Truth of True Love Verses Fake love! "GOD I LOVE!"

Truth of True Love Verses Fake love! "GOD I LOVE!"

Truly The Goodness of God, He is running after us each, He knows the moment of our birth and He knows the moment of our human natural death; He is the giver of Life, His Breaths are numbered by Himself for each and everyone of us.

Truly His Goodness and Mercy, does He continue sending after us each. Although He knows of each breath given, we do not know, so because of His Loving kindness and mercy of loving us each even before we ever knew Him, of Him, because of Him we individually live and have been given life.

Life to cherish, to acknowledge The Goodness, and Loving Kindness after us each, we each desire Love, Longing for Love, with each breath given into us.

Time continues moving onward, for us each, while time itself rules not over God, and His seeking and calling out and after us each.

Calling out to us, even from within us each, because truly God is within all things ever created, including every human person who ever has lived, even until the last birth of a human persons is born.

Somewhere along our lives, all of the things and stuff of this world and this life, has clouded our hearts, souls, minds, and seems to drain our strength daily, if we continue forgetting truly what life itself is all about and just how precious life is, each breath valued and never to be wasted.

Somewhere along our lives, we ourselves have forgotten the true fact of the entire reason for life itself being created: “In Order to simply Love God, and Love each Other.

Forgotten that truly life is here one moment and gone the very next, that every moment in our very own allowed breaths from God, is truly a privilege with every breath to Love, Love God and Love People.

In our very own individual stillness, of our own inner most being, Love abides, Love calls out to us, Love follows us all of the days of our lives, Love never fails, nor does it ever die, because surly Love is calling out to us each, with our own every breath, Love abides, calling out our name, and running after us each.

There truly is nothing in this life, not school, not work, not anything else, more valuable than the very Love of God, running after us each, with every breath, calling out to us, to Love, “Love,” and to Love one another. “God is Love!”

“A not so softly spoken Word, but still possibly the very most powerful redeeming one IN the Word of God!”

“It remains not too late; for those with breath still in their lungs, the hour and seconds are turly, drawing ever so nearer!” “For us each.”

“The sound of the enemy is everywhere, yet where is the sound of the Righteous “IN” Christ Jesus?”

“The true sounding?” Where are the shouts from the mountain tops of both heaven and earth, where the Lord has placed His Own that the winds not of Himself can-not touch?”

“Where are you, where am I?”

“You” can only decide, as also, can only I!”

Decide after Love, Love that is running after us each, decide to simply surrender to Love, let Love abide from within us each, “On Purpose,” with every new breath given to us each.

Not in the ways of teachings of man, nor the some here and some there; the Truth of sin and repentance of the followers who have been taught and allowed to remain and even become the seating stones as plants within their accepted man created religions and false fantasy gods, created to worship the creation rather than to worship and Love, Love Himself. “God Is Love!”

Abominations against God, laughing at God, playing games with God, writing laws against God and His direction, His Word! In the open before ALL mankind, while mankind themselves have and continue to hide from or believe they are hiding from God Himself!

The evilness standing in so many of the places of Holiness, with God’s directions truly rejected and not spoken about in the openness of so many of the man-made temples any longer!

The enemy ramping everywhere, and where are the men and women of God? Where have you hidden yourselves? In the middle of the debates concerning God Himself; in the stillness of fear of man and of governments of man!

Exchanging Love “GOD,” and “LOVE” of people, for the simply offerings of all which truly is not “True Love,” at all; proving that man’s love, is not what they have com to call it at all, “love is Love.”

Joining closely and allowing without a lifted hand nor a spoken word against these such abominations against God any longer! Where are you O temples made by God; where is God’s Word alive within you? Have you lost your will and faith in your God, in LOVE? God has not ever lost not even one He has called by name, no not one!

John 17:

Forever “NOW” and forevermore; the prayer of The Lord Jesus Christ, spoken from and out of the mouth of the Savior Himself, to Himself, yet towards and for ALL mankind! His Love who He truly is “LOVE.”

The enemy of God is sharp in deception, and the allowances of the leaders in their own lessen acceptances in order to remain hidden in the shadows of their own makings because of their separations from ALL of the Word of God; allowing a lesser much un powerful, un valued, false word mixed with human doctrine (s), allowing the buddy systems of the leadership of man’s church’s, to become much more important over that of God’s relegations and revealing of Himself in and through the Word of God! Jesus Christ! “God who remains Love.”

On every street corner many have become faithful to the leaders of the man-made buildings and leaders, because the teaching over many years within that building and many others building on street corners, in areas and regions and locations have become but seating places powerless and truly disconnected out of God’s Word which is the revealing of Gods Almighty Power and the acceptance and performance of God’s Holy Spirit performance over that of man!

Waiting upon God to do and provide, that in which God has already done and provided the Way, Truth and Life! Jesus Christ!

Because of man’s own partial acceptance and performance in operating with all that God has already provided the continued disconnecting is what remains. Bringing about deception at its best!

Giving the false and fake fantasy imagine of love, un valued totally, it simply is but false throwaway love, which is no longer True Love at All.

Where is the voice of God, being released in these latter days; I hear but stillness because the doors and the wills of the leaders have become greater worshiped and desired over that of the entire Word of God in His Way of Truth of Life!

Where are the parts about equipping the saints for battle in spiritual warfare over human warfare?

Where is the teaching against “ALL,” that is against God’s Word?

Soft spoken words become the years and decades and generational cures of man’s and leader’s acceptances and teaching to ALL others?

Even their turning and lying that individuals can be whatsoever they so desire to be.

That none should a fend another who are living and longing after the very things and ways which leads them to false and fake, un-valued man’s love and loving ways, which are not True Love at all any longer.

Gods will is that none should parish and His Word has never changed nor lost any of God’s Almighty Power and True Love, of and over ALL creation!

Man has changed and man has allowed deception of fear and loss of self profits to become the seasons acceptances over the never changing Word of the Almighty!

“Awaken with this breath, awaken into The True Love, which has followed after you in every God given breath to us each.”

“Awaken into Ture Love, and restore within yourselves, the Love of God, The Love after God, before and above all else.”

“Return and surrender to God’s Love running after you and I all the days of this life.”






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