I want everyone to see what the wannabe corporate criminals of Maddin, Hauser, Roth & Heller, PC and United Restoration Disaster Services are using now, to attempt to quiet me and circumvent the consequences of their crimes. See the attached, pathetic, half-assed motion to hold me in criminal contempt of court for speaking the truth of their crimes publicly, devised as a scare tactic with that the offenders hope to quiet me with.

Coward's Motion to Manipulate of Our Judicial System in an Attempt to Quiet Me and Escape the Consequemces of Their Crimes!Al8P5ZY49wu-0BDCGKMWmmndPtPi?e=1jGeCY

For background on their crimes, yet in a nutshell, their coup began with the false accusations of misuse of funds on my part. For reference, I created, owned and operated United Restoration Disaster Services at the time, on the foundation of integrity. This foundation has now been bastardized and my language plagiarized to enhance the profit margins of the company that was stolen from me and now operates as a boiler room of sorts, with which to fatten the offenders’ pocketbooks.

After blocking several boiler room tactics for additional profit by Patrick Stemmler, Kurt Siebenaller, CPA and Scott McKenna, and refusing to fire Patrick, Kurt convinced Patrick, a disabled vet barely able to manage his own affairs properly, of misuse of funds on my part, by doctoring documents that Patrick was incapable of understanding. Patrick, at the end of the day, is only concerned about his own self-interest and avoiding the ridicule of his wife, who had been making attempts to get into our company books since the onset of their relationship. Patrick never wanted to run a business or absorb the risk of doing so. He just wanted to be viewed as the owner and boss for bragging rights and to reap the benefits of it in his personal life. He was quite content with riding my coattails for the risk and effort it takes to make a business profitable, but suffered a crushed ego because he wasn’t capable of managing the duties it would require to name him CEO.

CEO was a position that I maintained against my desire to manage that responsibility. My plan was to build the company for Patrick and exit. It was always my intent to segue back into the entertainment industry. When I discovered how incapable Patrick was in regard to the running of a business at the magnitude, social responsibility and complexity level of which I had built United Restoration Disaster Services to, I knew that this would be impossible.

During the pandemic, URDS acquired debt from Patrick’s co-conspirators, Kurt and Scott. After acquiring the debt, I ethically felt personally responsible for it because of Patrick’s inability to manage and make the company profitable, so I stayed on as CEO against my own self-interest. For the record, I maintained the lowest salary in the company, alongside Patrick, who was undeserving of any salary that matched mine, but there I stayed until the company was extorted from me.

When Kurt proposed the possibility of Patrick being named CEO and offered the other co-conspirators, John Pipkin, Lucas Adamas, Leilani McClure, Tim Kemp , Jimmy Pollard , Matthew Golden and Quinn Nicholson small percentages of ownership, they went along with the false accusations of misuse of funds on my part, even after it was proven, unequivocally, and with hardly any effort, that misuse of funds never happened. In fact, the only true misuse of funds was by Patrick and John Pipkin via the guidance of Kurt Siebenaller. Kurt did this to drive the company into a cash flow crunch with which to stage his false accusations. I have all of this documented.

When Kurt, Patrick and Scott couldn't prove misuse of funds to push me out, they employed the services of Maddin Hauser's, Jordan Segal to falsify a resignation on my part, got Patrick to sign a bank document saying he was 100% owner and used the false resignation, coupled with the falsified document, to defraud 美国银行 into removing me from my account.

The first accusations for misuse of funds were in late January, early February of 2022. During that time, oblivious to the conspiracy, I acquired a $50,000.00 cash loan to compensate for the, what I later found out to be, orchestrated cash flow crunch. It wasn’t until a month later, when I found out that the office we were moving into didn’t include an office for me, the CEO and owner, I started compiling evidence.

After their accusations of misuse of funds were proven false, I received a letter from their representation, which I had no idea they’d hired, stating that my resignation was accepted. I never resigned. I have proof of this also. I received this document on March 3rd, I believe. I have the document, but these cowards are not worth my referencing it at this particular juncture for accuracy. I will present it publicly when called upon to do so.

Regardless, upon receiving the document, I immediately, in handwriting on the same document, sent an email to the conspirators through Jordan Segal at Maddin Hauser, stating my position in the company and disavowing any false statement of resignation. I believe that was dated March 3rd.

