The Truth About Hypnotherapy...Why It Will Help You To Master Your Mindset
Maximising Performance, Wellbeing and Success

The Truth About Hypnotherapy...Why It Will Help You To Master Your Mindset

Welcome to the 3rd Edition of The Mindset Matters Newsletter

I'm guessing that you are here because you're an ambitious, driven Business Owner, Corporate Leader or High Achiever with too much on your plate, and you want to raise, play and stay at the top of your game so you can get ahead of the competition.

This Weekly Newsletter will provide you with powerful insight and tips to help you master your mindset, so you can achieve peak performance and success and have a healthy mind, body and business.

Go ahead and subscribe now to ensure you always receive this valuable information.

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In this week's edition of ‘The Mindset Matters Newsletter’ you’ll learn the truth about Clinical Hypnotherapy and why it will help you to master your mindset.?But first check out our ‘Mindset Matters Tip of the Week’ below…


The Wright Brothers and the Power of Your Belief System

You may or may not remember that years ago many people laughed at The Wright Brothers and some people even said that if God had intended man to fly, he would have given him wings!?Yet nowadays we all accept aeroplanes as a normal part of our every day life and don’t think twice about getting on an aeroplane to travel to another country for business or a holiday.?How different the world would be now without these two entrepreneurial High Achievers who had the vision, belief and determination to fulfill their mission against all the odds.

Abraham Lincoln, American Lawyer and Statesman who served as the 16th US President said:

“Your own resolution to succeed is more important than any other one thing.”

He was so right.?Visualise your goals on a daily basis using the power of your subconscious mind and it will set to work on helping you achieve them!?Remember this is because imagination is the language of the subconscious mind.?So if your goal is practical, plausible and possible, you can achieve it!

TOP TAKE HOME TIP:?Whatever you do, do not listen to the naysayers and critics who tell you that you can’t and won’t succeed.?Be like The Wright Brothers and believe in yourself, your vision and mission 100% and do whatever it takes until you achieve it.?High Achievers never ever give up!

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The Truth About Clinical Hypnotherapy and Why It Will Help You To Master Your Mindset

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As promised in last week’s edition, today I am going to be pulling back the curtain on the ‘secret weapon’ that High Achievers use to fast track their success ‘Clinical Hypnotherapy’.?Just like flying, it still has a way to go before it is fully understood and accepted as the powerful therapy and coaching methodology that it is.?However, I urge you to read on with an open mind and dismiss this cutting edge information at your peril.?Because myself and thousands of other Clinical Hypnotherapists all over the world are using Clinical Hypnotherapy on a daily basis to help our clients achieve their goals with minimal stress and ease and get powerful, life-changing results.?

If you are an avid reader and consumer of all things related to Personal Development, then let me tell you now that this powerful therapy is what a lot of the well-known, top Personal Development Gurus are talking about but aren’t actually using because they don’t realise what it is and so aren’t trained in it!?To explain, people like Tony Robbins, John DeMartini, Brian Tracy, Brendon Burchard etc. all talk about the importance of visualising your goals, writing them down, journaling and even doing Mindfulness Meditation or NLP but they don’t realise that these things are just the tip of the iceberg and a fraction of what we can do with Clinical Hypnotherapy which is essentially what we are using when we are visualising our goals.?Yes that’s right, when you visualise, daydream and meditate you are actually in hypnosis but more about that shortly.

This is why I am so passionate about what I do and want everyone to know about the power of Clinical Hypnotherapy, so they can use it and benefit.?This unique, cutting edge therapy combines the latest thinking on neuroscience techniques to create rapid and permanent change at a subconscious level, without the need for any ongoing coping strategies which rely on willpower using the conscious mind.?It provides an entirely natural way to help you rewire your thoughts and emotional reactions, so you can say goodbye to those limiting beliefs for good.?Interested to learn more??Without further ado, lets get stuck in to the truth about Clinical Hypnotherapy, what it is, what its not, why it is different to Stage Hypnosis and why you want to be using it…

What is Clinical Hypnotherapy?

