Be truthful
Dr. Deepak Kelkar
Psychiatrist || Hypnotherapist || Deaddiction Specialist || Sexologist || NLP Trainer || Motivational Speaker || Business Coach
When in doubt tell the truth said MARK TWAIN.
We avoid telling truth because it is uncomfortable and fearful . We are afraid that others will be uncomfortable , their feelings will get hurt or they will be angry. When we or others don't tell the truth , we can't deal the matter in reality.
We have heard many times that " truth shall set you free". It takes energy to lie, keep it secret, and more over we have to remember our lie. So if you tell the truth it will make you free and energetic.
When there is nothing to hide , we will be more spontaneous , fully self expressed , more ready to learn, and act and making every thing around us work.
Resentments , withholding things from people , and appreciation are 3 things which need to be shared with others.
Unfulfilled needs and desires are beneath all resentments. When you are resenting someone ask yourself what I am not getting from him. Then ask him that. You might get yes or no , but at least you have brought things on table.
There is no perfect time to tell the truth. As soon as the thought of telling truth comes in your mind you should tell the truth. It will be uncomfortable , it will creat reactions, but you make the habit of telling truth faster.
The longer you withhold the truth , the more disservice you make to yourself and others.
After telling truth , people have reported that their migraine disappeared, irritable bowl relaxed, depression lifted and they look younger.
SAMUEL GOLDWYN said : I don't want any yes men around me. I want everybody to tell me the truth even if it costs them their jobs.
So start telling truth, nothing to hide, everything is open and wide.
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