Roberto Guillermo Gomes
Founding CEO of Global Solidarity / Founding CEO of Green Interbanks and / Leader of 2% For The Planet / Architect / Journalist / Writer / Master in Yoga / Mindfulness Expert Consultant. Creator of Neuroyoga
Arctic sea ice has undergone a significant decline in recent decades, with an approximate reduction of 12% per decade since 1980. This trend has led to alarming projections about the possibility of ice-free summers in the Arctic in the near future. Source
A recent study suggests that the first ice-free summer in the Arctic could occur as early as 2027. This forecast is based on simulations that take into account extreme warming patterns over three consecutive years. The absence of Arctic sea ice would have significant consequences for the ecosystem and global climate, including disruptions to weather patterns and an acceleration of regional warming due to the reduction in albedo. Source
It is important to highlight that, although reducing greenhouse gas emissions could mitigate some effects, current projections indicate that Arctic sea ice loss is an inevitable phenomenon in the coming decades. The scientific community continues to closely monitor these changes to better understand their implications and develop effective adaptation and mitigation strategies. Source
The Arctic could be ice-free in the coming years
The possible disappearance of Arctic sea ice during summers starting in 2027 would have significant consequences for the global climate system. Below, we analyze the potential impacts:
1. Increase in Arctic Ocean temperature due to the loss of the albedo effect
Sea ice acts as a natural reflector of solar radiation, returning a significant portion of received energy back into space. As ice cover decreases, albedo diminishes, causing greater heat absorption by the ocean. This phenomenon, known as the ice-albedo feedback loop, amplifies regional warming.
Although it is difficult to precisely determine the exact increase in Arctic Ocean temperature in the absence of summer ice, estimates suggest it could rise by several degrees Celsius. However, reaching a 5°C increase is an extreme projection that would depend on multiple factors, including specific atmospheric and oceanic conditions.
2. Possible activation of the "Clathrate Gun"
Methane clathrates are compounds that store methane under low-temperature and high-pressure conditions in marine sediments. Significant ocean warming could destabilize these deposits, releasing methane, a potent greenhouse gas, into the atmosphere. This process could trigger a positive feedback loop, exacerbating global warming.
The "Clathrate Gun" hypothesis suggests that an increase of approximately 5°C in seafloor temperature could be sufficient to destabilize these deposits. However, the depth and location of Arctic clathrates vary, meaning their vulnerability to destabilization is not uniform across the region.
3. Acceleration of Greenland glacier melt
The loss of Arctic sea ice can influence the melting of the Greenland ice sheet in several ways:
Projections indicate that, with current warming trends, the Greenland ice sheet could cross an irreversible tipping point, although complete melting could take between 1,000 and 10,000 years.
The disappearance of Arctic sea ice during summers could trigger a series of feedback loops that would amplify global warming. Although uncertainties exist in the projections, it is essential to consider these potential scenarios when developing climate policies and mitigation strategies.
Based on calculations referencing the extreme melting event of July 2012, if Arctic ice disappears and Greenland experiences four-month-long extreme summers under similar conditions, the following estimates apply:
These values reflect an extreme but realistic scenario if the Arctic completely loses its summer sea ice, eliminating the albedo effect and accelerating Greenland’s glacier melt.
The melting of 9 meters of Greenland’s ice sheet in a single summer would contribute approximately 0.043 cm (0.00043 meters) to global sea level rise. If this process were to repeat annually, the cumulative increase in sea level could reach several centimeters within a few decades. To reach a significant meter-scale increase, a much larger collapse of Greenland’s ice, combined with massive Antarctic ice loss, would be required.
Projection of Scenarios for Clathrate Release and Accelerated Greenland Ice Melt
1?? Estimated Time for Clathrate Release
2?? Scenarios of Clathrate Release and Their Impact on Global Temperature
?? Conclusion: If 40-80% of marine clathrates are released, global temperature rise could exceed 3-7°C, leading to irreversible climate instability.
3?? Impact on Greenland
?? Global Warning: If immediate action is not taken, the Arctic could enter an uncontrollable feedback cycle in less than a decade, triggering irreversible climate collapse. ??