Clinical Hypnotherapy tends to be the term used by those of us who are professionally trained and qualified Clinical Hypnotherapists and some who are also medically trained.?Albeit I should emphasise now that you don’t have to be a qualified Doctor or Medical Practitioner to use it and work with clients.?Hypnosis is a safe and reliable therapeutic technique which is centuries old.?When hypnosis is used on its own, it does nothing more than provide temporary relief from stress. ?It is the actual 'therapy' that is carried out whilst the client is in the hypnotised state - known as 'Clinical Hypnotherapy' that is the important part.?

Clinical Hypnotherapy is an extremely powerful therapy that is totally different to any other form of therapy or coaching because it works directly with the subconscious mind. This is the part of the mind that thinks, feels and reacts automatically without us even having to think about it. ?It literally controls everything we do in life! ?So if your subconscious programming is good and your neural pathways are healthy (another term for wires in your brain) then that’s great because you will be performing at your best and be on top form. ?But if it isn’t this is really bad news, as you will be operating well below par, always be struggling with inner conflict and stress and not achieve your goals easily, if at all. ?Unfortunately, it is rare for anyone to go through life without faulty programming creeping in and affecting their belief system and subconscious mind, which is why Clinical Hypnotherapy is an essential part of our ‘Richer Life Programme.’

How Does Clinical Hypnotherapy Work?

Over the years, there has been much speculation and theory as to how hypnosis actually works. ?All that can really be said, is that this truly amazing phenomenon allows us to bypass the ‘conscious critical faculty’ providing us with a 'gateway' to the subconscious mind.?Clinical Hypnotherapy allows us to identify and overcome barriers to personal and business growth and success, so that our clients can work smarter and achieve their goals as quickly and efficiently as possible.?It really is the fast track to maximising your performance, wellbeing and success and being the best you can be.?Get your programming right and you can achieve anything you set your mind to with minimal stress and ease, provided your goal is practical, plausible and possible.?

What Does It Feel Like to be Hypnotised?

Contrary to popular belief there isn’t actually a ‘hypnotised feeling’ and most people usually feel quite normal during their session.?The best way to describe it is how you feel when you are:

1.???Watching the television and get so engrossed that you don’t realise that someone is talking to you right away.

2.???Reading a good book and get so caught up in the story that you don’t hear your phone ringing until it is too late to pick it up.

3.???Driving along on a route you know well and suddenly realise that you are nearly at your destination but you can’t remember the last few miles of your journey even though you have been driving safely.

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These are all typical times that we go in and out of hypnosis on a daily basis, as well as just before we go to sleep and wake up.?It is that pleasant drifting off and coming round state.?Hypnosis can also be likened to daydreaming but make no mistake you are always fully conscious, alert and aware at all times.?So despite the myths, you are always 100% in total control and nobody can make you do anything you don’t want to do.????

How Clinical Hypnotherapy Could Help You

Many people wonder… what is Clinical Hypnotherapy and how could it help me??Well to be clear from the off, all the answers are in fact in your mind and my role as a Clinical Hypnotherapist/Expert of the Mind is simply to help you get from where you are now to where you want to be.?So it is fair to say that Clinical Hypnotherapy is extremely empowering as it helps to unleash the power within you.?Clinical Hypnotherapy can help anyone who is committed and motivated to achieving their goals.?However, the more determined and focused you are the better, which is why High Achievers love it and really reap the benefits time and time again when they use it.??

Clinical Hypnotherapy can help people overcome problems and difficulties that they have often struggled with for many, many years when nothing else has even gotten close.?Why??Because we work directly with your subconscious mind, enabling faster resolution of the presenting problem.?If I had a pound for every time a client said to me, “I wish I’d done it years ago!”?I’d be a very rich woman!?High Achievers dispel the myths and use it to maximise their performance, wellbeing and success.

The Benefits of Clinical Hypnotherapy

In addition to helping you achieve your unique goals, Clinical Hypnotherapy could help you:

  • ????????Feel calmer, more relaxed, positive and confident.
  • ????????Be more focused, motivated and productive.
  • ????????Get a good night’s sleep.
  • ????????Have an overall feeling of well-being that lasts for a good while afterwards.