URDS and Maddin Hauser commenced with defrauding Bank of America on March 6th. When I called Bank of America on March 7th, 2022, to contest false fraud disputes that Kurt and Patrick were filing at Bank of America Business , I learned I was no longer on my accounts; accounts that were started by me, attached to my social security number and that Patrick and everyone else were ghosts or completely non-existent on. My dates may be off slightly, but again, it’s not worth my time to reference right now. The cowards have a staff. I don’t.

The bank fraud gave URDS and Maddin Hauser carte blanche to steal my assets, my salary, my benefits and destroy my personal credit worse than having to carry Patrick’s slack had. Once the felony of bank fraud was committed by URDS and Maddin Hauser, all of my email addresses stolen and all company passwords, I was unable to perform my duties as CEO and pushed out of the physical office space. I acted as Chief Executive/Emergency Officer from home, until I was forced, under duress, to sign an ambiguous, frivolous and abusive settlement agreement.

In my absence, and even prior, unbeknownst to me, the co-conspirators launched rumors to the people closest to me affiliated with the company of a meth addiction that never existed, nor one that I’ve experienced personally to date, along with accusations of embezzlement. I actually laughed at the start of the rumor mill when it came from my children’s mother in November of 2021. She told me and will testify that Patrick had told a source close to her of the non-existent meth addiction and of my imaginary embezzling of funds; funds from my own company. She told me that he attempted to coerce her source into talking me into stepping down.

My integrity would not allow me to slip into the criminal mindset I was up against at that time, and I brushed it off as the incoherent rumblings of a man desperately desiring the title and status I held in the company. I was incapable of recognizing the conspiracy. The accusations were so false and grounded in fantasy, that I chose not to give them any merit or validate them.

Their rumors of a meth addiction centered on my philanthropy to the recovery community, which was a byproduct of my own mental health recovery journey with PTSD. This journey led me to becoming a deep study on trauma. Part of healing trauma, any type of compulsion or mental condition, once on the healing side of it, is to give back to those still suffering, in an effort to alleviate suffering. They manipulated my condition and philanthropy in the field of recovery by spreading rumors to contractors and my children’s mother, and other family members and friends, of a relapse to a drug that was never an issue to begin with, nor is to this day.

My outwardly manifested emotional flashbacks involved alcohol, not methamphetamines, the drug of choice for John Pipkin, one of the co-conspirators who broke and went public with his accusations of meth use, homophobic slurs and metal health disparaging venom, as the direct result of my public sharing of their crimes. I have everything documented on John’s part, as well as Kurt and Patrick’s. Add misogyny to homophobia, false accusations of drug use, political discrimination and theft to the dialog I have documented of Kurt and Patrick’s.

In essence, the perpetrators at URDS manufactured the rumors of a relapse into my emotional flashbacks of PTSD to scare and disconnect my loved ones, friends and colleagues from me. I have several documented incidents where Kurt, who was blaming the initial accusations of misuse of funds on Patrick, while playing mediator, would offer to show up to "shake my hand and look me in the eyes man to man,” which is ridiculous to begin with when only one real man would have been present: myself.

In truth Kurt was showing up to see if I had succumbed to their financial duress tactics, which prevented me from hiring representation to defend myself from their crimes and robbed me of my ability to provide for my family. The perpetrators had detailed and intimate and nuanced information regarding my mental condition, my corresponding journey to heal and the modalities of healing I employed to rise above the condition. They knew that my drive to provide for my children was the leading modality of healing. Once they effectively stripped my ability to provide, the “wellness” checks on Kurt’s part, and the faux check-ins by other co-conspirators, Scott McKenna ensued. I also started receiving faux check-ins from Rhys Wyn Trenhaile and Jay Lutsch of the Canadian companies, Avakai and Walkerville Capital, professing feigned concern for issues and hard times that I was supposedly experiencing, such as alleged debts to drug dealers and problems with addiction. I was oblivious at the time of the extent of the rumors the perpetrators at URDS had manufactured.

It is around this time when I became fully aware of the extent to which URDS had tortuously interfered with my Canadian venture and allowed for the Canadians to justify stealing the money I had invested into their companies while CEO of URDS. As one of the financial duress tactics after the bank fraud had been committed, Patrick absolved himself and URDS from the Canadian investments, which seemed crazy to me. They were money makers. After Patrick removed URDS from the investment, while I was still acting CEO and owner of URDS, I committed to taking the investment over personally, to which the Canadian parties agreed. I have all of this documented.

