The Truth Is Weirder Than Any Fiction I've Seen
"Truth is stranger than fiction, but it is because fiction is obliged to stick to possibilities; Truth isn't." ~ Mark Twain
Medium: Mixed media on canvas, signed by the artist
Edition: Unique
Year: 2015
Size: 120.0cm x 75.0cm x 4.0cm
Arty-Fact: The Connor Brothers aren’t actually brothers at all. British artists James Golding and Mike Snelle came up with the pseudonym as a way to work anonymously. Mike had suffered from suicidal feelings all his life, and James was a former heroin addict; the two art dealers started working together on their own projects as a form of therapy. They exposed their real identities in 2014 so they could undertake more ambitious projects. And the rest, as they say, is history.?
Source: "Any advice?" "Don't take crack." Talking mental health with the Connor Brothers, Square Mile, 2018