Truth or Consequences

Truth or Consequences


  • Dixie Outfitters' protests are more about KKK ownership than Confederate Flags?
  • Nathan Robb and wife no longer communicate with KKK Thomas Robb (Nathan's dad)?
  • Nathan's brother, Jason, is general counsel for KKK?
  • Jason Robb's Law office is located in downtown Harrison midway between Harrison City Hall and Boone County Courthouse?
  • Robb Law Office at 220 West Stephenson is also the principal address and agent address for the Knights Party Group (also known as the Knights of the Ku Klux Klan) according to Arkansas Secretary of State fillings?
  • Press Release: National Director of the Knights Party, based in Harrison Arkansas, Thomas Robb ? Wikipedia - Thomas Robb is an American far-right activist, Ku Klux Klan leader, and Christian Identity pastor. He is national director of The Knights Party, also known as the Knights of the Ku Klux Klan,?
  • Robb Holdings (LLC formed by Jason Robb and Scott Stone) notably was involved in the Meineke Auto franchise, as well as others not identified (could it be the source of seed money for Dixie Outfitters' franchise and ongoing inventory investment?).
  • Appears there’s a secret private network? People who make money from the Klan, while community loses millions. I'm running into too much push back and stonewalling! And lack of action against the KKK for the weakest of reasons!
  • Robb must have some dirt on someone or knows where the skeletons are buried?
  • Other than Mayor, how many locals can say "I have never known a Klan’s person or never known a person that knew a Klan’s person."?
  • Also who thinks it's a myth that the KKK is in Harrison?

Consequences of not addressing the KKK truths has cost Harrison $100 of millions, and that's no myth!

Article by Kansas City Star was published via AP nationally showing that any news with KKK in it, sells. Conveniently linking to Tom Robb

who peddles similar items from his inventory in Zinc, Arkansas. First AP connected article I've seen without the Harrison, Arkansas boiler plate information. Just refers to Thomas Robb, as an Arkansas-based pastor (unless you click on the link then you get - Location - Harrison, Ark.).

No alt text provided for this image

Breaking News (Facebook rumor) - "Either Dixie Outfitters has caved or the city gave in to pressure from the left and is forcing the issue.As I type this a city crew is changing the signage from Dixie Outfitters to Believe in America.

And the flags have come down. And no sign of the General Lee replica of the Dukes of Hazzard car that's sat out front for years."

Although there were protests today (6/26/2020), there appears to be something in the works. I was in Branson today, and can confirm some flag and signage changes.

With all the national negative publicity, and millions in tourist dollars at risk - wouldn't be surprised if Dixie Outfitters got an offer they couldn't refuse! Proving there are ways to eliminate unwanted neighbors when they cost a community $100's of millions.

Branson administrator apologizes for Harrison comment

Aldermen from Harrison, Arkansas have asked for an apology from the city of Branson due to a comment made at a June 23 Branson Board of Aldermen meeting.

The comment they’re referring to stemmed from a report given by Branson City Administrator Stan Dobbins condemning the police tactics used that led to George Floyd’s death in Minnesota and his personal time training police officers in defensive tactics. He then, defending Branson against accusations of racism, said that “if you want to find the Ku Klux Klan, you can go to Harrison, Arkansas.”

Dobbin’s full statement from the meeting is below. The woman he refers to is a person who, in a video that has gone viral, invoked the KKK during a protest of a Confederate flag store on June 20.

“I’m going to say something that some of you won’t be happy to hear, but I’m going to say it anyway. That woman was appalling in her behavior we were talking about. I’ve been a police officer for 40 years. I’ve arrested members of the Ku Klux Klan, and I’m not going to tell you I’m sorry that I did it,” said Dobbins. “But, I’m going to tell you this: My son-in-law’s black. He comes to this town all the time and never has a problem. Not one. So it makes me wonder where all the mouths and voices come from that say, ‘oh my God, the city of Branson has a problem,’ when you can drive 30 miles down the road and be in Harrison, Arkansas. If you want to find the Ku Klux Klan, you go to Harrison, Arkansas….

In an interview with Harrison, Arkansas’ Mayor Jerry Jackson, he said it is a myth that the KKK is in Harrison.

