Truth, Peace & Gratitude
In Hindu Yogic philosophy, there's a term: Sat-Chit-Ananda.
It's thought of as three aspects of the transmission of absolute truth; or the complete reality of absolute truth, God love, the infinite experience.
Let's break it down.
Sat means truth. Words with Sat as their prefix – like my name, Satyen, Satish, Satyen, Satyan, have to do with the search, the yearning for truth.
Now, truth of what? Truth of existence.
Truth of existence has to first start with the truth of Self: Who am I? Those who have experienced the awakening of Sat within them know who they are. Unqualified, unrestricted in themselves, they're able to rest in the infinity of Self.
No one can teach it to you, no guru can impart it to you, no fancy tricks, no opening chakras, no rubbing foreheads, no fancy Indian names will give you that – nothing!
None of that is going to get you to the truth of who you are.
The truth of who you are is a discovery that you can undertake by asking yourself with laser-like precision that same question, “Who am I?” and staying with that for years.
It comes by not accepting the first answer that comes to you, recognizing that whatever comes up when you ask yourself that question is just a superficial identity to be released, so that a deeper knowingness can emerge. This is Sat.
Chit is the other aspect of divinity within ourselves, which is the stillness of being, the stillness of non-duality. When we're not driven by “for” or “against." When we're not lassoed by left or right, when we're not drawn in to anyone's game of hero and victim.
When we come to a place where we are not provoked by and entangled in the game of duality, then we start to experience Chit; relaxation of the mind, less disturbance within our being. We start to experience reality from a stillness. Everything comes to us.
The way to open the doors to that within our own self, is to inquire, “What are the dualities that are ensnaring my attention today?”
Start with whatever circumstance or issue is grabbing you. Is it the gas price, today, as an example? You've seen people line up when the gas price goes up, or complain when the price of something goes up. It’s very easy to get ensnared in that.
Well, what are the dualities in that? Some are: Prices up/prices down, right/wrong, fair/unfair, just/unjust. The dualities associated to gas prices rising – and any situation at all – are endless.
It's all based on you. Find one of these dualities that are setting off a charge within you. Take a step back, and recognize you were entrapped by the game of having your dualities evoked, provoked.
When it gets you, your units of energy are taken away from you. That's what marketing is all about, that's what politics is all about. It's about ensnaring our units of attention, holding on to them as long as they can, keeping us in the game, evoked, provoked, for and against.
This continues until we drop the games of duality and become free.
By becoming aware of these polar forces within us, we can begin to relax our minds and to start to flow in a state of oneness. Then, we can be with reality as it is, rather than be hoodwinked by anyone into an emotional trap.
The state of stillness and non-duality: this is Chit.
Finally, Ananda, or Anand. It can mean many things translated: peace of being, contentment, being fulfilled with what is, being okay with the now, having deep acceptance, and soulful well-being.
If you take all those words, the feelings they bring, and you put them together, that's Anand – and more.
Many times, we're not in a state of being happy with what is, fulfilled with what is. We're in the constant search, seeking for love and for freedom at every turn. All our movies, much of our entertainment is based on the drama of: Will love happen? Will freedom happen?
We get drawn into those dramas because they reflect some part of our psyche that wishes to have that. The dramas that we watch in the movies are the dramas that exist within ourselves in some way.
For Anand to come to us, we must start with looking at the timeless qualities of our lives; what we already have. The deep peace and deep fulfillment of Ananda comes from gratitude.
Now, there are a thousand talks on gratitude. Really, gratitude is saying, “Yes to this.” Regardless of circumstances, it means looking at whatever you have right now and saying “Yes”.
One of my old mentors said, “When you want what you have right now, when you want what you already have right now, you'll have what you want.”
I've got a beautiful wife, beautiful children, beautiful friends and colleagues, and teams, and my career, my offering in the world, my health, my well-being. Your list, I'm sure, is long as well.
Just keep looking at it and keep feeling into this state, for Ananda comes through the gratitude of what is.
Can you want what is? Try it: “I want what I already have.” This attitude brings Anand, fulfillment.
And this is paradoxical, but Sat-Chit-Ananda means not going harder for your goals, but knowing when is enough is enough is enough.
What is enough for you, my friend? For sure, you have a personal financial goal, a number that you believe will give you the freedom you desire. This is an endless loop, my friend. If you continue striving for the magic number, you will never be in Anand, you'll never be in deep peace.
So, when is enough is enough is enough for you?
Know what that is.
Sat-Chit-Ananda. The truth of our being, resting in the stillness, and content with whatever is. Total equilibrium.
So, my friend, ask yourself: Who am I? Where can I release, where I'm being ensnared by antagonistic forces and pulls? Where can I make peace with whatever many seem positive, or even negative?
Be with it, and turn it into an advantage, by appreciating the fullness of this magnificent life, the magnificent life we have.