Truth About Malicious Beings,Jinn or "Demons""
Malicious" beings are from this realm, this is their home.You cannot hate them for they are doing their task, their rightful duty and it is connected to your behaviour....understand, you are the perpetrator, they react.They never instigate, you do. If you do hate them you are missing an important part of the reality....respect them up to a certain point. This will also show you are conscious about them and that will be recognized.If it was a "malicious" being guiding me, I would not be talking in the way I do.Someone who is lead by "malicious" forces cannot utter/write certain words, phrases without it affecting him. The ones who are lead by them also cannot accept hearing/reading certain things without getting overly mad/agressive .This is when "malicious" beings are present: Everytime you cuss, talk negative, plot a scheme, get violent, utter lies, support murder, get sexually aroused, get afraid, get jealous, even laugh out loud, being overly joyfull (so all related to emotions/passions/desires), they appear near, two, three, or more of them.Real conciousness is what is provided to you when you are in tune with {God} which operates according to the Divine Law (they are not the same like many are lead to believe).This Mind penetrates everything, it rules over everything, so if you would connect with it you may experience it′s unlimited power. No prison can confine this power, hence there will be an escape, you will be guided up to a certain point, yet most work is to be done by you. But that is just the beginning, much work lies concerning yourself.It truly is up to you.I would hesitantly add that studying ancient texts will help (although a lot is filled with perversions and wrong translations, intentionally) but this only after a certain level of awakening, you will recognise/remember the small parts which are true.If you are not on that level you will take parts of the perversions/wrong translations as the truth..It is necessary to have a view of the whole spectrum, when it is partial it will be like looking through the window while it is partially covered with a curtain.You do not know what is behind that covered part therefore cannot act accordingly.What covers the whole spectrum? Understand this place, what and where it is, know what you are, how you came here, why you came here, how to return.Prepare yourself for the answers, cleanse yourself, reach out for the Mind, speak (within-"without")that you are ready, live strictly according to the answers.Do not join "secret societies", never, whatever the circumstances are.Also no religions, including the new age, do not accept human.................................. gurus/prophets/priests/rabbis/imams/fortunetellers/"mediums"/dalailamas/politicians/authors/scientists/"celebrities"/parents/etc. as legitimate authority on Divine matters....on other matters it is your choice to accept or decline, however accept the consequence...I pray to the Most High!!!