The truth will set you free
Willie Wolf M.P.A
Training and consultation to help your organization go from good to great
The pain of one is the pain of all, the honor of one is the honor of all
A few days ago my wife and I watched the documentary on hulu/national geographic called Sugarcane which is about the unmarked graves of Native children they found in Canada a few years ago. This is one of the most powerful films I have ever seen on the Native boarding school syndrome. The picture you see above is from one of the sites where they found 751 unmarked graves at one school in Saskatchewan. I did not go to a boarding school myself but my mother and my grandmother did from the time they were six until they were 18. The same for my wife's family.
This film depicts the horror as shared from victims of the Catholic boarding school they attended. Some were private religious schools and others went to government schools. There were about 139 in Canada and close to 450 here in the United States. The goal was to assimilate and acculturate our children and "civilize" our children so they can be more successful in the dominant society. It did the opposite. Many of us have been exposed to the multigenerational trauma that has been passed down to us. Dr. Maria Braveheart states that the source of all our trauma in Indian country comes from the boarding school experience and certainly agree with that.
This was produced by our own people which makes a huge difference. They also show the beauty of the culture and end with a message of hope and forgiveness. I would strongly recommend this film to anyo!ne who wants to know more about one of the most painful chapters in our history.
Mitakuye Oyasin All my relations!