The Truth About This Photo
THE TRUTH ABOUT THIS PHOTO: When it was taken, I weighed, at most, 93 pounds and was comprised of less than 10% body fat. The reason that I shared the pictures initially was to prove to everyone that I was healthy.
The truth is that I was not at all healthy. My reproductive system took a four-year break, my obsession with exercise and food had a tremendously detrimental effect on my social life.
If I skipped a workout day, I would become severely depressed and would cut back on eating.
When I did eat, it was scheduled and incremental and when I worked out, I worked out hard.
Having always been athletic, it was never my body that I had an issue with; it was my performance. Perfectionism. I have trained many individuals- both men and women- in fitness and I have been around addicts of all sorts. What I have gleaned is that there is a commonality among those of us who are Type-A Personalities: We are all-or-nothing and neither is especially healthy.
I am who I am and I always aspire to be better-- this is not a "Type-A-People-Need-Help" post, rather, it's an empathy post.
I used to resent my inability to be carefree and conforming but the trade-off is that I am dedicated and wholehearted; I have a lot of emotion tied into what I do because I invest a lot into it.
Our physiology craves homeostasis, however, I do not know of anyone who has achieved this on any level, if nothing else, the best that we can do is strive for improvement and ease up! Whatever category psychology would wrongfully place you in, just be yourself and relish it because there will never be another you.