Truth Be Told… Gratitude, Thanksgiving and Acknowledgements
Nakia Franklin
Professional Speaker, Live Events Moderator, & Owner at B.7.A.V.E. Manifestations, LLC.; Producer, Host and Creative Content Director & Writer, Reentry Expert, Professionals Who are Single & Mother Podcasting
As a Professional Woman, who is Single and a Mother, it can be challenging to have and show gratitude for the experiences of the moment, day, week, month and year. As a Single Mother it is clear parenting never stops and even when we need a moment to step back, pause, breath and recover for the next moment life has to offer, those moments can be far and few in-between. Even celebrating those milestone moments can seem like a daunting challenge that can feel like “another thing to do”. And… we should acknowledge even those moments and take a pause, show Gratitude, Thanksgiving and Acknowledge that space.
To be clear, being a mother is the most amazing experience AND that often is never the issue. What occurs when mothering is all the responsibilities that come along with parenting as a single woman. These moments can “feel like” a mountain of “things to do, places to be and task to complete”, ongoing and never ending. So, gratitude is not always your first thought and can be often overlooked or overshadowed by the next item on the “things-to-do list”. Having the “all so important” schedule, structure, cooperations and support of your children (if of age) and others, and a respect and understanding for your individual reality can make a difference in the ability to show gratitude even to yourself. Why show Gratitude to yourself? Because you made it through another moment, alive, healthy and with your mental and emotional capacities intact.
Times can seem like a blur if there is a lack of organization, structure, and routines in place because life “happens”, and it can often be completely out of our control. I could argue that “people who are not
Professional Women, who are Single and Mothers…” may have no clue what it is like AND I could be completely wrong with this perception. ?Think about it and know that everyone is allowed to have their own perceptions and it does not mean that it is true. The perceived perception of what society (those not sharing a space with you) has about your ability to be a Professional and Single Mother can be totally wrong and baseless because they are not you. How could they know? They have never walked a day in your shoes. ?
And you should never try to prove to someone your worth, worthiness and abilities unless you “choose” to do so and it is a direct benefit to you achieving your ultimate goals, passions, and pursuits as a Professional, and a Woman who happens to be Single and a Mother. Let this be YOUR CHOICE and make it POWERFULLY! What is beautiful is when you can show Gratitude even through the most challenging times, the tough times and the “God keep me moments” and come out on the other side knowing that you did your best with what you understood, knew, had available to you, and had access to.
I would recommend that you start with Gratitude being shown towards yourself as that Professional, who is Single and a Mother before anyone else. Fill your own cup and allow it to overflow and when you find consistency in this, show Thanksgiving for what God allowed you to “grow” through. See, parenting is a growth experience. As a Single Mother who just so happens to be a Professional, you can discover first that this experience can be the training ground for all things life has to offer. That this is not limited to “being a parent” and are transferrable skills that support you in relationships, business, leadership, team building, collaborations, cooperation, time management, multi-tasking, coaching, listening attentively, actively, and intentionally, and having compassion, empathy and even sympathy as needed.
You… as a Single Mother, who happens to be a Professional IS an asset, a jewel, a diamond that was not frequently polished and may have been overlooked. See, because of the dust collected, the tarnished look and the black soot from the coal and cloud of experiences that may have allowed you, your true value and substance to be overlooked and devalued has possibly been the cause of YOU forgetting your own Value, Substance and Worth as an asset to anyone. ?Even yourself… Take a moment here to reflect on how your children look upon you for guidance, reassurance, help and comfort in knowing everything will work out…. Now consider for yourself, how your look unto the Heavens for God to do the same.
I make this plea to you as a fellow Professional, who is Single and a Mother. Do not allow these things to stop you from showing Gratitude and Thanksgiving for all that you have overcome and arose from. Recall the saying “what is ones trash, is always someone else’s treasure” and in due time and due season, you will be re-discovered, gently cleaned, polished and place in your rightful place to be seen as the rays from Heaven fall upon your beauty, greatness, gifts, talents, and blessings. Continue to show Thanksgiving to God for keeping you, covering you, carrying you and growing you. As He purges the old and fills you with the new and when you are ready you will see your greatness first in the mirror before the world has the experience of who you are purposed to be. In this space give Gratitude to God, have Thanksgiving for the Grace and Mercies given and Acknowledge who you “were” and how you had to be that supported your grown process into becoming who you “ARE” today.
Show Gratitude, Thanksgiving and Acknowledgements for those conversations that are often hard to have, difficult to acknowledge and unforgiving in the eyes of “society” due to the differences of experiences and opinions. If this moment resonated with you, join the conversation, and allow me to read your thoughts on this. I value your “opinions, view and perceptions” which are not up for debate and are simply your perceptions on this. ?As my 1st article, if you would like to read more, I would love to know that as well. Stay tuned for more B7āVE Conversations that Empower the Professional who is Single and a Mother with Nakia Franklin.