The TRUTH of History
How much do we know about important actions or events of our history? How about our kids, what do they know? Growing up we took history in school and heard about all kinds of things that shaped our world as we know it today. I suspect that today’s kids are not hearing about everything that we did, and I would guess that the perspective is a little different.?They are being taught based on different values.
The purpose of this article is not to rail on the teaching of history.?It is, however, to send up a bit of a warning concerning the possibility of history repeating itself if we do not try to understand the what and the why things happened the way that they did.?There are numerous economic, political, and cultural examples.?Each can be repeated without too serious or even devastating consequences, but there are several that require a deeper level of consideration.
I have been reading Bill O’Reilly’s book Killing the Rising Sun.?O’Reilly is a student of history, and he offers extensive documentation to support his work. Today I reached his detailed coverage of the events leading up to the dropping of the atomic bomb on Hiroshima, and a series of firsthand reports of the aftermath. ?Of course, I was aware of the U.S. dropping two atomic bombs to usher in what is now called the nuclear age. I remember discussions about why this was done and how terrible it was. I also am old enough to remember the air raid drills we conducted in school where we huddled under our desks, as if that would make a difference.
The point I would like to drive home is that I know I have forgotten a lot about this terrible part of history, and I am almost sure many of today’s kids never even heard about it.?The reading of these passages helped me to remember and provided important insight. But it also raised several companion thoughts about various threats over the years and how we have come so close to the additional use of nuclear weapons, many times more powerful than the ones the U.S. dropped on Japan. The ever-expanding list of unstable nations that have nuclear bombs must be noted and we continue to hear about the missiles pointed at targets throughout the world. The world’s Doomsday Clock keeps ticking ever more closely to our extinction.
Even in the face of fear, I must also admit my amazement over the relationship we have with Japan today after I read about the brutality of both the U.S. and Japan during WW II.?Millions died and few prisoners were taken as the Japanese leaders fought to win at all costs, and the American forces continued to pursue Japan for its “unprovoked” attack on Pearl Harbor. Viewed in this perspective, it provides some small spark of hope for the future. If we were able to survive another nuclear attack, we just might be able to re-build.?How peace was achieved, and relationships rebuilt is worth study, and for the results identified to be applied to how separate we are, in many respects, today.?
The TRUTH is that the threats today are even more serious and the consequences far greater that at any point in our history.?Have we learned anything? Perhaps yes since this terrible destruction has been held in check all these years.?But let us never forget the sacrifices and the realities of what has occurred.?Hate and true evil is real and must be defeated!