Christine Patton
Founder of Power Within | Elite Performance & Resilience Trainer | I help professionals perform optimally with sustained and lasting results
Much has been made of “truth” for centuries. We have been conditioned to think that truth is just “the way it is”. Nothing could be further from the truth! Haha!
It is true that what we believe is true, is often a concept that is shared by many people. But we have to be more critical in our thinking. What is true for one cannot automatically be ascribed to another as to what they believe.
Let’s get down to it-what we believe to be true is often what many people believe to be true. And a belief is just a thought you keep thinking. And our thinking is not automatically (or shouldn’t be) controlled by anyone but you. We have the ability, the obligation and responsibility to choose our thoughts. Therefore, by deductive reasoning, truth is what we believe in ourselves, in the moment. And it can change.
Let’s go deeper…
We often think of truth as something connected to our thoughts and intellect, something we can define and explain, but truth is often a fuller knowing and more of an insight that does not yet have a mental definition. Truth can come from an intuitive reaction that precedes understanding and will have to be trusted as authentic. This is challenging as truth is very personal and again, your truth will not be everyone’s experience. It is important to claim your own truth at the same time allowing others to claim theirs without judgment.
So, let’s stop this one size fits all when it comes to belief systems and expectations of others and their experiences. Let’s all stay in our own lane and take care of our own thinking and behaving. There surely is enough work to do there!
Need help staying in your own lane? Contact me: [email protected]