The Truth About Work
When you do what you love - the money and perks don't even come close to the genuine fulfillment we get from carrying out our true role in the world.
We're all here for a reason, and when we find out why - it's very exciting. This can happen at any point in life. And as long as you're on that path, you will feel a great sense of fulfillment.
Great examples include James Dyson who had 5,126 failed prototypes before getting his vacuum invention right. And Colonel Sanders who began franchising his chicken business using his $105 monthly Social Security check when he was 65. Today, Kentucky Fried Chicken operates more than 5,200 restaurants in the United States and more than 15,000 units around the world.
Elderly Not Retiring
I wanted to tell you about my neighbor who is officially a "retired" doctor for the last seven years. Lately I've seen him running off to catch flights to Greece every week. It turns out he was a big hospital administrator in his last role, and there is a tremendous demand for that exact expertise now. He told me the other day that apart from his customer (a colleague) in Greece who insisted he begin immediately - he has about 30 other hospitals waiting for him to visit. That number would be much higher if it included the hospitals in Russia that wanted to consult with him.
So I caught him getting into his car again the other day and told him how inspiring he is to be starting another career at his age - he must be 72. He told me it's actually his fourth career, but who's counting? Then he looked back at me with a really sneaky look in his eyes - literally how a five year old looks at you - and he said, "Josie I really love it". This is further proof of how amazing the new era is going to be where people will be really passionate about their work.
Even people who seem to have jobs that no one would want to do - the people who do them really enjoy it.
Even people who seem past their prime - could be just getting started.
Even people who seem to be quietly quitting and doing the bare minimum at the moment, just to get a paycheck - all that will change when we realize that being passionate about what we do is the greatest source of fulfillment in the world.