“I have lived here 40 years in Harrison. I’ve been extremely active. I’ve been a real estate agent, so I’ve been up and down the backroads of Boone County,” said Jackson. “I feel like I know most all people, and I have never known a Klan’s person or never known a person that knew a Klan’s person.

?The fact that the KKK here, is here, one of the biggest myths that exists.

“I spoke with (Branson Mayor) Edd Akers yesterday (June 25) and he was a true gentleman, I really appreciated his attitude.”

The city of Branson and Jackson provided the following email containing an apology from Dobbins.

 Mayor Jackson,

I was contacted by Mayor Akers yesterday in regard to a statement that I made during our Board meeting on the 23rd of this month. I cannot and will not apologize for standing against racism and the beliefs of the KKK.

I would however, like to apologize to you and your entire community for doing the same thing that is being done to us. That is, using a broad brush when addressing a specific problem. That is as wrong there as it is here. I know the City of Harrison has fought very hard to overcome the reputation that it has fought of being a racist community, the white supremacist billboards, and the KKK marches that were held there.  I do not wish to make you have to fight those battles again. I am also very aware that it is not right to blame the entire community for the actions of a few and that was never my intent as that is the same thing we are battling. I also know that you have another problem that we deal with as well. That being if you live within twenty miles of our town you live here. I believe Thomas Robb, unfortunately, having a Harrison address adds to your problems.

I should have directed the group outside of your actual City to the proper location. My statement was not meant to shed a bad light on your community and for that I do apologize. I know if we all work together we can overcome hate, racism, and bigotry.

If you would relay this statement to your Board and community I would be in your debt.


Note see below: The Thomas Robb mentioned in the letter is a former KKK leader. A 2015 story in the Springfield News-Leader revealed that Robb’s son is a co-owner of the Confederate flag store, Dixie Outfitters that was being protested June 21 when the viral video was filmed.

Dobbins’ email was then followed by an email from Jackson “wholeheartedly” accepting Dobbin’s apology on behalf of the council and the community.

 Mr. Dobbins,

As you probably realize, Harrison, Arkansas has been the focus of the untrue message about being the home of the KKK for many years, so I hope you understand the frustration when we hear such comments. I have lived in Harrison for over 40 years, and I feel like I know many people and have never known anyone other than the Robb family that is or ever has been affiliated with the KKK. Actually, I don’t even know anyone who knows anyone that has ever been affiliated with the KKK.

Yesterday, when speaking with Mayor Akers, I felt confident that this would be the end of this matter but was surprised when hearing you declined to apologize. However, I also understand what you are going through right now with the protests in Branson, so I was pleased to receive your letter of apology this morning. Harrison and Branson have had a great relationship, one we look forward to continuing and expanding in the future.  As mayor, I’m sure I speak for the council and the community that we wholeheartedly accept your apology.


Jerry Jackson, Mayor

Facts – Lack of transparency?

The Branson administrator KKK accusation about Harrison , and apology has gotten zero attention outside the Branson and Harrison media, so far.

"Organizers of the previous Dixie Outfitters protests said they chose the store after reading a 2015 article by the News-Leader. The article detailed the store's owners having ties to the KKK... Flenoid, who is running for Springfield mayor, wasn't a part of the last two Dixie Outfitters protests..

Flenoid wants the protest to "make a statement." said his motive to protest isn't because of the Confederate flag but because the owners have ties to the KKK.

"We know they're affiliated with the Klan," Flenoid said. "We know the Klan's history throughout this country. I feel like being a Black man, this is an opportunity that a lot of Black people didn't get to have and never would get to have is to stand up against the Klan and let them know that we're fed up and we're done."

The Thomas Robb mentioned in the letter is a former KKK leader. A 2015 story in the Springfield News-Leader revealed that Robb’s son is a co-owner of the Confederate flag store, Dixie Outfitters that was being protested June 21 when the viral video was filmed.”

My Comments

Thomas Robb is the KKK leader (not former?) - Southern Poverty Law Center (SPLC) still says he's still the head.

