The TRUTH is that it is the quality of our thoughts that creates the quality of our life.
TRUTH…the thoughts you think and the words you say become the life that you live and the reality you experience. You have the power to become anything you want to be, but what is holding you back. Elevate your thinking by reminding yourself who you are and what you want to become.
So much of our lives are controlled by others and how they project themselves onto us. They push us down so they can elevate themselves. They puff themselves up through their negative attitudes toward others. They set themselves apart by trying to prove their superiority over you. And we let them.
The world is not much better. Everywhere we turn we are faced by negative thoughts and circumstances. We are told that we are on the brink of a world war, economic disaster, global warming, terrorism, and all sorts of other disasters. There is, of course, reality in this that we must face, but is the solution negative thinking?
Hope is an answer we must seek, but hope is not obtained through positive thinking alone. Hope is generated when we hear encouragement. Hope is only accomplished when it is shared with others who need to hear your messages of encouragement. Even in the most desperation of situations hope can make a difference. Your words can make a difference.
Jennice Vilhauer Ph.D., in her publication Living Forward, puts it this way –“ There are three buckets in life—things we control, things we influence, and things over which we have no control.
What is not under our control are the many random events of life. The families we were born into, earthquakes, pandemics, illness, job layoffs, the death of loved ones, fires, and car accidents, to name a few. These are circumstances that we experience and events that we are aware of.
We influence other living things with our actions. If you walk into a room, see a stranger sitting there, and decide to slap them in the face, that person will surely respond differently than if you had instead smiled. But you don’t determine how that person responds. That person could decide to run away, turn the other cheek, or slap you back.
What we control, and where we really start to create our reality, is in how we perceive/interpret/think about the events in our life that generate our feelings about those events, and how we subsequently respond with our behavior. No one can choose your thoughts or actions; those are yours alone (my emphasis).”
This is a long quote, but I think she does a great job of capturing the meaning. It takes so little to form our thoughts and determine our direction in life. We live in a world of thoughts. Our thoughts create our experiences, and thus, we experience what we think. It is the quality of our thoughts, then, that creates the quality of our life.?When we’re unhappy where we are in life, we seek to create change.