The truth of your own lies
Dionne Williams
Helping ambitious achievers to start & grow in Business & achieve ultimate fulfilment
I signed up for what was probably my 100th Facebook ‘5 Day challenge’ to make £50k months or attract ideal clients or whatever it was, knowing full well that I probably would learn very little that I didn’t already know wasting another hour or two of my life in the process.
I mean, I was just starting out after all.
Actually, it had been 2 years and I was still in start-up mode.
Still figuring out my ideal client, still figuring out my niche, still trying out all the strategies and trying out “all the things”.
But they didn’t work and I had no patience so I consumed all the books and the videos and the seminars, oh I do love a seminar (they get you feeling all motivated for at least a week or two…)
Until the familiar mind chatter starts back up again...which is what would take me right back to square one, again and again.
I was probably on my 155th personal development book by this point
I was so full of knowledge but with no idea what to do with it all, so what do i do? I go hang out with my friends in the City and vow to get back on it the next day.
But I know my own lies
Tomorrow would bring another set of distractions, Facebook scrolling, social invitations, offers for things not related to my coaching business and another set of excuses why I couldn’t’ concentrate on what I knew I had to do.
And then the guilt cycle would fire up again.
“How come other people could be so focused and so consistent with their content and marketing while I got side-tracked by a whole new set of ideas on a weekly basis.”
Something had to be wrong with me.
This cycle had been going on for years and years.
Even as a Business Banker I had started ventures only to get scared, doubt myself and give up due to my internal chatter that drew me back towards the comfort of a regular monthly salary.
Everything I had been taught about starting a successful coaching business had been absolute B.S
Because the truth is
All strategies work.
All of them.
And at the same time.
All strategies don’t work.
Because it’s NOT about the strategies or the steps!!!
It’s ALL about the person implementing them!!!
Having a strategy that works for you is important, but it has to be aliigned with who you are.
Following someone else’s that isn’t 'wired' the same way that you are, is a sure way to becoming extremely p!$$ed at the end of your time and money spent on mentoring or programs.
The focus of these programs is on the mind.
Your thought process.
What makes you tick?
Not what strategy you are implementing but why you are implementing it.
It’s about what you are avoiding feeling as well as what you are avoiding doing.
It’s about how you cope with criticism, rejection, uncertainty, inadequacy and the stresses of life in general.
It’s about what you are available for.
What you are willing to allow.
It’s about your core beliefs and how they affect your ability to connect with others.
It’s about being prepared and open to actions that are uncomfortable and taking imperfect action, every day.
It’s about loving yourself, warts and all, even when you want to change yourself.
Do I still occasionally waste time scrolling through unnecessary Facebook videos? Errr yeah
But I don’t feel bad about it or feel the need to beat myself up about it either.
Because I know exactly how to keep things in perspective. I know exactly how and when to make the best use of my time.
I am unfuckwithable.
I developed the tools to extract the gold nuggets from the shitty thoughts and emotions and remove the traces of ANY & ALL emotional triggers.
I know that looking outside for the answer isn’t the answer.
Feeling bad about me isn’t helpful at all.
And trying every free course and challenge is definitely NOT the answer!
Because there is a part of you that already KNOWS everything.
The answer is within you – in your psyche – in your unconscious – You just have to tap into it in a way that allows the answers to stream through into your conscious mind.
This is where your strategy, your purpose and “the answers” can be found.
And this is what I help my clients do. Whether Business clients or private.
In my 8 Week Group Coaching Programme we will be turning your idea of creating the life you want on its head. I will only be taking a small group of people through this EXCLUSIVE experience. If you, like me, feel like you have tried it all and are looking for something different.
I will be using coaching tools, personal enquiry, emotional alchemy and a whole heap of emotional excavation to get to the root of the issues so you can stop dancing around the thing and get moving.
It won’t be for everyone.
This program is for the person who is eager to achieve more from life and knows 100% that they are selling themselves short by not truly going for what they want.
If this sounds like something you might need please PM me
We aren’t supposed to live a life of misery, servitude and mediocrity and we don’t have to, get ready to have your mind blown.