The Truth is Out There

The Truth is Out There

Fox Moulder, I ain't. But there are irrefutable truths that are being ignore and/or denied. I am not the most intelligent person on the planet but I see the truth of so many things. I see the truth of political correctness and Liberal/ Progressivism. I see the truth of black racists. I see the truth that blacks are their own worst enemy. I see the truth that blacks blaming whites for their ills is a pervasive lie. I see the truth that 'environmentalists' aren't really trying to save the environment. I see the truth that politicians do not have our best interests at heart. I see that the media is not reporting news but propagating Lib/Prog talking points. Let us take them one at the time.

Liberal/Progressivism is not about freedom but restricting freedom. It is about 'political correctness' as defined by Liberal/Progressives. You are not allowed to think what your think. You must subscribe to the Lib/Prog 'group think'. Anything else is racist, bigoted , homophobic or anti-feminist or something worse. I'm not big on 'group think' for a number of reasons. The first and most important is that the so called majority is usually wrong because that majority nowadays is 4-5 people in the Momma's basement posting tens of thousands of complaints/revues/opinions. The only thing you can trust is "common sense guided by experience". If you have neither, you are in serious trouble.

Black racists are the result 60 plus years of Lib/Prog lies. Most blacks don't know that the plantation owners were Democrats. The Segregationist were Democrats. The people who put the dogs and the fire hoses on protestors in Birmingham, Alabama were Democrats. The people at the 'Bloody Sunday' attacks at the Edmund Pettus bridge were Democrats. The Governor who stood in the school house door at the University of Alabama was a Democrat, who after losing an election it was reported that he vowed that 'he'd never be out niggered again". The people who seceded from the Union were Democrats. The person most responsible for their current condition was President Lyndon Baines Johnson, who after getting the welfare legislation passed remarked to a staff member, "This will keep them niggers voting for us for the next 200 years". Blacks have been brainwashed by the likes of Jesse Jackson etal to the point they really don't know the real history of blacks in America. When I was a teenager there were successful black businesses, the blacks dressed well, they had pride in being black and while they were discriminated against by some whites but they had dignity. These current blacks have no idea who ultimately freed the slaves and made them American citizens. Yep. You guessed it. It was a Republican and a Republican Congress that passed the 13th and 14th Amendments. Almost every ill that has befallen blacks in America can be dropped at the Democrat 'doorstep'. Therefore, if you are black and you think whitey is holding you back you need to look at that guy in the mirror for the real answer.

Environmentalist aren't really trying to save the environment. There real goal is Socialism and the restricting of your constitutional rights. They don't use the environment except to attend one rally or another with their incredibly stupid signs. After their rally ends there is tons of trash on the ground that must be picked up to clean up the environment that they are so concerned about. The truth is all you need to do to be an environmentalist is to declare that you care about the environment. After that any personal destruction of the environment is moot as they have done your part by caring. Pick any celebrity currently flying their carbon emitting jet planes around to give environmental speeches. They've done their duty so their carbon emissions are of no consequence. Al Gore's house has a carbon footprint of some small towns and he is lauded as an environmentalist. It ain't about the environment, it's about the money and you losing your God given freedoms.

Most politicians go to Washington, pretty much dirt poor by politician standards. 10 years later than are millionaires whilst drawing a salary of $140k or so. How is it that they somehow manage to becoming wealthy? Here's how. Vice President Joe Biden visits China during the Obama-Biden disaster. He takes along his son on this official visit and wouldn't you know it, the Biden son gets a huge contract for a billion dollars or so in an area of expertise for which he has no experience. You don't need to know anything about anything, if you are the son of the U.S. Vice President. That was on the Democrat side. The Republican equivalent is Senator Mitch McConnell. His wife's father is a shipping billionaire. McConnell has, by all appearances, has used this connection to make McConnell's wife wealthy and, therefore, made himself wealthy. These are just two examples of politicians using their positions to make money. They have no interest in serving "The People". And please don't get me started on Bill and Hillary Clinton. Their abuses of their political positions are legend. None of these people will ever be punished for their excesses because virtually everyone of the politicians that might push for such punishment is guilty of the same abuse. We have reached the point where the Congress cannot be trusted to act in the best interests of the people. "The Wall" is a prime example. Big business doesn't want the wall. So-o-o-o we don't get the wall even when it would lower crime rates, raise wages and put even more Americans back to work. It has become time for a Convention of States authorized by The Constitution in Article 5. Twenty plus states have already signed on. Talk to your local state representative and senator.

The news media is now, apparently, running the Democrat Party. I had not noticed or paid much attention to the MSM until Rush Limbaugh pointed it out. They are setting the agenda and producing the 'talking points' for the Democrat politicians. You will see nothing on your television or your newspaper about President Trump's fulfilling his campaign promises or the names or races of felons unless they happen to be white. The Mainstream Media is attempting to control all of the news that the American public sees or hears. Were it not for talk radio, Fox News and dozens of internet news operations no one would ever know how Hillary spiked Bernie's presidential bid or about any of the RINO and Democrat attacks on The Constitution. It would be like the old days where you had three channels and whatever Walter Cronkite etal told you what was "The News". Cronkite always signed off by saying "and that's the way it is." He meant it just like it sounded. You had no choice because "that's the way it is". Nowadays that isn't the "way it is" because you have access to a myriad of sources. The only thing that I can decipher from the actions of the MSM is that, because they are so angry that they have so much competition, they have become hysterical and obsessed with their loss of power. Essentially, you may assume that when the MSM is praising or denigrating a particular person or thing that they are lying and/or promoting a Lib/Prog agenda.

You might argue that this aren't truths by calling me names or by bringing up fallacious or extraneous facts that has no real bearing on the truth. Lib/Progs are the masters of the "If you can't argue the facts, call the bearer of the truth a vile name".


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