The Truth About Truth
To be perfectly honest with you, the concept of truth no longer makes sense to me. I have spent over a decade looking at events in my life, past and present, from different perspectives in order to uncover what is real and what is not. In doing this, I have learned to ask myself:
?·??????Why do I believe this is true?
?·??????What would it look like if it were not true?
?·??????What would happen if this were untrue?
?·??????How important is this to me or others anyway?
?·??????What choices would I make if I believed in something different?
?·??????Do I know what truth looks like to me?
And so, I present you with my perspective on the truth about truth.
It is the story that you choose to believe because it makes sense to you, or maybe it makes you feel safe.
Lately, I have been telling myself the story that creates a feeling of oneness with the Universe. A feeling of being part of you, the earth, the Universe, and beyond. It is a feeling of expansion and a feeling of home.
Although I believe all that I am experiencing and I know this feels right, I have to ask…
?Is this truth?
Being a human with stories I have heard, just like you, and applying what discernment I can, based on how I feel about the answers, I can only be sure that this is the story I made up today that I resonate with right now. If I feel like a story fits, like a well-tailored outfit, then I call it truth for me.
And it resonates, a very important word because it has a meaning for me that is deep, broad, and palpable.
Resonation is a sound, a vibration, that moves me. ?This is defined as evoking or suggesting images, memories, and emotions.?It can bring me to tears, to laughter, or to deep musing. And still, what images? Whose memories? What emotions? Are these also rooted in stories that can be changed? Is this resonation truth?
And so, I look to apply discernment, defined as the ability to obtain clear perceptions or to judge well. I take the time to pause and consider the source of the story. And here I go again. What judgement? Whose perceptions? What is true? Are these also rooted in stories that can be changed? How can I be sure discernment really exists?
What I do know is that when I set my ego aside, open my mind and my heart to what I don’t know, and allow ideas and feelings to flow, I am more at peace than ever before in my life. I have more knowing, without explanation or judgement. I have much more insight, foresight, and introspection than I had before, and this is ever expanding.
Truth has no words. To me, it is knowing who I am and not what I believe I am. It is knowing what feels right to me, regardless of what conventional thinking may say. It is knowing that this moment is the only reality there is and anything past or future is meaningless.
Truth is simply this moment, nothing more.