The Truth About Long-Term Communications Success

The Truth About Long-Term Communications Success

One of my favorite strength instructors on the Peloton is Rebecca Kennedy . She is pretty to look at while she’s crushing you, and I’ve seen the fastest results from her workouts. My arms are ripped!?

She has two sayings that I love. The first is “hot people drink water,” which I love so much that I made tank tops for my bestie and me with that phrase.

And she says, “Motivation is a bitch. She’s always late.”?

This coincides with my cycling coach, who always says, “Consistency is better than motivation.”

This means, “I’d better see your butt on that bike even when you don’t feel like it”—or perhaps, especially when you don’t feel like it.

This applies to every aspect of life, too.?

During the Olympics this year, one of my favorite messages was about how you don’t see the long days and years and years of perfecting a craft. You aren’t there at 4:30 when the athletes get up to practice before school or 9 p.m. when they do their homework because they had practice after school. We don’t see the sacrifices they make or that their families make, the friendships they don’t get to explore, the parties they don’t attend. We just see them on our screens as they demonstrate their physical prowess.?

We logically understand this, yet…we expect overnight success. Our culture believes we can get rich fast, get skinny without work, and retire at age 25.?

It’s not how things work, and it certainly doesn’t work long-term. Yet, we’re always looking for the easy button.?

Communications Is About Consistency

We often joke at home and work that if I’m in a special mood, someone will say, “Hey, have you been on your bike yet today?” The answer is almost always no, which is why I’m in that mood. But it is also a nice way to tell me I need to get on my bike to straighten my mind and mood.

That’s because exercise affects my mood, job, team, clients, and family. And, just like with anything else, it’s a lot of hard work that, some days, I would be happy to skip. But if I do, everyone around me knows it—grumpy pants. Consistency trumps motivation.?

Even on days when I lack motivation, I exercise. I often tell myself, “Just get on the bike. Or just do some bodyweight strength.” By the time I’ve warmed up, I’m ready for a real workout.

And this, my friends, is the name of the game: consistency. It’s not about a magic pill to make you skinny, getting rich quickly, or retiring at age 25. It’s about doing something consistently that will improve your life.

Communications Is a Marathon

This leads me to communications. How often have you heard (or even said) that communications is a marathon, not a sprint?

I started working with a coaching client in January. She runs marketing for a start-up and has a team of three people. She and I work together on strategy, set goals, and ensure they’re focused on the right things.?

The other day, we reviewed month-end goals, and she said, “Why aren’t we having any results? This is so frustrating!”?

I made her pull up her December numbers because I wanted her to see that they are having results and how far they’ve come in just one month. Their growth has actually been incredible, but she was focused on the trees instead of the forest. When we pulled out and looked at the bigger picture, she realized they’ve come a long way.

Then I had her pull up the data from a year ago in the same timeframe, and she discovered they are crushing results. Not only are they doing really well from a marketing perspective, but they also have a really nice inbound marketing program set up. It’s far exceeding our expectations with the executive team and ourselves.

You Must Set Realistic Expectations

This is a nice reminder that you can’t get rich quickly, you can’t get skinny from a pill, and you can’t retire at age 25. There is no such thing as overnight success.

This is a marathon, not a sprint. You will outpace some miles and underpace others. And that’s OK! If you are consistent, you will have results. Pull back and look at the bigger picture to see what kinds of results you’re having versus focusing on the one tiny area that isn’t performing as well as you had thought.

This metaphorical journey that your communications program is a marathon, not a sprint, requires a steady pace, a clear vision, and resilience to achieve long-term goals—just like my client, who was staring at a month’s worth of data and claiming there weren’t any results.?

It also requires setting expectations with the leadership team that buys into the overnight success mantra. Because we all do, or there wouldn’t be pills that claim to make you skinny, MLMs, or bros on the internet telling you you can work four hours a week and make eight figures.

It’s your job to set expectations.

The Power of Patience

Patience is a virtue—one that is really challenging for me. I understand the hypocrisy in my telling you that communications is a marathon, not a sprint, and then admitting I have no patience. Sometimes you create content around the things you need to hear most.

That said, I work really hard at patience, particularly when it comes to our work with clients. Rushing to deliver work without adequate thought or planning can lead to misunderstandings, misinterpretations, and communication breakdowns.?

This almost always comes into play when you’re in a meeting with the Big Boss, and they say that we need to really buckle down and focus on sales in the coming months. Everyone is responsible for it. You start scrambling for things to do that might bring in a quick sale.

Never works. This is a marathon, not a sprint. There is no overnight success. Unless you are marketing or communicating for widgets, it’s highly unlikely that you can create a campaign that will reach the organization’s sales goals tomorrow, next week, or even next month.

