Rhed Guans
Inventor of WWC Probiotics at WWC Foods Inc - More than 200 probiotic products that work- Fast, Safe, Effective!
There are thousands and one probiotic products flooding the market to date and people are having a hard time to determine which of the products can help them the most particularly those with grave problematic healths. There are also thousands of claims about these products which most of the time were just empty rhetoric of the makers or manufacturers. How then can one pick the right probiotic which can give him the needed effect he wanted most especially for his problematic health condition? ARE ALL PROBIOTIC PRODUCTS ABLE OF DOING THE WONDERS WHICH MAYBE ONE PROBIOTICS PRODUCT HAVE PROVEN AND CLAIMED? Take for example Cancer. Can probiotics defeat cancer? The answer is yes. Can all probiotics defeat cancer? – the answer is NO. Which one of the many brands, kinds, types or probiotic products can help defeat this disease? This is the hardest part to answer, but maybe you can have a better direction based on the following.
Generally there are two groups of probiotics - Group 1 – those that were designed to be ingested, can help digestion and metabolized by the body like food. These are your Yakult, Yogurt, probiotics in drinks,in foods in juices and vegetables, etc. Group 2 – those when ingested will continue to survive, cling in the crevices and live inside the body. This group kills and defeats bad and disease causing microorganisms too. They can live longer inside the body joining other probiotics which are already present in there – this one surely can help the host to have better health and better avoidance of problematic health condition
If you have good health and your purpose is to have a good maintenance then you can just use group 1. but if you are suffering bad health condition or if you like to defeat starting or grave problematic health condition you should use group 2.
Now, there are thousands of claims that you will now face in looking for Probiotic 2 as the real one is hard to get. The best thing to do is:
- Look at the company. How many years have they concentrated in doing probiotics 2?
- Their track records – where they able to help people with problematic health like Cancer, Hepatitis, Coronary Heart?
- Feedback from people who used it – were they satisfied when they used it? Were they in better health condition after using it?
- Was the company able to publicized actual problematic health that the product was able to help? Are there back up documentations about this? (Let’s forget for a while testimonies which might not be so accurate, or can be manufactured by smart manufacturers, etc)
- Is the person who used the same willing to back it up and say yes – it did help him/her get out from cancer, etc. and endorse the products to others.
NO TWO PROBIOTICS ARE THE SAME – This is true as the sun rises tomorrow. Why they can not be the same?
- The materials and ingredients used, what kind - fresh/natural, frozen, canned, synthetic, or from other cultures, etc.
- The source of materials - natural, synthetic, cultured, etc
- Where it originated – local, imported, from ready made culture, etc
- The process – hand made, machine made, natural, etc.
- The lighting condition where it was made – dark, strong light, etc (natural light, artificial light)
- Room temperature – cold, tropical, hot, etc
- Manner it was manufactured, automated, hand made, natural, others
- Cultured or non cultured
- Length of time for aging process (if fermented)
- Process of fermentation –
- Containers use in fermentation
- Condition where fermented
- Frequency of feeding (if species are being feed)
- Cultivation, how is it cultivated, materials use
- Containers use in cultivation, etc
- The kind of species produced
- etc
Even the produced species by two manufacturers are the same in color, in appearance, in form, likeness in size, in thickness, odor, etc, the sad fact is that they are not the same. From this, you can digest that the species created differs in what they can do – differs in so many ways.
The above is for liquid type – but when we dry it to make the powder form – spread drying, freeze drying, natural drying etc., the difference becomes miles and miles away.
The difference is highlighted more on the culture created –
How the cultures was maintained
Containers to house the culture
The conditions of the space where the culture was kept
The maintenance of the culture
The materials to feed the culture
The temperature
The light condition
Thousands and one differences, thousand and one results, thousand and one different species created, thousand and one things that they can do.
The WWC Probiotic Culture in the Philippines started some 12 years ago and continuously being harness up to this very moment. The culture which was able to defeat (and continuously defeating) cancer in less than a week, stop coronary heart disorder for just 5 days, the culture that was able to defeat Dengue in just a day, the culture which dry diabetic foot (gangrene) in 4 days, the culture that stop Vasculitis in less than a week, the culture that stop allergy in day or two, the culture that dry and defeat cancer breast wound in a week or two, the culture that dry boils, defeats skin asthma, the culture that stop arthritis pain in day or two, etc. it is the culture that matters most.
So when you see captions about billions and billions of probiotic species contained in a product, it is important but not as important as its culture. Even you have billions and billions of it but the kind is group 1 above – it will not help your grave problematic health. Even the mention of the very famous Lacto Acidophilus was done in the label but later you wonder why it is not working – then you can blame the culture used by the manufacturers – as they are culturing the wrong probiotic specie that could have save lives, help so much mankind to overtake the torture and pain of grave diseases and to get away from very expensive medication bordering offensive and oppressive one.
Even the culture is a hundred years old, but the resulting species created are not that kind that will defeat problematic health – I would say forget it for this purpose, as it will just be limited to group 1 use.
The answer is never. Per definition of Probiotics – live microorganisms xxxx We do know that our body system is greatly made up of liquid – and in liquid probiotics are happy to live with. They easily grow, multiply and become very strong in this environ and in defeating bad and disease causing microbes. Face to face – confrontation.
The answer is no. Again, they are stronger in liquid form, the species in the powder cannot swim in that environ.
The life span of probiotics is more or less 14 days. To extend their lives through freeze drying, dry freezing, spread drying, etc., and maintained it through the right temperature as dictated by manufacturers say 1 or 2 years is already a feat that is hard to beat but also hard to believe. There is only one meter scale for everything of this, THE RESULTS – take Cancer as example. If one has cancer and one used these products and IN SHORT PERIOD OF TIME the condition becomes better going to being treated or cured, then the claim is true. It does not matter if it is alive or dead meat, the most important is if it will give the effect expected, help for the problematic health that it was supposed to do. If it you feel no improvement or effect in 24-72 hours from ingesting it, then there is a problem. Please take note that probiotic works more or less 30 minutes from ingesting it. The powder is slower the reason for the wide gap of 24-72 hours.
Yes and no depending on the problematic health you are using it and the culture you are using. Definitely, the great improvement is always attained.
Certainly, there are so many cases of this type including cancer.
IS PROBIOTIC A DRUG? The answer is no.
IS PROBIOTIC HERBAL? The answer is No.
IS PROBIOTIC SYNTHETIC - Now, there are synthetic type, a nano technology type which for me cannot completely duplicate the original one - the life of the live ones.
Probiotics is a gift, a gift of nature, the answer of nature for all types of problematic healths which nature itself created. In different perspective black and white is one – there will be no white if there is no black. It needs the other one to exist. Nature has created the opposites as one – the opposite of night is day, the opposite of right is left, the opposite of the other right is wrong - and the opposite of bad and disease causing microbes (PATHOGENS) which create and worsen diseases is PROBIOTICS the good microbes that defeat, stop and curtail pathogens.
Share the wonders of probiotics, join me in the group I organized here at Linkedin - Probiotics, the Future of Medicine. Let us join hands to promote this gift of nature all over for the welfare of more people who are less fortunate than us, who are loosing their battles against diseases which can easily be avoided and defeated. Thank you for reading.