The TRUTH of Success
How do you define success? In terms of what you set out to do, what is expected of you to do, or some other standard to which you adhere. I believe that it may usually be some combination of all these. It comes down to allowing yourself to ask and answer some key questions.
First, what values and principles are most important to you? We need a baseline in our lives from which to establish priorities. They can change but tend to remain close to what our long-term goals may be. Without, how can we make decisions or choose between different options. We establish these values to “ground” us and to keep important things in our life right in front of us as other things demand our attention.
Second, can we identify a time in our lives when we felt most fulfilled or successful. Why? What contributed to these fillings? They tend to create patterns or to identify trends in what we are doing. Benchmarks or signposts that help us know we are on the right track with our life. Motivators or emotions are a large part of these. Understanding what they are helps us to better know ourselves.
Third, who do we hope to become or, perhaps, what? What do we want to be known for, what will be our legacy? Integrity is essential to this point. Our success is rooted in being the same person when we are alone as we are with others. It is closely aligned with being genuine, honest, and open. Another measure might be if we are the type of person we would like to associate with.
Next, our success is based upon what we contribute; the “mark” we leave. Do we make a positive impression and leave the world a little better. Do we use the opportunities we are given to help make things better.
Fifth, in what ways does success look different in different parts of our lives? Is there one area that is more important to us than the others? Success is defined differently by everyone, so this is a great question to think about. What is it that makes you different and want different things?
Finally, how do we measure progress, how do we know if we are moving in the right direction, getting closer, or even if we have arrived? Success is not always consistent, nor can everything be measured in the same way. We may take several steps forward, a couple back, and arrive in the middle of the night when no one is looking. The TRUTH is, it is unlikely that we will ever arrive.
The TRUTH is that sometimes, we realize we aren't sure what we want. Maybe we discover that we've absorbed someone else's definition of success and don't have one of our own. It could be that when we are very clear about what we want, we aren't sure we're comfortable with how it sounds.
As I have aged, success has become considerably different for me than when I was younger. At one point it was all about career and family, community, and relationships. I don’t care as much about what others think or say. The most important thing is if I am true to myself and the people I care most about. Yes, I still have certain ambitions and goals, but they are now seen in a much larger context created by experience.
Regardless of where you find yourself in life, it's essential to set aside a few moments at the end of each day to evaluate and ponder the achievements you made that day. By cultivating this habit, you pave the way for a lifetime of success.