Have patience and remind your boss or your client to do the same. You will have success, but it requires consistency and staying the course.

The Need for Strategy

I no longer run marathons—I just didn’t enjoy running as much as I love cycling—but I do spend hours in the saddle of my bike and ride Centuries (100 miles) and even longer. I once did a 400-mile race, which was both exhilarating and exhausting. Truthfully, I’ve only been that cold one other time (it was 35 degrees and rained the entire day), and that was at a Bears game in late December.?

But that’s not the point. The point is, when I race—just like running a marathon—I plan it out meticulously. I spend months preparing for all of the time I’ll spend on the bike—from how to keep my bum from hurting to what I’ll eat and drink to keep me upright. I spend a lot of time in the saddle on training rides. I do endurance rides to build my stamina and hardcore rides to build my racing ability. It takes months and months and months.

The same goes for creating a successful communications plan that will provide perceived overnight success but takes years to accomplish in reality. You have to build a plan and then meticulously implement it. You will look at data every month, and you will tweak it. When my coaching client told me they didn’t have any results, it was because she was looking at a week’s worth of data where they didn’t have any form fills. One week. When I had her pull back and look at the bigger picture, she realized she was being silly. Now, if she’d had a month of no form fills, we’d know there was a problem. But that wasn’t the case.

Execute your plan, but don’t freak out when there are a couple of days or weeks without seemingly any results. Just like when I ride my bike, I have fantastic days and dismal days. I get on the bike even after the dismal days because I have a plan I’m executing.

Consistency Is Key

As my coach says, motivation is fleeting, and consistency is discipline. This pretty much means that you won’t be motivated to get on your bike every day, but if you’re consistent about doing so, you’ll see results, with or without motivation.

The same goes for your communications program. Consistency builds results, and as a side effect, you build trust and credibility, too.?

As you well know, it takes a person 14-17 times to see or hear a message before they take action. Building brand awareness requires repeated exposure to key messages and a brand in general. That doesn’t happen overnight.

Adapting to the Environment

In a marathon, runners must adapt to changing conditions such as weather, terrain, and competitors. During my 400-mile race, I had to adapt to 35 degrees and rain, even though it was May. My poor toes were so cold!

Similarly, effective communicators must be agile and adaptable to the evolving communication landscape. The rise of artificial intelligence , for instance, will forever change the way we do our jobs—for the better.?

As you examine new trends and technologies, you must quickly adapt and understand that some things are a flash in the pan. Your job is to evaluate, test, be patient, create consistency…and then know when to abandon ship or keep pushing forward. The ability to pivot and learn will always be something you will use.

Successful Long-Term Communications

Successful communications is a marathon, not a sprint. It requires patience, strategic planning, consistency, and adaptability. It does not happen overnight. There isn’t some easy button you can push or a pill you can take and have a pipeline full of leads. It takes time, just like anything else.?

One of our hardest jobs in all of this is convincing executives to bide their time as you build a world-class and strategic communications program with patience, consistency, and adaptability.??

It takes time. A lot of time. And you will have setbacks, allowing you to tweak and adapt. But stay the course. It works if you always remember you’re out to win the long and steady race.

Scot Murdoch

Experienced Communications Professional | Public Relations | Public Affairs | Media Relations | Writer | Storyteller | Social Media | Marketing

2 个月

Totally agree with you...Rebecca Kennedy is one of the best trainers on Peloton for the reasons you stated. Oh...and about the consistency thing too.

Monica Miller Rodgers, APR

Communications Leader, Strategist, Spokesperson: Create, execute, direct internal and external communications programs

2 个月

Elizabeth Gilbert once said in a TED Talk that she believes in muses. Sometimes her muse shows up and sometimes she doesn't. Regardless, she always sits down to write something. Since I heard that, I've always thought of motivation in those terms. Whether my muse is there or taking an off day, I just have to do the work until she shows up again.

Mindi Zissman

Ghostwriters for Risk and Insurance | Reducing business risk one blog at a time | Mom of 5

2 个月

Love this Gini Dietrich, as always. "Consistency trumps motivation." As a runner and marketer I relate to so much of this. I love Rebecca Kennedy too! :)

Gail Sideman

Publicist provides personal approach to building public profiles

2 个月

As someone who's a grouchy bitch when I don't work out, I relate to this so well. Another reason to work out: because we can. Thanks, Gini Dietrich.

Daren Williams

Strategic communications and reputation management professional

2 个月

"Sometimes you create content around the things you need to hear most." Hear, hear.


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