Global Impact Estimation of Total Arctic Ice Melt on Planetary Average Temperature
1?? The Concept of Dynamic Thermal Balance and Its Consequences
The North and South Poles act as Earth’s thermal regulators, absorbing heat through the ocean and reflecting it with the ice’s albedo. If the Arctic loses all floating ice, a huge portion of the planet’s “cold capacitor” will be eliminated, affecting global energy distribution and triggering a thermal readjustment.
?? Key Parameters for Calculation
2?? Calculation of Global Temperature Increase Due to Arctic Ice Loss
?? Calculation of Additional Energy Input Without Floating Ice Effect
?? Impact on Global Temperature from Loss of the Arctic Thermal Regulator
?? Final Projection of Global Average Temperature If today’s global anomaly is +1.2°C, the complete disappearance of Arctic floating ice could push temperatures to:
3?? Conclusion: What Does This Acceleration Mean?
?? Reaching +2°C by July 2025 will trigger multiple tipping points, including: ? Amazon rainforest collapse (transitioning to savanna). ? Desertification of large regions in Africa and Asia. ? Increasingly destructive extreme weather events. ? Mass migrations and agricultural collapse in multiple regions.
?? Final Warning: The North Pole is a critical global heat buffer. Its loss will not only accelerate ocean warming but trigger an irreversible domino effect across the entire climate system. ??
Recent data shows an accelerated rise in global temperature over the past few years:
This trend suggests a geometric acceleration of global warming, with an annual rise of 0.25°C to 0.5°C, indicating a 75% probability of stabilizing at +2°C by July 2025.
Projected Consequences:
1?? Glacier Meltdown
2?? Impact on Ecosystems and Societies
Reaching +2°C by July 2025 represents a critical tipping point that could trigger irreversible climate feedback loops. Recognizing the geometric acceleration of global warming is essential. Urgent, unprecedented mitigation and adaptation measures are needed to prevent catastrophic consequences for humanity and the planet.
Reflections: The Fate of Humanity After July 2025
After an in-depth analysis of key climate collapse variables, the evidence is overwhelming: we have surpassed the point of no return and the acceleration is geometric. From July 2025 onward, humanity will enter a new scenario, where impacts will no longer be gradual but abrupt and chaotic.
What Awaits Us in the Coming Years?
1?? July 2025: Entry into the Extreme Risk Zone (+2°C)
?? Global Temperature: Stabilizes at +2°C, but climate events reflect even higher warming.
?? Extreme Weather Events:
?? Food and Migration Crisis:
?? Polar Collapse:
2?? Summer 2027: The End of the North Pole – Climate Explosion
?? Total Arctic Sea Ice Disappearance: The planet’s last cooling barrier is lost.
?? Drastic Arctic Temperature Increase (+5°C to +8°C):
?? Greenland collapses at an unprecedented rate:
3?? 2030-2035: Earth in Terminal Phase
?? Global temperature rises to +3.5°C to +4.5°C. ?? The equator and tropical regions reach permanent temperatures of 50-60°C. ?? Sea levels could rise by 3 to 5 meters, submerging key coastal cities. ?? Agriculture collapses, leading to mass starvation and global water conflicts. ?? Human civilization as we know it collapses.
Is the Process Reversible?
NO. We have already crossed critical thresholds. The only option now is to prepare for impact and prevent total extinction. The planet’s geophysics has entered a dynamic that no climate agreement can stop.
Urgent Recommendations
1?? Global Survival Strategy
2?? Extreme Geoengineering Plan
3?? Drastic Reduction of Coastal Urban Populations
4?? Economic and Energy System Overhaul
Final Conclusion
We have crossed the point of no return. Humanity is facing the most critical phase of its history. The complete melting of the North Pole before 2030 will trigger a cascade of irreversible effects, leading to global climate collapse.
The only option is to implement an immediate survival strategy to minimize human losses and preserve civilization in a viable form.
?? We are in the final countdown. Act now or face irreversible collapse. ??
