in order to attract the most positive experiences our way, but that doesn’t mean we will be spared the pain that comes with life. Sometimes things just happen, and there’s nobody to blame.
Sometimes our disappointment could be the Universe trying to get our attention or direct us down a new path. who knows what wonders await us if we use our disappointments as springboards to new adventures that could provide amazing outcomes we never even considered? Disappointments can be opportunities for us to grow. By facing and overcoming life’s challenges, we become stronger and learn to cope better with all of life’s joys and sorrows.
Thinking these thoughts with the rain continuing to fall on this cool, cloudy day helps me to see it in a new light and with a more uplifting perspective. I know the rain is nourishing the seeds and bulbs that reside in the dark earth, and that eventually, new life will burst forth with green leaves and beautiful flowers. And in this same way, our disappointments and challenges will help us blossom into more solid, more beautiful and more resilient beings.
I hope these thoughts will encourage you to see life’s challenges and disappointments in a different light!