Try not to do these 5 things during your job interview
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For some job seekers, the job interview is the best part of the hiring process. They get to talk to another person and make a good impression, which is much easier than trying to come across as a strong candidate on paper. For others, job interviews can be pretty daunting experiences. It can be somewhat formidable to meet a bunch of strangers who will judge you based on everything you say and do for almost an hour. No matter how nervous you are on the interview day, you should not do these 5 things, if you want the job:
Showing bad interview etiquette
You must do certain things during your interview to show the interviewers that you have?excellent interview etiquette. It could be something as little as not holding the door for someone or being mean to the receptionist. But once the interviewer spots that kind of behavior, they will likely not think of you as a worthy candidate. Here are some things you must avoid doing to show that you?have good interview etiquette:
- Arriving late to the interview
- Neglecting the questions of some interviewers
- Not putting your phone on silent
- Looking at your phone
- Interrupting the interviewer
Having poor body language
Did you know that the majority of your communication during a job interview is non-verbal? This means the way you hold yourself can tell a lot about you to the interviewer. You must always have a firm handshake when greeting your interviewers. Try to maintain appropriate eye contact with the person interviewing you. You should also actively try to?form a connection with the people you talk with?during your interview. A friendly smile could go a long way.
Dressing inappropriately
The way you dress for an interview can tell a lot about your personality. You need to?do your research on the company?culture and dress code before you go for your interview. If you have doubts about their casual dress code, you can give a call to HR and ask what you should wear for the interview. Here are some things to never do to appear professional for your interview:
- Wearing ripped jeans, casual shorts, revealing blouses, or t-shirts with inappropriate quotes
- Having poor hygiene by displaying uncombed hair or untrimmed nails
- Not taking care of your body odor
- Wearing too strong perfume or cologne
- Displaying tattoos or piercings at a conservative company
Being unaware of the company
The worst thing you do with a job interview is to turn up on the day and ask them, “Sorry, what was the role again?” You need to always do your research on the employer and be aware of the company and the role before going for an interview. There is a very good chance that the interviewer will ask you something basic about the company that you will fail to answer if you haven’t done your homework properly.
Failing to answer questions adequately
You are going for an interview so that the employer can gauge your skills and expertise. You must expect them to ask questions about your past experience, future plans, technical knowledge, and career gaps. If you fail to?give satisfactory answers to basic questions?involving such topics, you will not create a favorable image in the interviewer’s mind. In fact, your name will be crossed out of the list before you even leave the room.