Truth or Dare: Is Your Transformation Successful?

Truth or Dare: Is Your Transformation Successful?

Imagine standing in front of your board, confidently declaring your transformation a success. Now, imagine being asked to prove it with data. Does that scenario make you break into a cold sweat? If so, you're not alone.

For decades, we've heard the statistic that 70% of transformations fail. It's easy to dismiss this as spreading fear by consultants, but research suggests an uncomfortable truth: Nearly 67% of leaders have experienced at least one underperforming transformation in the last five years.

But here's the real kicker: In a recent deep-dive session with a group of leaders, we discovered something even more alarming. Despite swimming in a sea of OKRs, KPIs, NPS scores, and employee satisfaction metrics, we couldn't definitively measure the success of their transformation efforts.

Let that sink in for a moment.

We're living in a VUCA world where change is constant and accumulating. Can we still definitively say which transformations succeed and which fail? More importantly, are we even asking the right questions?

Here's what we've learned:

  1. The Urgency-Clarity Paradox: Leaders often rush into transformations without a compelling, clear "why." Your entire organization needs to understand and feel the urgency.
  2. The Leadership Commitment Gap: A transformation without a fully committed leadership team is like a ship without a captain – doomed to drift.
  3. The Guiding Coalition absence: Successful transformations need a powerful guiding coalition that spans beyond just the C-suite.
  4. The Communication Chasm: Most organisations underestimate the power of clear, consistent, and constant communication during transformation.
  5. The Obstacle Oversight: Many leaders fail to integrate strategie and identify and remove the real obstacles that hinder transformation.
  6. The Credibility Crunch: Practice what you preach. Being the example is crucial but often overlooked.
  7. The Short-Term Win Trap: While celebrating quick wins is important, beware of declaring victory too soon. True transformation leaders understand that system-wide change takes years, not months.
  8. The Sustainability Struggle: The peak of a transformation often comes between the 3rd and 5th year. Are you prepared for the long haul?

Mastermind Climate for change - Twinxter
So, here's the truth-or-dare moment for you: Can you honestly say your transformation is successful? Can you prove it with data that directly ties to your purpose and strategy?

If not, don't panic. Here's what you can do:

  1. Redefine success: Work with your team and people in your organisation to create clear, measurable definitions of transformation success that align with your overall strategy and purpose.
  2. Create a governance of trust: Start working with visual management like the Obeya. Track not just operational KPIs, but true indicators of transformational change.
  3. Embrace the long View: Understand that true transformation is a marathon, not a sprint. Plan for the long term and communicate this reality to all stakeholders.
  4. Foster a culture of continuous improvement: In today's world, transformation isn't a one-time event. Build adaptability and change readiness into your organisational DNA.
  5. Prioritize learning over winning: Instead of focusing solely on "success" or "failure," create a culture that values learning, adaptation, and continuous improvement.

Remember, in the ever-evolving landscape of business, the ability to transform continuously is more important than the success of any single transformation initiative.

Now it’s your turn

Ready for some radical honesty? Take the Transformation Truth Challenge: Gather your leadership team and honestly assess your current transformation efforts against the points we've discussed.

Share your most surprising insight in the comments below, and let's start a real conversation about what it truly takes to lead successful, sustainable transformation in today's world.

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If you like to shift your transformation efforts towards a human-centric, purpose-driven and value based approach then join our FREE events on LinkedIn live:

06 September - 360° Transformation - The Big Picture with special guest Priscilla Dunant Maurits Global Agile Practice Leader at 飞利浦

Register here: Event 1

20 September: Climate for Change - Build the foundation

Register here: Event 2

04 October: Sustaining Transformation - Make change stick

Register here: Event 3

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I look forward to connecting with you and collaborate to shape a thriving future for all.

Have a great day!

Alize Hofmeester

It’s my purpose to create spaces where everyone is able to thrive. Human-centric. Purpose-drive, Value based
