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There are a few aspects of pricing that are more relevant to the pricing of your offers, that include what pricing is appropriate for the services your business provides.

Are you pricing your offers too high or too low?

When it comes to scaling our businesses, we often wonder if we're pricing our offers too high or too low.

As a business coach, I've never met a service-based entrepreneur I haven't discussed this topic with. It's one of those hot business topics everyone asks at some point since it impacts your business growth

Assuming you are a coach, facilitator, counselor, consultant, or marketing specialist, or you have a similar service-based profession, you will usually sell your services per hour, package, program, or on a retainer basis that could be monthly or yearly.


Firstly, I would like to let you know that it is very common to have conscious or unconscious money blocks. This is also connected to emotions such as shame and guilt. They are very common when it comes to making money, asking for money, manifesting money, spending money, etc.?

This is very very common, trust me. It's a given fact. When you find yourself in that place, I just want you to know that I hear you and I feel you.

Let's acknowledge and normalize that having money blocks and feeling money shame and money guilt is part of the experience of owning a business...

But I’ll also promise you that it’s totally fine and this can be easily and quickly fixed.

In fact, enhancing the money mindset to attract abundance and business opportunities is one of the key pillars and the core of the Ninja Business Accelerator program, where I’ll show you step by step how to accelerate your business growth so that you can hit six figures and beyond by activate your manifesting muscles, setting up your business to hit 100K+, and calling in your raving fans.


Secondly, let's break down the macro-topic of how to price your offer to hit six figures into three key aspects, which are:

  1. The monetary price of your offer,
  2. The value of your offer, and
  3. Your own value

There should be a lot to say about those three aspects, but for today I will keep it quick and simple.

1. The monetary price of your offer

The monetary price of your offer is what enables a business transaction to take place.?

I’ll give you this service and you’ll give me cash.

It's that simple. This is the easiest aspect to determine because the price of your offer is just a number that makes sense. It makes sense in relation to the niche you are serving, the length of your program, if it is one-to-one or one-to-many, the exclusivity, or the uniqueness of the service. So, it is based on actual, measurable facts.

2. The value of your offer

We then have the value of your offer.

If we are to evaluate the value of your offer, we should consider all the personal and professional experiences, expertise, uniqueness, skills, talents, gifts, and networks you bring to the table.? For instance, this is why we can find a coaching or consulting service that apparently offers the same that costs $297 or $2.970 or %29.700.

Those characteristics are the real assets you will add to the service you or your business provides and that will create a unique transformation, impact, and outcome.

The price for your services should derive from the combination of your offer's monetary price and its value, but never, ever! be related to your own value.

3. Your own value

This is a tricky one. We shouldn’t even mention it, but we do because it always gets in the way and messes things up when it comes to pricing your offer properly.

So, your own value is related to who you are as a human being.

Your own value must be out of the equation when pricing an offer, as it is totally unrelated to anything you might sell through your current business, anything you have ever sold in your life, or any other businesses you will have in the future.

And it is priceless. Your own value is an absolute value; you should never question nor price it.

As it represents how much we value ourselves, the unfortunate reality is that we tend to underestimate and undervalue ourselves, especially if we are women, and especially if we belong to communities that have been historically underrepresented. This cultural and social tendency is something we should intentionally work on if we want to be successful AND joyful AND satisfied AND impactful as entrepreneurs. Please keep that in mind!

That said, never ever underestimate yourself. Never ever confuse your own value with the monetary price of your offer or the value you provide to your clients with your service.

You shouldn't let your judgment of yourself or the judgment you "buy" from others determine the price of your offer.?

The point here is that the perception that you should have of your own value could be affected and lowered by how you actually perceive yourself. This might be caused by what you believe, what you feel, how you judge the level of your skills and capacities, contribution, and transformation.

Be mindful and deliberate by asking a more experienced business mentor or coach for help with this, so that you can learn how to estimate your own value and become emotionally detached from your own perspective when it comes to pricing your offers (or pitching them, of collecting the payment, etc.).

Mistakenly confusing service price, service value, and our own value could be the reason why you are not growing quickly enough. It could be that

You might not be giving yourself yet full permission to wish for more, ask for more and receive more than you currently are to ,aand lerate the growth of your business accordingly.

And if you're at a point in your business when you're stuck or your business is not growing fast enough, or you are unsure how to maintain your current level of growth, I'll invite you to book a FREE Business Audit Session .?This will enable us to assess where you are right now with your business growth and what to tweak to accelerate. That's a really solid starting point.

I would also suggest checking out our Ninja Business Accelerator to see if it is a good fit for you. We've run that program for over two years now and our clients have had amazing results in 90 days or less. If you're serious about hitting six figures, the Ninja Business Accelerator program is where I show you how to accelerate your business growth, so that you can hit six figures within 2023.

I'll see you in the Wealthier Women Entrepreneurs Community so that you can connect with your next dream clients, business besties, mentors, wow-team members, and investors, while elevating your mindset, emotions & vibration to can attract real abundance, joy, cash, and profit!

I have been in business for almost three decades and there are plenty of information, insights, lesson learned, tips & tricks that I can't wait to share with you to help you grow your business.

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Mst. Honufa Aktar

Data Entry Specialist, Keyword Research, B2B Lead Generator

1 年

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