The TRUTH of Getting Things Done
Master this one skill in life and find yourself both in demand and respected, if you come through as promised. The skill? Getting things done!
Anyone can describe problems, explaining what went wrong and even, perhaps, how to fix them. Far fewer can take steps to get it done. No matter how small the problem is, or how big it is, the proof of your value is in taking care of it!
Talking about a good game is never equal to having even a small role in the success of the event, in “actually playing” the game. We have been convinced that the only thing that is needed is to show up, but this is not enough. We must participate and be part of the solution. We must be able to get things done!
This starts, of course, with an attitude of being ready to “take care of” things. If you project an attitude of “whatever it is that’s needed, you can handle it, and then do it.” Whoever is running the organization will notice and this will get you noticed.
Some spend their lives looking for the secret of succeeding at everything. They are often looking for a miracle elixir that they can drink and solve all their problems. Let me stop you here, there are no short cuts to succeeding at anything in life. It takes hard work and dedication and effort. However, there are some skills, some TRUTHS you can acquire that will help you improve your chances. What are they?
First, critical thinking sets up our minds to achieve almost anything. Once we set our minds to something, we can achieve it. Every day we come across a lot of information, some of which get registered in our brain and the rest is ignored. Critical thinking helps you decide which information is useful for you and can be used later in life. As we analyze information in respect of the identified subjects we settle upon, we begin to see certain TRUTHS. Focusing on these will refine our outlook on life and help us focus on things that matter the most.
Next, decision making is a very important skill that is often overlooked. Every decision we make alters the future for us. Before making any decisions, we must weigh and compare the possible outcomes of every option we have. In doing so we automatically conclude what decision might be best for us. Decisions cannot be made in a vacuum, they requires facts and evidence and are best based on the answers to powerful questions. Learn to discern TRUTH and the process of decision making becomes more automatic.
Researching is another skill providing the ability to gather knowledge, process it, and utilize it to solve problems or provide insight others may not have. Knowing is essential! However, the problem here is that knowledge will not make its way to where it needs to be applied on its own. It requires the ability to find the right knowledge for the situation at hand. It is very easy to research almost any topic whatsoever today, so you have absolutely no excuses when it comes to research. The major problem may be that there is too much knowledge available and how do you know what to believe. This is why it is a skill.
Organizational Skills is the next essential life skill. Life, in general, is messy and disorganized. Those that can bring order out of chaos will find the greatest success because they will be able to approach solutions in a more logical progression. Organization requires planning and the ability to stick to it because there are so many distractions that can easily take you off course. We must be organized in all that we attempt to do. Living a messy life will not get us anywhere.
The final essential life skills to be covered in this article is perhaps the most important of all. Do not take yourself too seriously. Good mental health, the ability to relax and put some of the stress of life behind you is paramount. Trying to do more than you can do produces unnecessary stress. Good mental health is the most essential skill in your life! If you don’t take care of your health and overwork, chances are that you will burn yourself sooner than you thought. Take some time out of your day and do the things you like. It can be anything. Just dedicate time to yourself before it’s too late! Eat a balanced diet, exercise regularly, you know this! Just do it for your sake and prolong your work life.
Tomorrow we will look at a few additional skills necessary to get things done. What do you think is most important? Add your thoughts below in the comments and like what I have shared if it has helped you.