FREE GUIDE: The Truth about Give/Gets . . .
Sherry Quam Taylor
Helping nonprofit execs diversify revenue & scale gen-ops dollars so they can invest in infrastructure to grow.
[SPOILER ALERT] I don’t love Give/Gets for Board Members.
But wait. What would your nonprofit do without the Give/Get model??
The truth is, so much more.?
I’m really excited to share THIS GUIDE with you! Honestly, I’ve been writing it in my head for years. It’s called THE TRUTH ABOUT GIVE/GETS [The Top 5 Reasons Your Board’s Give/Get Is Leaving Thousands (Sometimes Millions) on the Table.]
?? Something funny happened when I was creating the content for this new GUIDE. I did a Google search because I was looking for a new statistic or fancy quote that supported my viewpoint that this approach no longer serves the greatest good of our organizations and boards.
The Google search supported my stance that Give/Gets keep boards thinking, planning, giving, and fundraising SMALL.?
I found top board software companies’ blogs suggesting that our board member’s best use of time should be spent selling T-shirts, applying for a Google Grant, launching a walk-a-thon, and even doing a social media take-over. The article touted these were RISK-FREE fundraising ideas that Board Members will love.
[READ: Board Members should not do this stuff.]
If your board member can give 1-2 hours outside of the recurring board member each month, it better be focused on higher-ROI activities.?
I invite you to start redefining what “contribute” means when it comes to the Board's fundraising. Limiting board members to the Give/Get model restricts gifts in so many ways and keeps your staff from reaching their full fundraising potential.
You can read the Top 5 Reasons Your Board’s Give/Get Is Leaving Thousands (Sometimes Millions) on the Table HERE.
To your success,
When you're ready...
?? Work with me to diversify your revenue, scale your charitable dollars, and fully fund your growth budget // If you’re a business-minded CEO already RAISING MILLIONS but still need more gen-ops revenue from individuals, family foundations, and businesses, contact me here .