Thomas Robb is an Arkansas-based Christian Identity pastor and head of the Knights of the Ku Klux Klan, which he took over in the 1980s after the departure of David Duke. (SPLC - Location Harrison, Ark). SPLC is considered the research expert on racism by mainstream and social media. (AP News, Google, Facebook, YouTube, Wikipedia, etc.). The only confusion is the new name created in 2012 – Knights Party Committee – it’s still the KKK to the news media. If Tom Robb is "former" than Jason is now the head of the KKK. Jason's location is downtown Harrison. Really?

All Knights Party News Releases are clear - based out of Harrison Arkansas. They no longer use Zinc.

Press releases - "The Knights Party, a national pro white rights organization, based out of Harrison, Arkansas, is concerned with the Oklahoma City’s attempt to investigate a First Amendment activity in which an individual had placed flyers at the Oklahoma City School of Law that read, “It’s OK to be White.” Jason Robb, general counsel for the Knights Party said, “OCU Police Director Bill Citty’s attempt to criminalize a perfect legal activity is outrageous and is unconstitutional."

National Director of the Knights Party, based in Harrison Arkansas, Thomas Robb said, “The contempt Sharpton & Black Lives Matter say they have for Confederate Flag statues, is only a mask to cover their hatred for America and the White Christian heritage that made America great! 

Thomas Robb’s son, Jason, attorney, Robb Law Office, 220 West Stephenson, is a stone’s throw from where the Harrison city council last met. He is referred to as the general counsel of the KKK in press releases and news articles. He is the next in line to follow his dad as head of the Knights of the Ku Klux Klan. He uses a Russian version of Facebook to elude US attention. 220 West Stephenson is the principal address and agent address for the Knights of the KKK according to Arkansas Secretary of State fillings. Really?

Nathan Robb was best man at his brother Jason Robb’s wedding, and is a co-owner with wife of the Confederate flag store, Dixie Outfitters.

Nathan joined the KKK in a suit -This is a case in which the Knights of the Ku Klux Klan and Nathan Robb[1], a Boone County, Arkansas, citizen filed suit against the Arkansas State Highway and Transportation Department, its director, and various other individuals connected with the department including the individual members of the Arkansas State Highway Commission, seeking a declaratory judgment that the department's denial of the Klan's application to participate in the state-developed, sanctioned and promoted "Adopt-A-Highway Program" violated their constitutional rights afforded by various articles and amendments to both the United States Constitution and the constitution of the State of Arkansas. Plaintiffs ask for a declaratory judgment so declaring and for certain preliminary and permanent injunctive relief.

Kansas City Star - "According to several news articles from 1991, when Nathan Robb was 20, he requested to adopt one mile of U.S. 65 at the Arkansas-Missouri state line in Boone County. According to an Associated Press story from 1992, Nathan Robb was then the "den commander" of the Klan group in Harrison, Arkansas. His request to participate in the anti-litter program was turned down.

When asked about Nathan Robb's application on behalf of the KKK to take part in Arkansas' Adopt-A-Highway program in the 1990s, Anna Robb said: "That was when he was very young."

Anna Robb said she and her husband have not spoken to Thomas Robb in years. She denied that she or her husband were ever a part of the KKK, but did say she had attended KKK events in the past."

The proximity of the Branson Dixie Outfitters (Retailer - Nathan Robb) to Zinc (Wholesaler/Inventory - Tom Robb) and to Harrison (Attorney - Jason Robb) smells. Banks statements, accounts payable invoices, vendors, IRS filings, credit applications, LLC or corporate papers, and franchise agreement, would be a nice start.

Jason Robb formed an Arkansas LLC called Robb Holdings along with Scott Stone Financial in 2009. Stone has offices in Harrison and Branson. All the fillings can be found in my previous Linkedin articles. I notified community leaders, and Stone changed fillings that were completed 8-10 years ago at Arkansas Secretary of State. Stone has been the tax preparer for all the KKK entities. Not clear what's included in Robb Holdings other than an unsuccessful Meineke franchise investment. The Dixie Outfitters start up funding and inventory would be of interests; including seed money and banking relationship for inventory. Biggest concern is the appearance of a cover-up that could affect local community leaders. Really?

