Truth or Consequences
"The truth is a strange thing You can try to suppress it, but it will always find its way to the surface"
Information: A concept that informs.
The Age of Enlightenment: A European intellectual movement of the 17th and 18th centuries in which ideas concerning God, reason, nature, and humanity were synthesized into a worldview that gained wide assent in the West and influenced the progress of art, philosophy, and politics. It is believed that this was the beginning of individual exploration of ethics, morality, and accountability expanding the ideology of justness, then justice, in society.
The Information Age: A historical period post Enlightenment Age, beginning in the mid-20th century, was characterized by a rapid shift from traditional norms to a society and economy centered on information.
Fruit of the Poisonous Tree Doctrine: In criminal law, the exclusionary rule of evidence asserts that a proper chain of events must be followed in order for evidence to be legally permissible. If it has been gathered illegally, or proper evidentiary rules, procedures, or laws are not followed, then the evidence itself may not stand. The entire “Tree” of evidence has been poisoned.
In law, the Fruit of the Poisonous Tree Doctrine acknowledges that once the Tree (Information) is poisoned by illegally or immorally obtained evidence, then the Fruit of that Tree (any secondary evidence) is likewise tainted. Simply stated, a poisoned tree bears poisoned fruit. The profoundness of this ideology transcends all aspects of life (living) when one considers the importance of allowing Truth to Reveal Itself.?
During the Information Age, information was a treasured commodity. Today, the value of information is inestimable as it drives the economy, politics, financial markets, and social consciousness. As the value of information increased its veracity decreased creating a Catch-22 scenario, resulting in “Trust but Verify,” or suffer the consequences.?
When information is built on a foundation of untruth, knowledge and wisdom become inaccessible.? This occurs without the parties even realizing it. Information is the Tree upon which all life depends. In seeking a higher quality of life one must remain vigilant in always qualifying the source.
Evaluating the Veracity of Information
4 Considerations
Facts & Data
Facts and Data supersedes perceived certainty. An absolute position for an argument does not make it true, and certainly not absolute.
Seek Support
When opposing non-confirmed information, always seek verifiable facts. Remember inaction is a defined action. Indifference is the true root of all things, not good.?
Even little acts of truth will reveal it.
Untruths wrongfully supported by truths can often resemble truth. The veracity of information is highly dependent upon the Degree of Relevance of the supporting Facts and Data.?
Intent is always relevant.? Too often the conveyor of the information believing they are communicating with good intention (Intent) inadvertently has become the bearer of bad fruit.? Fact confirmation and source qualification cannot wane.?
As Beauty is in the Eye of the Beholder, so is Trust.?
"The truth is incontrovertible. Malice may attack it, ignorance may deride it, but in the end, there it is"??- Winston Churchill