The Truth Regarding Burnout & You
Scott Lesnick, Certified Speaking Professional
Energizing leaders and organizations to deliver exceptional results by providing strategies for Change Management, Resilience, Connecting 5 Generations and Positive Culture | Keynote Speaker | Author | TEDx Presenter
There are many stages of burnout, and I have experienced some. As an entrepreneur, my professional speaking business is good. But, behind the scenes are moments of despair, burnout and exhaustion. From feeling like an imposter to questioning if I have the grit to hang in there. In the beginning, I almost quit. I’m happy I didn’t.
I am saddened at the stories people tell me about their workplace burnout. I fully expected to hear many folks who had twenty plus years lamenting about their challenges. What surprised me the most is that I heard this from people in their 20s & 30s.
The highest level of burnout can be described as passing out, collapsing from exhaustion. This is critical and must be dealt with simply for one’s survival.
After presenting at a national conference, Sheryl confided in me that she chooses to do 2-3 jobs at the company that employees her, “works way too many hours” and can not stop. This is a huge problem that a therapist would need to help with. I simply listened, offered up some layman’s advice when asked and felt terrible for her self-inflicted wounds.
The lowest level is often described as having a strong need to prove yourself. This, in of itself is fine, but not kept in check, can lead to degrees of burnout.
If you are reading this and nodding your head with regards to burnout hang in there because I’ll leave you with some sweet banish burnout tips!
Conference attendees confide in me by sharing their burnout challenges. From taking work home too often to feeling angry, depressed and even substance abuse. I didn’t ask the substance types, but the word “abuse” certainly concerned me.
Reasons for Burnout
Today’s workplace leaders must take a hands-on approach to employee well-being, stress reduction and lowering burnout. Some reasons include:
1-Days off of work
2-Retention struggles
3-Extra work for staff
4-Sick leave
5- Cost of replacing staff in time and money
Strategies to Help Burnout
Strategies to help include:
Leadership being openly supportive
Listening well to employee concerns
Paid day off as needed
Actively working with individuals facing burnout and coming up with a tailor-made plan is essential. I’m here to tell you that the workforce is acutely aware of burnout and will take matters into their own hands. This lowers productivity, creates more sick days, increases mental/emotional issues and more.
Challenges for those Under 40
But I made it through, I survived so why can’t they?
We’re all different. And, if you’re under 40 years old you are working from a different playbook. One that places a huge emphasis on employee well-being. This is a good thing, and you will not be successful at diminishing it because Gen Z (passing up Boomers) and Millennials are, by far, the largest generations in the workplace.
They demand we pay attention to this and it’s good for business! Yep, the bottom line gets a boost when leaders at the top hold individual cases of burnout, well-being and mental/emotional issues as a priority.
Employee burnout directly impacts an organization’s financial health in several ways. The World Health Organization (WHO)?officially recognized burnout?as an occupational phenomenon in 2019, highlighting its global relevance.
We care more about employees today than ever. The pandemic showed us many things with regards to the workplace. We learned that we could be productive and work remote or hybrid. We stressed less and were less burned out because we had control of our time. This established a harmony between work/life.
How about you? Are you feeling burnt out? Do you need to step back, recharge and take time for yourself? It’s a conscious decision because it requires strength to back off and replenish.
Have you dealt with burnout as an employee or leaders? I’d love to hear what you did to work through it or help others.
Feel free to reach out at [email protected]
Scott Lesnick
Scott Lesnick is a global leadership keynote speaker. He presents powerful keynotes and interactive training sessions at 50+ events a year and is a consultant and author.
Also, Scott earned his CSP- Certified Speaking Professional from the National Speakers Association. Only 12% of speakers world-wide have this designation! Scott is also a Certified Virtual Presenter.
In addition, Scott spent 24 award-winning years at Shaw Industries, a Berkshire Hathaway Fortune 500 company, leading sales and management teams.
Scott recently presented at TEDx. And, he’s run the equivalent of 2X around the planet. That’s 50,000 miles!
Learn more at or call Scott at 414-507-8008.