Locally, it’s hard to believe that everyone in banking, investing, real estate, tax preparers, insurance, construction, chamber, customers, and employees missed the Meineke Auto business (and whatever else) owned by Robb Holdings and run by Jason Robb’s sister and brother-in-law? As well as potentially business investments with brother, Nathan and sister-in-law in Branson? Really?

Appears there’s a secret private network? People who make money from the Klan, while community loses millions. I'm running into too much push back and stonewalling! And lack of action against the KKK for the weakest of reasons!

Robb must have some dirt on someone or knows where the skeletons are buried?

I’ve lived in Harrison over 70 years, and if you track my research, all has been transparent, on why Harrison has been unable to erase the racists’ moniker – it boils down to the failure to eradicate the Klan. Might monitor how Branson handles it. They will get it done. If nothing else they'll use the Harrison failure as motivation. Really?

I don’t know of anything costing a community in excess of $100 million that is allowed to exist anywhere!! Covered in following link

Compared to regional similar cities (percentage of blacks) in north Arkansas and southern Missouri, Harrison has trended down in median house prices, and median salaries. It's the Klan! Not a myth! - Notice the recent action by Branson! Really?

When SPLC listed 11 Harrison Area Hate groups in 2015, all connected to the KKK, it's not a myth. That alone allowed the national and global news to label Harrison the "most racists" town in the US. Click on Arkansas Times article below. When your town gets labeled "most racists"; the myth is Harrison actually experiencing quality growth. It's more about just keeping quality businesses, and that's becoming problematic.

It's city and county officials asleep at the wheel.

I prefer facts over myths, and perceptions. Anyone interested in facts, spend some time reading my articles in Linkedin or Facebook Smart Governance group.

If you look at Seattle there are actions being taken by businesses and residents against the city. Not a threat but the reality, there is recourse when financial losses are caused by lack of action by cities and counties.

“Residents and businesses in a Seattle neighborhood filed a class-action lawsuit Wednesday against the city for "extensive harm" suffered from the Capitol Hill Organized Protest, or CHOP.

The plaintiffs "support protesters' right to bring issues such as systemic racism and police brutality," but the occupation has caused financial hardship and disrupted daily life, said Calfo Eakes LLP, the law firm representing the group, in a statement.”

Seattle Mayor Jenny Durkan continues to be lambasted for a June 11 interview with CNN’s Chris Cuomo, during which she suggested the occupied protest around the city’s east police precinct could simply be a “summer of love.”

In an interview with Harrison, Arkansas’ Mayor Jerry Jackson, he said it is a myth that the KKK is in Harrison. It may have a similar affect as Seattle Mayor's "summer of love", if anyone takes the time to do their research.

Following communications with SPLC General counsel, Jim Knoepp

General Counsel email to me

"I appreciate the fact that you disagree with our hate group listings, but we stand behind our research. We will have to simply “agree to disagree” on this point. (the experts in racism don't consider the Harrison Area Hate groups - KKK a myth)

 Nevertheless, I feel compelled to point out that the SPLC is not defaming Harrison. You state below, and have stated in other emails, that the “SPLC defamation of Harrison has been repeated in newspapers, magazines, and social media.” As an initial matter, the hate group listings are not “of and concerning” Harrison for purposes of a defamation claim. But, more importantly, it is well-settled law that a governmental entity may not state a claim for libel or slander.  See, e.g., N.Y. Times Co. v. Sullivan, 376 U.S. 254, 287 (1964) (“For good reason, ‘no court of last resort in this country has ever held, or even suggested, that prosecutions for libel on government have any place in the American system of jurisprudence.’”) (internal citation omitted); City of Philadelphia v. Wash. Post Co., 482 F. Supp. 897, 898-899 (E.D. Pa. 1979) (“A governmental entity is incapable of being libeled”); see also American Civil Liberties Union of Minn. v. Tarek Ibn Ziyad Academy, 2009 WL 4923378, at *4 (D. Minn. Dec. 9, 2009) (recognizing “the body of law establishing that government bodies may not sue for libel” and dismissing defamation claims brought by public charter school against the ACLU). Indeed, the Tenth Circuit Court of Appeals has held that “a governmental [libel] . . . suit brought with the intent to retaliate against a citizen for the exercise of his First Amendment rights is itself a violation of the First Amendment and provides grounds for a section 1983 suit” against the governmental entity that brought the suit.  Beedle v. Wilson, 422 F.3d 1059, 1066 (10th Cir. 2005). 

