The truth no matter how its suppressed comes out.

This world is such an interesting place, i say it always that no matter how much you suppress the truth,it has an interesting way of forcing itself out and announcing itself loudly.Before i go to my issue today let me remind your Excellency, fellow Ghanaians that the wearing of masks is suffering set back because the police have relaxed their checks , infact its worse at night, almost everyone you meet in the evening is walking in town without masks.And we have failed in the spiritual dimensions of this COVID thing, we were doing well with the national prayers and helping the less privileged, i mean Govt, financial institutions churches and even individuals who have it whether you own a business or not.Your excellency you must set the example with your leadership by example.Your excellency i had a vision before the second wave of COVID i warned about in my previous articles, i cannot spill out everything here but just this part may interest you and anyone who reads this, you can treat it with contempt and even scoff at it but when it catches up with you,certainly you will remember this message from the lone voice.In the vision there is a platform, low low down is dry land no ocean and as you go up the platform becomes like a metal platform hanging on strings and there is the ocean below, the ocean below is dark like the clouds at night and as you progress up the platform the ocean seems to get lower down at the highest points of the platform, and at the end of the platform which is the highest point is a high rise building, at that place the ocean is far far below and it seems those in the building are safest , there is a lot of noise , music , drinking eating going on in that building and just before you get to the highest point on the platform there is a garden on both sides and the people at that point of the platform are nice , friendly and prayerful, their message is ''be steadfast in the lord''.When you get there their leader asks ''do you want to join those in the building''if you agree you move further but when you refuse and decide to be at the garden and be steadfast in the Lord , the ocean currents rise onto the platform and the leader orders the platform to be raised then the ocean currents recede.But in the high rise building with a lot of fun going on with so much to eat and drink, that place looks safe as the ocean is far below but still very dark.From time to time a star drops from the building into the dark ocean below.For those with eyes and ears hear and decide for yourself .COVID has dealt death to prominent people this time around and its very dangerous this time around, lets not ignore the spiritual dimensions and concentrate only on the science, this virus seems to be ahead of.This is like the writing on the wall in the bible and also like the dream Nebuchadnezzar had in the Bible.

Now to my issue, once upon a time somebody at the highest office of the land was accused of corruption, he stepped aside and was defended and he was reinstated.A salary earner within 4 years suddenly is alleged to have a fleet of vehicle acquired in 4 years, houses numbering i think 6 or 7 and a whole lot.My serious question how much salary can enable a person to own all these items within the time frame because i read from people who knew this chap that he did not own all these assets before his appointment and as the truth has an interesting way of announcing itself even if it is suppressed, the wife of this chap has filed for divorce in the High Court and listed all the assets in the affidavit attached to her suit, and is demanding 50% of the assets.I wont mention any names but if you are in tune with what is happening around you would hear this .What even makes this scary is the lady who has destroyed this chaps marriage is the same person who tainted the image of Kan Dapaah with that leak of a video in which we saw Kan in pajamas modelling, i was so sad seeing my daddy obeying commands from a little girl, something i thought was very bad on the part of the lady.For me this is a person everyone should avoid like a plague With all this information you this chap you dont learn any lesson and date the same person who destroyed the image of Kan Dapaah. Men!!!! why are some of us so daft, i dont get it.The devourer is at play and this devourer who announced herself came your way and you embraced ''Satans wife'' and hoping all will be well with you.Let me end with this quote ''if you dine with the devil at his table dont be surprised if you suffer a tummy aches in the night.

Samuel Y. Frimpong

Researcher | Educator | Author | Entrepreneur (Construction + Sustainability + Digitalization)

3 年

I've actually tried to inquire about this phenomenon and the response I keep getting is "the married men are more responsible and caring". I think it's good to remind our young single sisters that those men they have set their eyes on are married to other women. How good a woman are you, and how supportive are you of women when you are a willing participant in the destruction of another woman's life? And any man who is willing to wreak havoc on his marriage and for that matter his wife, cannot be termed as responsible.

Samuel Y. Frimpong

Researcher | Educator | Author | Entrepreneur (Construction + Sustainability + Digitalization)

3 年

On the part about men, I think 2 Peter 2:14 sums it up. Unfortunately many men see this as an opportunity for conquest, only to pay dearly for it at the end. You see a young single woman (in fact many of them nowadays) who has an affinity for married men and you don't know there is danger looming. Hm!



