“The Truth Hurts”

“The Truth Hurts”

We have a problem. You know it, everybody knows it. While there is a propaganda battle underway to control the narrative about it, the fact remains that for the best chance to solve any problem, you must first understand it; define it, analyze it and it’s origins and history.

“Know your enemy.”

Enter “Lessons from a Nuclear War; The Battle of Good vs Evil and the Overthrow of the USA” my magnum opus on history and politics.?

In that book I trace the rise and fall of five evil empires throughout history, followed by one good empire, and then the current evil empire, version six. The first five evil empires started with the Egyptian Pharaohs, and then Alexander, followed by Rome, then Genghis Khan/Tamerlane, and then the fifth evil empire, the European Colonialists. Then followed the first good empire, the United States of America.?

A bit less than 60 years ago, the USA was overthrown, by the European winners of WWII (which had been the culmination of the centuries long colonial wars) with their mega rich American military industrial complex conspirators, and a small army of deep state minions. After overthrowing the USA, they immediately brought Communist China into their inner circle as a full partner. That’s the evil empire v 6.0?

That's right. You are now under the control of a cabal which is partnered with Communist China. Communist China owns you, at least in their mind. It's not a pleasant thought, thus the title of this essay.

What you see now is the evil empire version six getting a bit impatient--just as their stooge Joe Biden said he was getting impatient with people who didn’t get his vaccination--for the endgame. The endgame is total control everywhere--all people tagged and coded, monitored 24/7 for their location, economic activity--everything.

Every person will be carefully conditioned and motivated with a combination of reward/punishment--plata o plomo, silver or lead, the carrot or the stick! Obedience and support of everything and anything the state orders is rewarded. Like a bunch of money for demented childhood acquaintance of a supreme court nominee to lie under oath. There are many rewards, jobs, positions, access to money and power.

Resistance, disobedience, is punished--like being investigated by the FBI and then thrown in jail for a “trumped up” obstruction of justice charge or something like that.?Or something as mundane as being fired from your job for refusing the "vaccine."

Look, the plan is in motion; lock-downs that start out supposedly, for two weeks “to flatten the curve” but? that go on indefinitely. Bizarre mask mandates. Experimental vaccine, declared to be? mandatory. Obey, get the vaccine, and you are rewarded, you get to go out to eat in restaurants! Disobey, and you are attacked by police, as we see lately in Australia.?

The Truth hurts.

It’s working. So many are willingly complicit, either because they are brainwashed and naive, or selfish and willing to sell out their own freedom--and everyone else's--for a cushy job on a college campus or some other government job. Like the cop in Australia who said he “was just doing his job.” He’s been broken, he’s not a cop anymore, just a minion, a thug doing the bidding of the evil army of darkness, no better than a Nazi concentration camp guard.?

It’s all pretty depressing, however we must never lose faith, charity--or hope. There is a path towards a good empire version two--the regeneration and reconstitution of the United States of America.?

First, it’s too late to stop the overthrow--that ship has sailed. It didn’t start with Biden, or Obama, or even Bush or Clinton. As I said, it was almost 60 years ago.?

The only way to restore the Republic is for the masses of good people, who want good and freedom and liberty the way it used to be before the overthrow, to unite within the Republican party, expel the Neoconservatives from the GOP, and re-assert the rule of constitutional law.?

To work, this literally must be a grassroots, nationwide movement starting with taking control of local governments, school boards, sheriffs offices, etc. Then the state. Then the 10th amendment, currently gone in virtual practice, must be restored. Then the 4th amendment--also virtually gone--must be restored.?

That’s the only way it will work, it cannot be some kind of “independent” movement; trying to support a “libertarian” candidate is a waste of time--why do you think Ron Paul and Rand Paul are Republicans and not Libertarian or Independent??

I am a gambling man, a handicapper of probabilities, and the odds of victory are not pretty. However, Americans always have a fighting chance!?

The future is uncertain, and who knows what can happen to help good prevail over evil. This is pure speculation, and worst case scenario, but perhaps the the new virus, combined with something else, such as for example, the new covid vaccine, is designed to ultimately harm over the long term, then kill people when they get old--after a career of working to pump money into a bank!

Around retirement age drop dead before you collect that pension! With a death tax! Much easier to take all the money fast, instead of the long game of nursing homes and geriatric healthcare! What better way, evil as it may be, to accelerate the accumulation of everyone's wealth within a generation??

Except, what if only the minions, the brainwashed, take the vaccine, the boosters, the pills? What if they mainly start destroying their own base of slaves, while the opposition, who refused the “jab,'' opting for natural immunity, remain relatively unscathed? Could that help turn the long term tide?

It’s not survival of the fittest; it’s survival of the smartest cooperators. Personally commit. Connect and coordinate with other patriots, conservatives, constitutionalists, Libertarians, true Republicans, peace loving liberals, believers in God. Organize and support. Enforce the law locally, restore election integrity, refuse and reject federal takeover of elections, or any further encroachment upon the 1st and 2nd amendments.?

You don’t have to pick a side. If you understand, the side of good has chosen you.

Remember, that works both ways!

Some will understand, and accept that they are evil minions, and they will actively plot against those who understand the other way--that they stand with freedom, justice and liberty. Don't underestimate these evil psychopaths! ?They can take out any individual, corrupt and control entire industries, organizations and movements. But not a true grassroots American freedom coalition! Within the GOP, see ya there!


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