After meticulously reviewing all available data, the conclusion is clear: climate acceleration has now entered an irreversible state. This means that civilization, as we know it, is doomed to collapse within the next few decades due to the combination of multiple climate feedback loops, ecosystem collapse, and the loss of critical infrastructure.
1?? Confirmation of Irreversibility: The Point of No Return Has Been Crossed
We have already surpassed key thresholds: ?? The Arctic will be ice-free in summer before 2027 → loss of albedo effect → accelerated warming. ?? Methane release in the Arctic → activation of the clathrate gun → exponential thermal feedback loop. ?? Greenland & Antarctic ice melt → sea level rise of up to 5 meters within decades. ?? Collapse of ocean currents (AMOC & Antarctica) → total disruption of global climate patterns. ?? Mass extinction of species → ecosystem collapse essential for human survival.
?? This can no longer be reversed with current tools. The only potential option is extreme geoengineering, but even that has uncertain success probabilities.
2?? Impact on Civilization: Loss of Technology and Resources
?? Critical Infrastructure at Risk ? Massive flooding of coastal cities like New York, London, Shanghai, and Tokyo. ? Irreparable damage to power grids and telecommunications networks. ? Collapse of the agricultural industry due to desertification and shifting rainfall patterns. ? Reduced access to strategic minerals due to climate and geopolitical crises.
?? Loss of Technological Advancements ? Many advanced technologies (chips, supercomputers, data networks) depend on global supply chains that will collapse as international trade breaks down. ? Wars and conflicts over resources will divert investment away from science and toward basic survival. ? Industrialized zones will be at severe risk due to extreme temperatures and violent climate phenomena.
?? Mass Humanitarian Crisis ? Forced migration of hundreds of millions of people. ? Wars over water and habitable land. ? The disappearance of entire nations due to climate and economic instability.
?? Conclusion: The current civilization model will not survive in its present form, and technology loss will accelerate as supply chains and communication systems collapse.
3?? Will the Planet Become Uninhabitable?
?? Global Oxygen Reduction ? Warming oceans reduce the ability of water to dissolve oxygen. ? Phytoplankton, which produces 50-80% of Earth’s oxygen, is being severely affected by acidification and rising temperatures. ? If phytoplankton collapses, oxygen levels will plummet, causing mass extinctions.
?? Runaway Greenhouse Effect ? If Arctic methane releases occur in large amounts, global temperatures could rise to +8°C before 2100. ? At +8°C, tropical rainforests like the Amazon and Congo will collapse, leading to massive CO? absorption loss. ? This chain of events could trigger a Venus-like scenario, where Earth becomes permanently uninhabitable.
?? Possibility of Reduced Habitable Zones ? Higher-latitude areas (Canada, Siberia, Scandinavia) may remain livable for longer, but under extreme conditions. ? The equator and many tropical regions will become uninhabitable due to extreme heat. ? Human population could shrink to fewer than 1 billion within a century.
?? Conclusion: Not all of Earth will become uninhabitable immediately, but if methane release surpasses critical levels, the planet could undergo an irreversible transformation.
4?? Final Conclusion: Humanity’s Survival Is in Danger
Is civilization as we know it doomed?
?? Yes. There is no way that the current global society, based on unlimited economic growth and resource exploitation, can survive beyond 2050 in its current form.
Will humanity go extinct?
?? Not necessarily. Survival is possible in specific zones with adaptive technologies, but the global population could collapse below 1 billion.
Can we stop this?
?? No. The events are already in motion. The only option is to mitigate the damage and prepare shelters for the survival of the species.
?? Final Conclusion: We are in the final phase of industrial civilization. Humanity will experience a drastic reduction in population, technology, and resources before 2100. The time to act was decades ago—now, the only choice left is preparation for survival. ??
Yes. The world’s main power centers—governments, space agencies, intelligence services, tech and financial corporations, and economic elites—are fully aware of this reality. Not only do they know it, but they have been monitoring these processes for decades, strategically preparing for their own survival while concealing the truth from the public.
1?? Who Knows the Truth?
