#Truth about Xenophobia

#Truth about Xenophobia

#Truth about Xenophobia

Xenophobia - Wikipedia

Xenophobia?(from?Ancient Greek?ξ?νο??(xénos)?'strange, foreign, alien', and?φ?βο??(phóbos)?'fear')[1]?is the fear or hatred of that which is perceived to be foreign or strange.?It is an expression of perceived conflict between an?ingroup?and an?outgroup?and may manifest in suspicion by the one of the other's activities, a desire to eliminate their presence, and fear of losing national, ethnic, or racial identity.

I like how the Wikipedia puts it and I can translate in more simple terms. It means us against them who ever your us is and them in terms of tribe you belong too. We surely know for centuries from an Ethics point of view this have never worked well for any group. Let’s face it seems like history is repeating itself as the same things that have been dividing us for years which are Class, Race, Ethnicity, Religion and Gender, they still do to this day. I mean in South Africa we are in the 27th year of democracy but is still uncomfortable to initiate these conversations without people being sensitive and dismissive about this kind of issues.

The next issue that occurs out of the big 5 dividers that I have mentioned in the previous paragraph Class, Race, Ethnicity, Religion and Gender have given birth to a whole new set of problems that have been with us for 400 years namely colonization, tribalism, slavery, apartheid, and land theft especially in the African Countries. History indicates to us that these systems were created by man as a way of being superior for world dominance by imposing their cultures forcefully on other human beings however undesirable consequences to humanity were brought to life because of such systems. We must always remember that we are equal as human beings, so no one should be better than anyone thus meaning everything should be distributed equally and equitably which should be reflected economically, socially, educationally and with resources like land, minerals, and equity.

The land issue has been long overdue in South Africa, I strongly believe that now is the time for reformation to happen. I know the South African government has been trying to tackle this but in has been 27 years already we should be seeing results. All the Citizen of South Africa that needs to be given land mostly black South Africans to rectify the imbalances of the past injustices need to be given Land as this is their born South African right. This is to rectify the 400 years of an injustice systems that were implemented and maybe poverty will be eradicated as opposed to minority owning a bulk of the land in South Africa and majority of people are landless. This could be achieved by establishing commissions like Land Commission (which will deal with the land issue), Equality Workplace Commission (Ensuring that the Wealth GAP is closed & Poverty is eradicated) this are a few example of solutions that can be employed to get to the route of the problems.

Corruption can only thrive where there is greed and inequality in a situation where everybody is treated fairly as a human being with an allocation of land, minerals, and resources I doubt the plague of corruption will ever stand a chance in a society like that. I have questions that I continuously ask myself because I am self-aware and aware of what is going on around me. The questions are as follows:

·??????Why does racism still exist today and how do we eradicate this?

·??????Why are other strategic positions in bigger organizations reserved for others and what is the succession plan to occupy those positions?

·??????With this top high Wealth Inequality below what are we going to do about it?

high income inequality countries - Google Search

Top 10 Countries with the Highest Wealth Inequality (World Bank Gini index):

·??????South Africa - 63.0%

·??????Namibia - 59.1%

·??????Suriname - 57.9%

·??????Zambia - 57.1%

·??????Sao Tome and Principe - 56.3%

·??????Central African Republic - 56.2%

·??????Eswatini - 54.6%

·??????Mozambique - 54.0%

·??????What is the highest level of quality of education that can be taught globally to every race without any discrimination?

·??????Why is marrying other people from certain tribes is a problem?

Final Thoughts

I don’t think blaming foreign nationals for taking jobs, drug trafficking and taking out our frustration on them for the socio-economic crisis will help.?The Xenophobic issue is a complex problem but taking a tour through the history of Africa and the world will surely guide us to the right path and with solutions that can benefit us all to have a better future as South Africa. Surely, we can be an example to Africa and the world by tackling problems head-on.


