The Truth of He Who Is Love, Loves You Enough

The Truth of He Who Is Love, Loves You Enough

The Truth of True Love, Anointed from He who is Love Himself, who desirers that none should parish, but that all should be reconciled back into Him who all things came forth out of:

There is a reason!

Yet you must acknowledge the reason in order to return to the Lord!

Come to Him for the first time, or renew yourself back to Him, whom all creation shall return back to, knowing that within one’s own deciding, acts and actions if has become darkness themselves, darkness has never been within God, nor can darkness ever enter into God.

There is a reason you have stopped hearing the voice of God! And it’s not because God stooped speaking!

Know that because of your own separating, you have become numb from not only hearing God’s voice, but you have rejected His Speaking for your own acceptance of the ways of the deceiver of all mankind and the enemy of God over the Truth of the Power located within the Word of God which is God’s freely given of His mercy and grace sent into the world! Jesus Christ!

How have you done this?

By your continued acceptance (s), of the deceiver’s ways in this world! Darkness calling out to all to become darkness themselves, just as a third of the angels joined darkness, so they also were cast out of the kingdom of God.

By your own acceptance of compromising in the watered-down deceptions of causing sickness, both mental and physical in darkness of the enemy of God; just as God has so declared many would do!

You can call it all different kinds and types of things; still you, yourselves have exchanged the Power of God’s Word - for the weakened fearfulness of the ways of returning back to a spirit of bondage of fear provided by the master deceiver of the world and all mankind!

Even by your very own acceptances of acting upon the very same question, by yourselves questioning God.

“Did God Really Say!”

Exchanging the voice of God’s Holy Spirit and teaching, leadership, and given of knowledge and wisdom for the ways and things of this world!

Exchanging God’s Voice and performance of seeking His Voice until you, yourselves have dimmed and even avoided the voice of God, within yourselves!

“Still God Remains Right where You Are, Because God Remains In All Things Ever Created.”

You have freely surrender to the enemy rather than drawing nearer into God, where God’s voice is so loud that even the creation of all else rather than man hears the thunder of God’s voice!

God’s voice remains and His Way and His Might rules over all else; into ALL who truly seek first His Kingdom and His Righteousness, still, even within all things which do not listen nor hear His Voice any longer.

You have become tricked into believing your own works are greater than your time spent with God; even teaching others it’s okay to not enter in; or that they can live in double mindedness and partial worldly ways along with partial heavenly ways! Causing the enemy to become the greater master over your own lives.

Believing without doubting the illnesses and acceptance of sickness and ways of the enemy of God; over the Righteousness of God’s Power found and located within His Word made flesh for you and for I and ALL mankind!

Preaching and ministering a weak watered-down gospel of Jesus, God’s Word made flesh and sent into the world that His Own Holy Spirit May enter into the temples of ALL who will repent and surrender ALL of this life and this world for the exchange of this world and life, for ALL of the kingdom of God and His Righteousness and Power entering and performing in you and through you......

John 9:41

Jesus said to them, “if you were blind, you would have no sin; but now you say, “We see.” Therefore, your sin remains.

Listen ALL who have seen and ALL who have heard;

John 10

It is not God’s Word that has stopped working but you who have stopped believing without doubting!

You have stopped entering in and you have accepted the teachings and ways of deception over the Truth of God’s Power located within His Word that He, Himself written upon the hearts of ALL mankind and place upon the Souls of ALL mankind!

Hear God’s Voice once again!


“Your voice has stopped of Me, because your believing has been exchanged for the lies of this world acceptances over the Truth of My Power, revealed in and through My Word! You can not speak because you have closed off My Word from your own acceptance for the voice of the multitude of voices!

You have not because you stopped seeking and turned away from your first love for Me and My Word of guidance and teaching! You have exchanged My teachings for that of the worlds and that of your own acceptances!

I have not exchanged not even one of My Own Words for ALL who shall believe and My Power has not weakened whatsoever in any measure!

You have trained yourselves to call My voice the voice of deception and the deceivers voices that of the Truth!

You do so in your ways and actions that cause you to withdraw away from me further and further until now you hear My voice no longer!

You hate hearing My voice because it is the fire which burns from within you; because you said you once knew Me, yet now you know Me no longer, even admitting you hear Me no longer!

You have exchanged My gifts into you, because you doubt and you blame your doubtful ness upon Me not performing, yet it is you who have stopped believing, and performing, in order that you accept no longer My performances in you and through you!

O how far have you fallen, how far you have wondered away from Me and My Protection and Guidance from within you!

You have exchanged for your own glory of your own desires of self-lovers of self and performances over your own doing over that of My grace and mercy; while calling yourselves graceful and merciful! Yet you perform partial in all your ways!

John 11

See I told you beforehand and you listened not; you exchanged Me as changeable; yet I AM is unchangeable in ALL My ways to you, for you, to My own Glory and Great pleasure! because I love you so dearly!

Now, repent and return, turning and about turning out of the weakened ways of dis-believing and believing in part, in and through ever religion man has ever created for themselves.

Return to your first loves and I shall forgive you and I shall once again, show you My Glory and My Power over all that is happening around you!

I have never exchanged My love for you, nor can anything ever separate you from My love, “but you!”

John 14

Know that as much as My Word is being revealed of the things happening all around you;

even so My Word remains for you and not against you who believe without doubting, yet to believe without doubting, you must at ALL times remain where I have delivered you into Myself!

John 17

Now once again you hear My voice and as you repent just believe and I shall restore ALL into you of My never changing ALL Powerful performance in you and through you everywhere you are and everywhere I lead you to go!

Now hear My voice and repent, allowing Me to show you, My Glory; as I have saved you for just such a time as these!






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