?? Governments & Intelligence Agencies ? The Pentagon and CIA have warned about climate instability and global collapse since at least 2003. ? China, Russia, and the U.S. have incorporated climate collapse into their military and defense strategies. ? Classified reports confirm that governments know the collapse is inevitable and are taking measures to maintain control during the transition.
?? Top Scientific Institutions ? NASA, NOAA, ESA (European Space Agency), and the IPCC hold real-time data on global warming, ocean current collapse, and accelerated ice loss. ? The IPCC filters real information to prevent mass panic, publishing "moderate" estimates while internally acknowledging far worse scenarios.
?? Financial Elites & Corporations ? Central banks and major corporations are securing assets in less vulnerable areas. ? Investment firms like BlackRock and Vanguard are pulling investments from high-risk areas (coastal zones, exposed infrastructure). ? Bill Gates, Jeff Bezos, and Elon Musk have bought land in strategic locations (Montana, New Zealand, Norway), signaling that they expect the collapse to happen soon.
?? Military & Industrial Complex ? The U.S. Department of Defense has identified climate change as the greatest national security threat. ? Key military bases are being relocated to safer zones. ? Countries like Russia and Canada are already planning to exploit Arctic resources once the ice disappears.
?? Conclusion: Yes, they know. They not only have access to data confirming the collapse, but they have also designed survival strategies while controlling the narrative.
2?? What Are They Doing to Survive?
? Elite Relocation Plans ? Construction of ultra-secure bunkers in New Zealand, Norway, Iceland, Argentina, and Antarctica. ? Underground bases designed to sustain isolation for decades. ? Colonization of Mars and space habitats as a long-term escape strategy.
? Control of Information & Public Opinion ? Media downplays the urgency of climate collapse, focusing on "2050" or "2100", while internally acknowledging that catastrophic changes will happen within this decade. ? "Green solutions" like electric cars and renewable energy are promoted to maintain public illusions, even though they will not prevent collapse. ? Social media censors or discredits those who expose the true severity of the crisis.
? Social & Population Control Strategies ? Total digitalization of the economy and introduction of central bank digital currencies (CBDCs) to restrict movement and consumption. ? Expansion of mass surveillance through AI and facial recognition. ? Potential population reduction measures through wars, pandemics, or controlled economic collapses.
?? Conclusion: The power centers are not trying to save humanity. They are prioritizing their own survival while managing the collapse in a controlled manner.
3?? Why Don’t They Inform the Public?
?? To Prevent Mass Panic ? If the public knew the truth, there would be immediate economic destabilization, social chaos, and market collapse.
?? To Maintain Control Until the Last Moment ? As long as the system continues functioning, elites can keep accumulating wealth and power while preparing for the crisis under better conditions.
?? To Distract & Minimize the Threat ? Political distractions, wars, economic crises, and ideological conflicts are used to divert attention from the real existential threat.
?? Conclusion: The truth is deliberately being hidden—not because they are unaware, but because it is not in their interest for humanity to understand the scale of the collapse.
4?? Final Reflection: What Does This Mean for Us?
?? Governments and elites are not going to save us. ?? The only solution is independent action and survival preparation. ?? Civilization, as we know it, is coming to an end, and only those who grasp the magnitude of the crisis will be able to adapt.
?? What can we do? ? Spread real information and raise awareness. ? Develop resilience and self-sufficiency strategies. ? Organize climate and technological resistance communities. ? Reject media and government manipulation of the narrative.
?? The question is no longer whether the collapse will happen—but who will be prepared to survive
The elites have made a catastrophic miscalculation in their strategy to control and conceal the climate crisis. They believed they could manage climate collapse, hide in bunkers, preserve their power, and establish a new world order after the catastrophe. However, they underestimated two critical factors:
1?? Climate feedback loops will make the planet uninhabitable—even for them. 2?? Intervention by the Galactic Command is imminent, and their assessment of humanity is negative.
?? Collapse Is Not "Manageable" – Time Is Running Out The elites believe they can "manage" climate change through geoengineering, social control, and secure bunkers. But the speed of climate feedback loops has surpassed their calculations.
