Truth or dare heat pumps and HVAC verses common sense

Truth or dare heat pumps and HVAC verses common sense

Recently waiting to be inspired by experts selling machines the frustration got to me and then it hit me , terms explanations presented by experts are what they really believe in meaning Houston we have a problem!

For now the ultra operational principles can wait , but read on and question what your have always been told .


I personally support and recognise the potential of well designed machines people call heat pumps or HVAC.

Experts write like this

A typical heat pump consists of four main components:

– Compressor The compressor increases the pressure of the heated refrigerant vapor, raising its temperature as well.

– Condenser In the condenser, the hot, high-pressure refrigerant releases its heat to the destination (like inside a building). The refrigerant condenses back into a liquid state.

– Expansion Valve This valve reduces the pressure of the liquid refrigerant, causing it to evaporate and absorb heat again in the evaporator, restarting the cycle.

– Evaporator This is where the heat pump absorbs heat from the source (like the outside air, ground, or water). A refrigerant evaporates and absorbs the heat in the process.

Heat Pumps: Efficient Heating & Cooling ?

Time for some honesty ?

-????? Compressor

Compressor as the term suggests, it produces pressure in a gas , a motor and a compressor locked inside a black painted tin can? we put energy makes heat that ends up in the gas we need to heat something with .

– Condenser - ?sounds fancy? ?

Condenser ? ?a length of copper tube that heat in the gas flows through very quickly so quickly some of the heat we just paid to make gets sent onto a expansion valve ? so COP is ?limited because we have to try deal with the cold energy? we are trying to stop entering a home , more on that when we talk about evaporators.

So far we aren’t really being efficient but it gets worse if outside it ?is so cold we have to try stop ice forming on more copper tube the pressure is flowing through , read on -

– Expansion Valve? another fancy term people cant relate to easily ?

This valve is like the valve in a tyre or tube on a car only it never really seals off but it does allow high pressure we pay for to rapidly expand into the next part.

You know when you loose the valve quickly and feel the end of the tyre valve after all the pressure is lost its quiet cold ? funny isn’t it we just heated it by making pressure , its a great way to not talk about heat that wasn’t used, heat we paid to make using that compressor , no wonder COP s are low .

– Evaporator another fancy term ? by now people are impressed and not able to question much?

- BUT this is where the damage is done in summer and winter

Evaporator or as I like to see it more copper pipe where anything we are not allowed to use is lost to air, water or ground.

When heating a home any heat we may have had before a TX valve is certainly lost and we don’t dare talk about that cold we had to produce being lost to have us all think we can find heat in air ice cold water or the ground .

Im thinking to absorb anything you need to loose something first , something to allow heat to enter it ?

Of course reversing it means that heat we make is just blasted outside in red hot air while the machine tries desperately to find something to cool down that red hot gas so yes cooling efficiency is not very good but that gas expanding after we compressed it made some cool to use

Or you could read this below and ignore the cold energy loss and believe the minor amount of heat absorbed is anything like the heat we lost before the TX valve .

If your not being told the truth

Then we read this below ?and think wow, when we should be concerned about the emission value of what they just suggested .

Experts suggest ?

Heat pumps can also work in reverse to provide cooling. In this mode, the heat pump absorbs heat from the indoor space through the evaporator and releases it to the outside environment through the condenser, cooling down the indoor space. Heat pumps are more energy-efficient compared to traditional heating and cooling systems that generate heat or cold air.

Me -

People it is a compressor designed ?to produce pressure it is up to us to allow heat to become an emission or allow cold energy we must produce to become an emission .Both loses are rated as Kwatts we produce using our electrical energy.?

1/. Below is total BS if your told the truth about a simple machine that basically produces heat using a compressor and uses a valve to allow that pressure to expand quickly to make cold energy .In one simple machine that could be a machine not dumping and wasting heat and cool energy outside when you’re battling to keep a home cool or warm.

1/. So heat pumps make heat to dump cool energy into a environment that is freezing already, to see that cold energy they dump find a way back into your warm home and when reversed that heat pump is dumping red hot air well above the temperature of your home outside into a red hot environment that is again finding a way back into your home ?

Crazy thought but a reality of modern experts who believe the environment is there to use.

So whos telling the truth in paragraphs 1 and 2 ?

Experts advise you - heat pumps are better than HVAC systems when in fact they make the same claims and present it as follows .

2/. This is because they move heat rather than generating it. However, their efficiency can vary based on factors such as the temperature difference between the source and the destination and the specific type of heat pump being used. For example, the seasonal coefficient of performance (SCOP) for a typical household heat pump is usually around 4. Therefore, the energy output is 4 times greater than the electrical energy used to run it. This makes current heat pumps models 3‐5 times more energy efficient than gas boilers.


At Ultra we sat back waiting for people listening to experts to question their reality to realize experts represent business owners who make their lives very comfortable.

Ultra operational principles are nothing like what your taught or told because we decided to use less energy, we needed to manage the energies one machine makes very well .

Ultra operational principles and key IP items can be discussed when people realise it them being used to mismanage emissions unknowingly using machines that attempt to place themselves in a higher position than others but are in fact are no better at not impacting the environment and your pocket .

Very informative short article about your journey and your invention.



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