Nowadays, Hypnotherapy is recognised by many branches of orthodox medicine as an extremely valuable alternative to drugs. ?It can be used for chemical anaesthesia for dental work and more major operations, as well as to accelerate healing and help combat pain.?In fact, the British Medical Association (BMA) has long recognised Hypnotherapy as an extremely valuable method of treatment. ?Since December 2010,?NHS patients have been referred?to the?Complementary and Natural Healthcare Council?(CNHC) to find a suitably trained and qualified Clinical Hypnotherapist in their local area.?The mind and body are so closely connected that it is of the utmost importance to keep your mind healthy, strong and positive during any physical illness including Cancer.?Clinical Hypnotherapy can help to manage the pain, stress and anxiety that so often accompanies physical illness as well as prevent depression.?So you see the list of benefits just goes on and on.

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Is Stage Hypnosis the same as Clinical Hypnotherapy?

No absolutely not!?Stage Hypnosis is completely different to Clinical Hypnotherapy.?Stage Hypnosis is used purely for entertainment purposes, whereas Clinical Hypnotherapy is therapeutic and is used to help people achieve their goals so they can make positive, long term changes in their lives.?The only similarity is that the hypnosis used is exactly the same, although most people find this fact hard to accept.

Can Stage Hypnotists Really Control People?

I am often asked, “Can people be made to do things that they don’t want to do?”?This question is usually prompted by the fact that someone has seen a Stage Hypnosis Show, and it is understandable because Stage Hypnotists do lead us to believe that this is possible.?However, in our opinion (and that of most ethical, reputable Clinical Hypnotherapists) nobody can be made to do anything that they do not want to do. ?Yes, people do often do things that they would not normally do but this doesn't mean they didn't want to do them in the first place. ?Maybe they just didn't want to admit it or have the confidence! ?It is a fact that hypnosis lowers a person's inhibition. ?As for Stage Hypnosis, let's remember that the person did choose to be a volunteer - so they did have an idea that they may end up prancing around the stage, clucking like a chicken or doing some other type of harmless stunt to entertain the audience. ?The truth is they know exactly what they are doing, they may just lead you to believe otherwise to save themself the embarrassment afterwards!?Of course if you have never participated in a Stage Hypnosis Show yourself you have nothing to disprove this so it can appear credible.

The Low Down on the Selection Process for Stage Hypnosis Shows

But what you don’t necessarily realise and see is that the Stage Hypnotist is carefully selecting the volunteers who he/she believes will make perfect subjects for the Stage Hypnosis Show to ensure it is as funny, entertaining and believable as possible.?The Stage Hypnotist is looking for all the people who love to be the centre of attention and know just how to get there.?They want to avoid all the ‘Doubting Thomases’ who aren’t game for a laugh, up for anything or even remotely outgoing.?Of course these people will usually be very sceptical and cynical and even try to hide away when the Stage Hypnotist goes round during the selection process, so it becomes pretty clear who the Stage Hypnotist needs to avoid encouraging to join the show.?The volunteers the Stage Hypnotist chooses are usually all the same personality type… the people we all know and love in life who entertain everyone by telling the jokes, stories etc.?They are the showmen who love being in the limelight, and are very uplifting people to be around because they make us all smile and laugh when we spend time with them.?They really light up a room with their charm and charisma so they are perfect subjects for the Stage Hypnosis Show which is exactly why the Stage Hypnotist is keen to seek them out and get them involved.

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The Truth About Hypnosis

So to clear up any fears and misunderstandings that you may have about the use of hypnosis, Clinical Hypnotherapy and Stage Hypnosis, here’s a brief recap of the facts:

  • ????????There is no such thing as a ‘hypnotised feeling’.
  • ????????You are fully conscious, alert and aware at all times.
  • ????????You always retain complete control and can only be hypnotised if you want to be.
  • ????????Hypnosis is a totally nature state of mind that we all go in and out of every day of our lives.
  • ????????It is completely safe!
  • ????????The hypnosis used by Stage Hypnotists is the same hypnosis used by Clinical Hypnotherapists.
  • ????????Clinical Hypnotherapy is therapeutic and helps people achieve their goals.
  • ????????Stage Hypnosis is for purely for entertainment purposes.

All of these fears and misunderstandings are completely undeserved because what happens is actually very normal. ?The fact is, hypnosis is a safe and reliable therapeutic technique which is centuries old.