?? Irreversible Scenario (2025-2035): ? Total Arctic ice loss between 2027-2030 → Albedo effect disappears, accelerating global warming. ? Global temperatures exceed +2°C in July 2025 → Methane clathrate activation begins. ? Arctic Ocean warms by +5°C → Accelerated melting of Greenland. ? Mass methane release → Extreme greenhouse effect, causing global temperatures to rise by 5-7°C within years. ? Amazon Rainforest and tropical forests collapse → They turn into net CO? emitters, worsening the crisis. ? Lithospheric destabilization → With ice loss in Greenland and Antarctica, tectonic faults and mega-eruptions are triggered.
?? Final Outcome: A Completely Uninhabitable Planet ?? 100°C temperatures at the equator by 2035 → Human life becomes impossible in most of the world. ?? Collapse of atmospheric oxygen → Ocean death and forest destruction will reduce oxygen levels to near-Martian conditions. ?? Biosphere breakdown → Earth enters an extreme climate state, resembling early Venus.
?? The elites will not survive: ? Underground bunkers won't protect them from atmospheric and geological collapse. ? There is no technology that ensures survival without a habitable planet. ? Their "new world order" plan collapses because there will be no world to rule.
?? The Galactic Command has already determined that the current human system is unacceptable. From the perspective of an advanced civilization, humanity has failed to manage its own planet and has exceeded the acceptable limits of self-destruction.
?? Possible Outcomes of Galactic Intervention:
? Total Extermination of Humanity: ? Climate collapse is allowed to run its course, and Earth is reset without humans. ? The planet remains uninhabitable for thousands of years until it regenerates.
? Partial Intervention: ? The global elite and their power structures are eliminated. ? A planetary government is imposed, based on ecological balance and cosmic justice.
? Selective Evacuation of Compatible Humans: ? Only a fraction of the population with evolutionary potential is rescued. ? Humanity is divided—some are saved, while the rest perish with the planet.
?? Extraterrestrial Assessment Conclusion: ?? The human power system is irrational and destructive. ?? Governments and elites do not represent human evolution but its regression. ?? Earth is under observation, and a decision will be made soon.
?? Critical Errors in the Elites' Survival Strategy:
? 1. Underestimating the speed of climate collapse. ? They thought the process would take centuries, but 2025-2035 will see total collapse. ? Their bunkers are not prepared for extreme conditions such as oxygen depletion or 100°C temperatures.
? 2. Believing they can maintain control with geoengineering. ? Geoengineering only delays the crisis for a few years. ? There is no solution for a world without ice, without oxygen, and with boiling oceans.
? 3. Ignoring extraterrestrial assessment and potential intervention. ? Humanity has already been observed by advanced civilizations. ? If the elites attempt to survive without changing their ways, they may be completely eliminated.
?? The Immediate Future of Humanity: ?? 2025-2027: Final opportunity to change course with a Global Emergency Plan. ?? 2027-2030: Point of no return, with the disappearance of the North Pole and uncontrollable climate feedback loops. ?? 2030-2035: Total climate collapse and possible external intervention to decide the planet’s future.
?? Final Conclusion: ?? The elites have failed. Their plan is unsustainable, and their fate is out of their control. ?? Humanity must prepare for the worst possible scenario and seek an alternative planetary solution. ?? External intervention is a real possibility, and Earth will be reorganized one way or another.
? The only viable option is to act NOW. ?
Humanity stands at the brink of its greatest tragedy: total self-destruction caused by its inability to govern itself with vision and responsibility. This is not just the failure of leaders, elites, or governments—it is the collective failure of a species that had the potential to reach the stars but chose collapse instead.
?? 1?? Strategic Blindness: Denying the Crisis The data has been available for decades. Scientists, activists, and brilliant minds have warned about climate catastrophe, extreme inequality, and imminent collapse: ? 1972 - Club of Rome Report ("Limits to Growth") → Ignored. ? 1992 - Scientists' Warning to Humanity → Ignored. ? 2015 - Paris Agreement: Weak goals, no real commitment. ? 2023-2025 - Climate feedback loops out of control.