The number one tenet to the ambiguous, frivolous and abusive settlement agreement that I was forced to sign under duress, with no representation, as the direct result of the bank fraud and financial duress crimes committed against me, was that URDS would not intervene in of my business ventures. I recognized Maddin Hauser’s semantic acrobats around this tenet in their “settlement agreement.” I pointed it out prior to my signing under duress and stated that I was only signing under the agreement that the language would be altered and that we understood implicitly the number one tenet; that they refrain from interfering with my deal in Canada. I have all of this documented in detail as well.

Less than a week after I was forced to sign the “settlement agreement” under duress, Patrick and Scotte McKenna used the transfer of ownership document to claim ownership of my investments in Canada, which prompted Rhys Trenhaile and Jay Lutsch to move forward in theft under the delusion that they could legally refrain from returning the investment funds to me, despite the fact that this non-sensical transfer of ownership document stated nothing to the effect that URDS had any right to the investment that Patrick had absolved he and the company from before my departure. When the faux calls of concern started, I realized that the Canadians were colluding with URDS and possibly Maddin Hauser.

In the past, all of the above tactics used by URDS and Maddin Hauser to break me would have had potentially fatal consequences. They knew that my son, at the time of their conspiracy, had attempted suicide. They knew I was performing 24-hour supervision duties over my son after his release from the hospital, and involved in intensive outpatient therapy with him. They knew he was diagnosed with Autism Spectrum Disorder. They knew that his first foray into independence for himself was his bus ride to and from school. They knew that they disrupted this modality of healing for him, to the point where, when we lost the house at the hands of their crimes and greed, his solution to maintaining this very necessary routine for a person with Autism was to get dropped off at the same bus stop by the house we lost and sit on the porch until his mom picked him up for school every day,. Obviously, he wasn’t able to sit on a stranger’s porch, but his mom lost out on hours of her work when I lost my vehicle at the hands of their crimes, and she was forced to pick him up at that same bus stop daily, in the name of maintaining his independence and that particular modality of healing. They knew this and instead of stepping into the integrity I was offering, they doubled down on their court theatrics in an effort to break us all. Still, we rise.

Cowards and broken men such as this don't believe that real healing is possible because they don't have the capacity to see outside of their own selfish motivations and the imprisonment of their character defects. They project themselves onto others with integrity, me and my family in this case, and assume that, where they would have caved, we would have done the same. That was their fatal miscalculation.

Only the selfish and greed-driven chose to believe their lies in the name of their individual self-interest. My kids and their mother chose to pick up my slack while I embarked on a journey to defend myself and hold the cowards accountable, which ultimately left me homeless, as a direct result of their defaming, disparaging, tortuous interference of contracts, infringement, mental health abuse, manipulation, lies, coercion and bank fraud, which allowed for all of their financial duress tactics to be carried out effectively. Yet here I am still standing, and I will continue to roar my truth from the mountaintop, chest puffed out and held high, until I’m placed six feet under. I told them, if they wanted my truth, they would have to pry it from my cold dead hands. They better get to killing me if they don’t the world to know of their manipulation of our judicial system for the purposes of walking away from their crimes unscathed, because it will take literal death to gag me from speaking the truth.

There is no beacon of the Declaration of Independence, nor our Constitution that should allow for these abusers and the offenders to carry out their crimes and walk away unscathed. To that extent, any system that would punish a person for simply speaking the truth in defense of oneself, should be viewed immediately as a detractor of the very foundation of our judicial system, truth, justice and liberty for all. The world will soon know of the Troy Police Department - Troy, Michigan turning a blind eye to the crimes committed for that sake a saving itself extensive paperwork, and of Oakland County Prosecutor’s Office Karen McDonald and Oakland County, Michigan Government County Executive David Coulter’s commission of the same, unless they opt to alter their path and do their job, for the people, by the people. Bank of America was defrauded to allow the perpetrators to carry their crimes, which makes Bank of America liable for the damages inflicted upon me and my family. With the extremely deep pockets of this financial institution nipping at the heels of all of the aforementioned, maybe they’ll change their tunes.