Why High Achievers Use Hypnotherapy for Personal Development

High Achievers are smart and recognise that lack of knowledge feeds the inborn trait in most humans to fear, ridicule or turn their noses up at that which they don’t understand. ?Indeed every science in the world has had to travel the same hard road from disbelief through to fear, to common acceptance and Clinical Hypnotherapy is no exception. In fact, science is still way behind in recognising what amazing results us Clinical Hypnotherapists are achieving with our clients on a daily basis. ?So there is still much work to be done to get it out there and recognised for the truly powerful therapy it is. ?High Achievers aren’t afraid to research, ask questions, take risks and try new things which aren’t necessarily all the rage yet and widely accepted in the world, so they benefit as a result and lead by example.

As I keep saying, ambitious, driven Business Owners, Corporate Leaders and High Achievers are more prone to stress than most because they are constantly setting themselves new, even more challenging goals which naturally keep taking them outside of their comfort zone, pushing them to do more, be more and achieve more. High Achievers enjoy the benefits that hypnosis has on their health and wellbeing. ?They also recognise that Clinical Hypnotherapy plays an essential part in creating and maintaining a healthy mind, body and business which is the key to their success. ?The fact that it is also a totally safe and natural, drug-free therapy which can produce fast and effective results makes it a no-brainer for them!

At Claire Rich we are privileged to work with ambitious, driven Business Owners, Corporate Leaders and High Achievers who we consider to be the bravehearts of this world, just like The Wright Brothers.?Because they are the true Leaders who help us with our mission to redefine the way businesses operate from the top down, to combat stress and promote health, wellbeing and success.

Are you an ambitious, driven Business Owner, Corporate Leader or High Achiever??Do you want to maximise your performance, wellbeing and success with Clinical Hypnotherapy??Are you ready to get on the fast track to success?

The Richer Life Programme

Our ‘Richer Life Programme’ is designed for ambitious, driven Business Owners, Corporate Leaders and High Achievers just like you who want to raise, play and stay at the top of their game.?This High Performance Programme uses a combination of Clinical Hypnotherapy, Psychotherapy and Life Coaching to help you achieve serious success so you can be the best you can be.?Please DM me or email: [email protected] to book a call and receive your copy of our ‘Richer Life Programme Brochure Pack’.?I’d love to help you find the way to a richer life.

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I’m Claire Rich, a highly trained and experienced High Performance Mindset Coach, Clinical Hypnotherapist and Psychotherapist.

I am also the Founder of ‘The Richer Life Programme’.?The High Performance Programme for ambitious, driven Business Owners, Corporate Leaders and High Achievers who want to maximise their performance, wellbeing and success so they can be the best they can be.

I believe that when you look after your mind and body, you have a healthy business and this is the way to a richer life.

Send me a DM, email: [email protected] or telephone (01245) 444105 / 07734 059610 to book a call.?

I’d love to discuss how I could help you to raise, play and stay at the top of your game, so you can achieve your goals with minimal stress and ease.??

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Well that’s all from me for this third edition.?I hope you have enjoyed it and found it useful to learn the truth about Clinical Hypnotherapy and why it will help you to master your mindset. ??I look forward to sharing more interesting, powerful insight and tips to help you master your mindset next week.

In the meantime, let me know what you think in the comments below.?Also if you have a specific question or topic that you’d like me to address in future editions of ‘The Mindset Matters Newsletter’ please email me at: [email protected].?I’m keen to receive your feedback and any suggestions you may have.

As always, please share this Weekly Newsletter with other ambitious, driven Business Owners, Corporate Leaders and High Achievers that you know who also want to master their mindset and achieve peak performance and success.?Together we can spread the word about this amazingly, powerful therapy and help as many people as possible to raise, play and stay at the top of their game and have a healthy mind, body and business.?

Until next time, have a productive week.

Wishing you all the best on your way to a richer life.

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P.S. If you'd like me to help you master your mindset, so you can achieve your goals with minimal stress and ease, then send me a DM, email: [email protected] or call (01245) 444105 to book a call.?I’d love to help you maximise your performance, wellbeing and success, so you can be the best you can be.?

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Ian Ellis

Senior Sales/Execution Trader, Cross Asset Desk at Liquidnet-TP ICAP Group

2 年

Another great post Claire, thank you ??


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