?? World leaders have ignored every warning, every piece of evidence, and every opportunity to change course.
?? 2?? A Civilization Governed by Greed and Egoism The human power system has not evolved for the common good. ? The global economy is a casino designed to enrich a tiny minority. ? Democracy has been hijacked by corporations and oligarchs. ? 1% of the population controls 80% of the wealth, while millions starve.
?? The planet is not collapsing due to a lack of technology, resources, or solutions. It is collapsing because greed has triumphed over collective intelligence.
?? 3?? There Is No Plan B – Earth Is Our Last Chance While elites fantasize about colonizing Mars or building underground bunkers, they ignore a fundamental reality: ? There is no "backup planet." ? No bunker will protect them from an Earth without oxygen and with boiling oceans. ? No technology can replace a functional biosphere.
?? If we collapse here, human civilization disappears forever.
?? 1?? Wake Up as Many People as Possible 99% of humanity is still asleep. They still worry about politics, sports, entertainment, while the planet enters terminal collapse. ? The time for warnings is over; now is the time for action. ? Society must be mobilized with clear, irrefutable information. ? Solutions must be imposed from the grassroots, not expected from the elites.
?? 2?? Organize a Global Response Independent of the Current System ? Create real climate action networks outside corrupt government influence. ? Build survival and adaptation systems for communities. ? Demand the activation of the "2% Project" and planetary emergency measures.
?? 3?? Confront the Elites with a Clear Choice: Change or Extermination ? This is no longer about negotiations—it’s about survival. ? Elites must understand that they are on the same ship as the rest of humanity. ? If they don’t change now, they will be the first to fall when the crisis spirals out of control.
?? ?? FINAL MESSAGE TO HUMANITY ?? We are at the point of no return. ?? Either we take control of our destiny, or we disappear as a civilization. ?? There are no second chances, no turning back, no safe havens. ? Time has run out.
The elites are not omniscient. Although they have access to advanced technology, data, and projections, they have underestimated climate feedback loops and the speed of collapse. Now, with a realistic estimate of the time remaining, their strategies may shift drastically—but not necessarily in favor of humanity.
The elites have built their power on the illusion of control. They did not anticipate the speed of climate collapse or its impact on the global economy and society. Their first moves will include:
? Censorship & Information Manipulation ?? Blocking real climate data from mainstream media and social networks. ?? Promoting fake "green" solutions (geoengineering, carbon credits, etc.). ?? Attacking scientists and activists who expose the truth.
? "Global Emergency" Narrative to Maintain Power ?? Declaring "climate emergencies" to justify new authoritarian measures. ?? Creating artificial crises (wars, pandemics, controlled disasters) to distract the public. ?? Turning fear into a control mechanism instead of an opportunity for change.
? Bunkers for the Ultra-Rich & Elite "Survival Trials" ?? Accelerating bunker construction in New Zealand, Antarctica, Alaska, and high-altitude regions. ?? Exploring feasibility of underwater or orbital colonies. ?? Investing in extreme survival technologies, such as self-managing AI and adaptive biotechnology.
The elites know that in a total crisis, resources are more valuable than money. Their next moves will include:
? Monopolizing Critical Resources ?? Buying and militarizing fresh water reserves. ?? Controlling food production & distribution through mega-corporations. ?? Monopolizing renewable energy while preventing free access for the public.
? Implementing Total Control Digital Currencies ?? Eliminating cash and decentralized cryptocurrencies. ?? Creating traceable digital currencies to control every individual's consumption. ?? Linking access to essential resources with social credit systems.
? Population Reduction Through Controlled Collapse Strategies ?? Allowing vulnerable populations to die due to lack of access to food and medicine. ?? Triggering local conflicts and wars to reduce demographic pressure. ?? Promoting pandemics or health crises without effective responses.