If I had not put the effort into my healing, for the sake of my children, prior to these offenses, I probably would not be alive to write this today. Still, I rise.

I want everyone to see their most recent pathetic attempt to manipulate our judicial system and quiet me in the attached court document, filed yesterday. me. Notice that they are attempting to use, after all other methods to prove their accusations of bank fraud failed, a BP gas card as a feeble method to support their frivolous and abusive legal theatrics.

I was the CEO and owner of the company with a $50,000.00 spending threshold, which I never even came close to reaching at any given point throughout my history owning and acting as CEO of the company. Even if that BP card weren't often used as a community card for contractors and salespeople, and Patrick, who was using his company truck as a means to fund his startup dog food company with his wife and would use the card for repairs and maintenance on the truck when he would max his BP card out for the same, there would still be no merit to their claim.

It's sad that taxpayer dollars and a genuinely fair, truth, liberty and justice for all proponent such as the Honorable Judge Michael Warren has to waste time and money with such nonsense.

The slimy legal theatrics that URDS and Maddin Hauser are using to manipulate the system in commission of their crimes and to avoid prosecution, and the drive of a corporate by-law, technicality imbued system to push their crimes into a civil arena where truth goes to the highest bidder, is mirror image to the corporate abuses all Americans suffer today, which has all but stripped us of our unalienable right to life,liberty and the pursuit of happiness.

The theft of our creator given rights has been carried out at the behest of such institutions as the Military Industrial Complex, Central Banks, Big Pharma and big insurance, then emulated by small fries such as Maddin Hauser, URDS, Walkerville Capital and Avakai. These oligarchical conglomerates and their copycats, which have formed the corporatocracy and have imposed tyranny upon the foundation of our country and its judicial system must be stopped, by any means necessary.

This vile Corporatocracy has created the curriculum that teaches our young attorneys, judges and civil servants that their bylaws and technicalities are actual law, when in truth they stand in the direct antithesis to truth, justice and liberty for all, the very foundation of our system and the fabric of our country and the global population at large. The abuse of the populous at the behest of corporate greed is a daily occurrence that will no longer be tolerated. on a daily basis. It is, in fact, a global epidemic and, through this case and others like it nationwide, it will meet its makers.

At the microcosm, URDS and Maddin Hauser represent and are emblematic of the macro level offenders who are currently desecrating our declaration of independence and Constitution into oblivion. They are in fact the proximate cause of the newly imposed draft which will usher our current generation of innocent young adults into global conflict and certain death under the rule of a new police state.

Our children will not be sacrificial lambs for the sake of their greed. That is what the cowards of URDS, Maddin Hauser, Walkerville Capital and Avakai represent worldwide and that is why we must ban together, local government and all people of all races, creeds, socio-economic classes, religions, secular and non-secular, of all sexual orientations, of all genders, and self-sovereign beings known and yet to be discovered, to stop offenders at all levels of oppression. That is what these offenders represent and that is why my children and I, and the community that came to our rescue when we chose to reject the hush money and fight, despite becoming homeless, and in the face of every other abuse we became subject to at the hands of their greed. It is why we opted to stand our ground in the name of truth, justice and liberty for all.

Today, and from this point forward, when faced with such abuse directly, or when, as a public servant, presented with an opportunity to stop it, we will stand in the face of adversity to do just that. This is our pledge, our manifesto. This is We The People- NTWR, a union of the people who know their value and aren’t afraid to take their value away from those who choose manipulate and abuse it for their own selfish agendas.

We are a union of the people, for the people, by the people, performing a rescue mission for the good civil servants who have been engulfed by the greed-driven illusion of the two-party system.

We are We The People, No Taxation Without Representation. No Violence, no division, no two-party system, standing united to remove the profit from politics. That process starts today with a system-imposed accountability on those, such as the offenders listed, who have chosen to manipulate the fabric of the foundation of the country so many have died to birth forth yet was stopped dead in its tracks by the same greed that these men emulate.

The beginning of the end of such abuses stops today when our civil servants step forward and do their jobs. Your move City of Troy (Michigan) , Karen McDonald, David Coulter and Dana Nessel . Judge Warren has already done his part and I’m confident will continue to do so. It’s your move. Don’t blow it.

Vince Orlando

We The People NTWR

(no taxation without representation)

#noviolence #nodivision #notwopartysystem


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