Herb Lair response:

My interests are strictly as a business owner and a property owner - as well as representing other private entities. Much more complicated than what you are presenting. I'm not a government body! I'm not working for any public entities

If you read my latest article on Linkedin my conclusions are critical of all the handling of Harrison on both sides that affects my personal investments .

Over the past 9 months I've done extensive research on the financial impact of Harrison's racist image.

My research approach was not to assume anything, and question everything; including how the experts arrived at their conclusions.

I was motivated by AP News, Wikipedia, Google, YouTube, and other media's negative racial slant on Harrison. How much is self-inflicted, and how much is created by the media with an intentional bias?



HATE GROUPS – 2015 --- 11 Harrison Area hate groups (on the hate map you can see each year using "hate over time" sliding tab) - Robb family gets the credit for making Harrison the most racists town in America.

  1. CHRISTIAN REVIVAL CENTER -- CHRISTIAN IDENTITY – HARRISON -- Church -- Robb is pastor of the Christian Revival Center in Bergman, Arkansas, a Christian Identity center.
  2. HERITAGE CONNECTION -- HATE MUSIC – HARRISON – In 2009, Robb's daughter Rachel Pendergraft and his granddaughters, Charity (born 1985) and Shelby (born 1987) Pendergraft, formed a "white nationalist" band called Heritage Connection no filing
  3. INTERNATIONAL KEYSTONE KNIGHTS OF THE KKK --2 chapters -KU KLUX KLAN –HARRISON CNN comedian met Imperial Wizard of the International Keystone Knights of the Ku Klux Klan dressed in full KKK regalia - around Zinc Wizard had disguised voice - Tom Robb associate no filing
  4. KKKRADIO --KU KLUX KLAN – web-based “” by the Knights Party of Zinc, formerly the Knights of the Ku Klux Klan, and comes just a year after another billboard carrying a racist message was taken down....HARRISON Again Tom Robb no filing
  5. KNIGHTS OF THE KU KLUX KLAN -- KU KLUX KLAN –HARRISON not current Knights Group current Tom Robb (See 2019 for update)
  6. KNIGHTS PARTY VETERANS LEAGUE -- KU KLUX KLAN –HARRISON no filing (should be a Knights only no KKK) Again if you do a reverse phone number - Knights of The Ku Klux Klan -6400 Leadhill Rd -Harrison, AR 72602 - Contact:Thomas Robb Title:Director Phone:(870) 427-3414
  7. LEAGUE OF THE SOUTH -- (see 2019 for update, appears Robb generated) NEO-CONFEDERATE – HARRISON no filing
  8. OZARK CRAFT LC --- GENERAL HATE – Revoked - Robb son-in-law on state filing HARRISON revoked (See 2019 for update)
  9. SOLDIERS OF THE CROSS TRAINING INSTITUTE --- KU KLUX KLAN – HARRISON For More Information CALL 870-427-3414 PO Box 602 / Harrison / Arkansas / 72601 Reverse phone number you get Tom Robb number again
  10. THOMAS ROBB MINISTRIES -- CHRISTIAN IDENTITY – BERGMAN Robb's "Thomas Robb Ministries" website declares that "the Anglo Saxon, Germanic, Scandinavian, and kindred people are THE people of the Bible."[2] no filing
  11. WHITE PRIDE HOME SCHOOL RESOURCE CENTER -- GENERAL HATE - BERGMAN This website is a joint effort of the Christian Revival Center (Thomas Robb Ministries) and The Knights Party. no filing

IN 2015, SPLC TRACKED 22 HATE GROUPS IN ARKANSAS. Again 11 in Harrison.

With minimal research, it's obvious the Robb family is responsible for the 11 Harrison area hate groups. Where was Harrison's response at the time?

?He manufactured fake Harrison Area Hate Groups, so he could make city #1.

This point has been made to SPLC several times, including communications with their general counsel, and Chairman of the Board - University of Alabama Law Professor.

What has it meant? Cost Harrison hundreds of millions of dollars for unknown benefits to Klan and their secret network.


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