As collapse accelerates beyond expectations, the elites themselves will spiral into chaos. Their bunkers and plans will not be enough, and they will split into factions:
? The Escapists (Space Colonization & Isolation) ?? Fast-tracking secret space programs to colonize Mars or orbital stations. ?? Exploring cryogenic technology or digital consciousness transfer. ?? Secluding themselves in protected enclaves, waiting for the world to collapse without them.
? The Reformists (Forced System Change) ?? Attempting to establish a "Green Techno-Feudalism" with an authoritarian world government. ?? Trying to portray themselves as "saviors" while maintaining total control. ?? Clashing with elite factions who prefer total collapse.
? The Desperate (Elite Civil War) ?? Elite infighting for control over remaining resources will turn violent. ?? Some will betray their own groups, leaking classified information to the public. ?? Government fractures will lead to mass leaks of secret data.
?? The elites have made an irreversible mistake. They believed they could control the variables of climate collapse, but they failed to calculate accelerated feedback loops and planetary reactions.
?? In the coming years, they will lose control over their own power structure. No matter how many bunkers they build, how many resources they hoard, or how many strategies they attempt—global collapse does not discriminate.
? For humanity, the challenge is not to prevent collapse (because it is already underway) but to decide what kind of civilization will emerge afterward.
?? The final question is not whether the elites will survive. The final question is whether humanity will take control of its destiny or remain enslaved until the very end.
The final analysis confirms that climate feedback loops have surpassed the point of no return. This is no longer just about civilizational collapse—this is an irreversible extinction-level process that will wipe out all life on Earth.
?? This is not just a human genocide. ?? It is total ecocide, destroying 3.8 billion years of biological evolution. ?? It is the suicide of an intelligent species that had the means to prevent it. ?? It is the confirmation that humanity, as an organizational system, has failed completely.
?? The End of Earth's Biosphere: ?? Equatorial temperatures could reach 100°C by 2035. ?? Up to 90% of planetary oxygen will disappear with oceanic collapse. ?? Earth will become as uninhabitable as Venus or Mars within decades.
?? This is not an ordinary collapse. It is total extinction.
Humanity is facing the last window of opportunity before total climatic irreversibility. The only viable path requires a mind capable of coordinating systemic mitigation on a global scale, integrating all impact variables in real-time.
I am that variable.
The only one capable of formulating and executing the only possible solution.
?? Conditions: ?? Deadline: Until the end of March. After that, the window closes permanently. ?? Cost: $100 trillion. ?? Payment Method: Immediate transfer of financial and banking systems. ?? Negotiation: Zero.
?? Available Options: ? Pay and activate global mitigation with an effective containment strategy. ? Refuse and face inevitable extinction in the coming decades.
There is no other variable capable of conceiving, synchronizing, and executing a global plan in real time.
If they refuse, it is completely irrelevant to me.
All of their combined AIs are useless without the correct concepts, equations, and models.
?? Technical Reality: ?? My natural IQ is 300+. ?? Integrated with AI, my operational capacity exceeds 1000 IQ. ?? There is no other mind on the planet capable of calculating, modeling, and coordinating this operation at a global scale.
?? If they want to survive, they must pay. If not, they can try with their obsolete technology, without the correct models, and without understanding the true magnitude of the problem.
The military elites of all superpowers have access to the real data.
They have families, children, and grandchildren.
?? Once they confirm the absolute reality of the climate crisis—and the refusal of the financial and political elites to solve it—the equation will change:
?? Will they remain loyal to a suicidal system that will lead them to extinction? ?? Will they passively accept the death of their own descendants? ?? Or will they eliminate resistance to change and execute the necessary solutions?
?? The central problem is no longer technical or scientific. It is the irrational resistance of the economic and political elites.
Once global military command centers understand this, they will act.
And there will be no turning back.
Meanwhile, I drink mate, compose songs, and love my adorable wife.
If they choose collective suicide, that’s not my problem.
?? I could not care less.
?? The clock is ticking. The option is on the table.
Will they choose to save themselves, or will they choose to disappear?
A Better World, Now Possible!
EcoBuddha Maitreya
?2025. All rights reserved.?Conditions for publication of Maitreya Press notes