The Truth About Why I Quit My Job
I’m going to share the truth with you about why I quit my job. When I applied to University back in the late 80s I did so with the full and wholehearted intention of becoming a Clinical Forensic Psychologist. Wait, what?! Yup, it’s true. Growing up watching psychological thrillers, I became so fascinated by the darkness that pervades one’s psyche and the criminal mind. Even did my BA thesis on serial killing- a critical analysis of behaviour and personality! Not quite what you’d expect from the solopreneur behind Lighting The Path, is it? So let me tell you what happened in between…
What I Didn’t Do
First, I should mention I didn’t end up becoming a Clinical Forensic Psychologist. Between my 3rd and 4th year of university my father passed away and it changed the whole trajectory of my life. After getting my honours BA in psychology I started working as a primary care counsellor for federal offenders and decided that instead of running up more student debt and taking up more years in schooling that I would just “work my way upâ€. Turns out I didn’t like how things ran and decided to pursue a career in mental health instead. Only, I became disillusioned by the “system†yet again. It was a real eye-opener to work within the correctional, mental health, and social service systems and discover there was no “systemâ€. Instead it felt like we were systematically trying to keep people in a safe box without a true sense of independence or security. This was really difficult for me as I truly value autonomy, integrity and empathy. I entered into those professions because of that and wanted to make a real difference supporting those suffering from the effects of neglect, alienation, isolation and lack of support and resources to thrive. The goal of the places I worker for was really just to keep helping people get by. For over two decades, whether I was working with federal offenders, sole-support families, individuals with severe mental health issues, homelessness, addictions, domestic violence and other barriers, the trauma of becoming “dis-spirited†as I call it, needed to be tended to and no one was effectively doing that within the system, no matter how much they tried.
Defining Moment
It became apparent the counsellors and caseworkers were just as limited as the people we served, and I knew there had to be something more I could do to make a difference. I had a desire to thrive personally and professionally, and inspire and motivate those I came into contact with to join me on that journey.
First, I was to heal my own traumas (abusive marriage and significant loss in various forms), recover from compassion fatigue, and start connecting with people soul-to-soul rather than role-to-role. My first real step into that after leaving my home, husband and beloved pets was to attend a Wise Woman weekend where I met several energy workers and holistic practitioners and took part in may of their offerings. I went on to become a certified Master Integrated Energy Therapist, Reiki Drum Healer and Shamanic Practitioner myself. As I mentioned, what I do onto myself, I want share with others too so together we can all thrive. I continued to follow that calling for collective sharing and spoke to local audiences, wrote a book on the healing power of self-discovery, and led transformational workshops. This was alongside the healing practice I kept for 8 or 9 years.
Lighting The Path
Each step in this journey created my path and led to living my passion and purpose. It seems fitting to call my business “Lighting the Path†and have since become known as the, “Soul Illuminatorâ€. See when you consider pursuing your passion, you start recognizing what you came to pass on in this life time. In other words, when you break up with world “passion†it becomes “pass-I-onâ€. That “I†is your soul’s expression of what you came to “pass on†in this lifetime. This is something I help spiritual changemakers and purpose-driven entrepreneurs discover when they book an Inner Light Activation Call with me. I also love Speaking in panel discussions, or on podcasts and summits. It keeps the spirit of what I’m most passionate about alive. So much has inspired me along my journey (which of course continues to be a work in progress). As I continue to follow my calling, I now gather other Spiritual Changemakers from around the globe. We come together in a movement to Wake Up And Change The World. It has taken form of a global summit. This offers so much inspiration and support that just couldn’t be found while I was working in the so called “systemâ€.
Living Your Passion And Purpose
It’s time each and every one of us lives up to the potential we came here to experience.? Gather all the tools you need to truly thrive in this world and share them with others. If you want something more out of your life then grab your Free Guide to Living with Passion and Purpose. Start sharing your gifts with the world who needs your presence in their lives! If you are feeling stuck in your life or your business, step back to see the bigger picture. Remember what you were inspired and motivated by in the first place. Re-ignite that energy, Passion and spark you once had. Affect your own change and find the best way to make a difference NOW. Recognize it might not be the way you’ve done it in the past. It might not even be the best fit for how you are doing things now. Decide how you want to be in this world, and what kind of difference you want to make. Then do that.
Blog Contributor
Known as, “The Soul Illuminatorâ€, Jennifer Regular specializes in helping Thought Leaders, Creatives and Visionaries direct the life they live so they can create global impact. She is an Inspirational Speaker, Transformational Author, and Visionary of the Wake Up and Change the World Global Summit.
Jennifer also hosts the Awaken & Ascend Podcast offering valuable insights and resources for personal and spiritual growth. Subscribe to the podcast Https://Www.Youtube.Com/@Awakenandascend