The TRUTH about Illegal Immigrants
This is one of the most difficult TRUTHS I have taken on to date. But it could also be one of the most important. It starts with the term “illegal immigrant” and those that contended that they are only undocumented, "not illegal.” Even the auto-correct of my computer corrected the term “illegal” to “undocumented.”
As of June 2023, FAIR* estimates that approximately 16.8 million illegal immigrants reside in the United States. This is significantly higher than their January 2022 illegal immigrant’s population estimate of 15.5 million. This estimate is also a 2.3 million increase from their end-of-2020 estimate, meaning the illegal immigrant population increased 16 percent nationwide during just the first two years of Joe Biden’s presidency. There are other sources that might provide other numbers, but the bottom line is that it is a crisis, and these numbers cannot be sustained.
*Federation for American Immigration Reform
The Illegal immigration controversy is primarily a humanitarian crisis of proportions we have never experienced. Hundreds of thousands of individuals… men, women, and children of all ages, travel extremely long distances under incredible circumstances, to enter the United States. Upon arriving these individuals are “processed” and detained by boarder authorities in over-crowded and less than desirable conditions. They may also be bussed or even flown thousands of miles only to be housed in even worse conditions. Authorities, local charities, social services agencies and others try to help as much as they can, but the TRUTH is that they are overwhelmed.
These immigrants are pawns between various self-interests. Those that welcome and even encourage their entry do so for many distinct reasons including among others cheap labor, voting numbers, and the rejection of the sovereign nature of our country. They seek opportunity and better conditions from where they came. Some also come to do us harm and take advantage of our weaknesses.
Cities that declared themselves as “sanctuary” cities are now struggling to provide services at enormous cost and are experiencing the crises that border towns have felt for some time. They are now demanding help! There is little if any agreement on reforming current immigration law and current policy is only making the crisis worse. The government would have you believe that our border is secure, but the numbers tell another story. Drug cartels are overwhelming boarder enforcement, and we see increasing numbers crossing the border daily. It is also a matter of national security, allowing many undesirables into our country, and an economic drain on resources.
So, what is the TRUTH we must face? How can we stop and even reverse the flows? What obligations do we have to these individuals seeking only a better life, and how do we protect our country from those that seek to harm us? I do not condone the illegal entry into the U.S., but I am concerned about the people being severely impacted on both sides of the issue…the individuals and families coming and those that have to directly deal with their numbers.
I am a bit of a news junkie, daily absorbing what I can about whatever is happening primarily in our country. I also tend to research topics that interest and concern me. There has been extensive coverage of this particular topic all over the news, but I have seen or heard very little directly from the illegal immigrants themselves. The few “so-called interviews” I have heard are either staged documentaries, to try and prove a point, or conducted by interviewers who speak only broken Spanish with individuals who speak no English.
To learn the whole TRUTH about Illegal Immigrants I want to know more.? Where are they coming from and what were the conditions that drove them to the United States? What did they do for a living in their home countries and how have they existed, or even survived since? What did they expect to find in the United States? Where did they get the funds to make the trip and how do they expect to live in the future? How do they hear about crossings and opportunities to cross? What were their experiences since crossing? How have they been treated?
These questions and several more would tell us a great deal about the crisis and what we might be able to do to change the situation. I want to know the answers. Do you?