Try Coffee, Try Lean Coffee!!!
Bhupesh Kumar Pandey
Project Manager, SAFe Certified PO/PM, SAFe Certified RTE, Certified Scrum Master
You feel your meetings waste time, attendees are disengaged, and the same topics are discussed over and over again with no real progress towards your goal.
Sounds familiar?
What do you do in such case?
Do you drink Water, Juice, Tea or Coffee? Why not Try Lean Coffee!!!
You might say, What is Lean Coffee?
Lean Coffee is a meeting facilitation technique with a simple but effective format. It is structured, with a democratically selected agenda, and the discussion is led by the attendees of the meeting. It is a great way to make better use of the time available in meetings, and make sure everyone is heard.
It is a meeting facilitation technique with a simple but effective format. It is structured, with a democratically selected agenda, and the discussion is led by the attendees of the meeting.
"Lean Coffee?is a structured, but agenda-less meeting.
Participants gather, build an agenda, and begin talking. Conversations are directed and productive because the agenda for the meeting was democratically generated." -
It does not have a predetermined agenda or a meeting leader. Instead of that, the participants suggest topics they would like to discuss, and then vote on these to create an agenda as per the needs & interests?of the participants.
When to use and when not to use Lean Coffee?
While setting a meeting about an important topic that needs to be discussed with your team and decision need to be made, or when crucial updates that require someone to take the lead and share information, in such cases lean coffee is not an appropriate method as it would dilute the criticality and importance of the topic.??
However, it is a good choice to make your meetings like team engagement sessions, warm-up meetings, get-together, those meetings with open agenda points interesting, engaging and getting the voice of introvert participants also heard.
What is the process / format of Lean Coffee?
Process/format may vary depending on the size, location, and maturity level of the team, however it is very simple.
You would need following Tools:
You can use as simple Kanban board as following.
What is the benefit of Lean Coffee?
Small groups, ideally no more than 10, gather together informally to discuss topics of their choice. The goal is to decide on the key takeaways of the meeting and action points.?The Lean Coffee format ensures that the meeting is ‘not just another meeting’, but actually a 'productive use of everyone’s time'.