Truth in Communications

Truth in Communications

Isotropic has been at the forefront of communications for 30 years. In that time, we’ve seen a good deal of good and bad thinking that has moved the industry forward at times and set us back at others. With this perspective as our guide, we’re presenting a series of short articles under the title Truth in Communications to help people understand what’s really happening in communications as we all work to navigate and improve our changing world.


One of the side effects of satellite technologies becoming more integrated with mainstream consumer-facing communications networks is that everyone in the industry is now an “expert” on how to install and optimize technologies like Eutelsat OneWeb and STARLINK . They’re also introducing products promising “easy” LAN/WAN management of fully integrated internet platforms providing never-before-seen powerful, reliable internet everywhere on the planet. That sounds great, but it’s not entirely true.

The truth is that today’s communications networks are complicated. There is a lot of legacy technology that needs to play nice with the new solutions coming online. Most of us have made sizable investments in our existing infrastructure and don’t want to scrap it all and pay for all new equipment just because companies are saying that they can give us everything we need if we simply adopt their platform. By the way, they can’t…

Most ISPs acknowledge that there’s a convergence of land and space-based technologies underway, but we need more than to be able to simply aggregate and optimize our internet feeds from a shiny new iPhone app. If that’s what you want, companies like XipLink Inc. and Kognitive Networks are happy to accommodate. What we need is to be able to move through life without worrying about what tech is coming next and how it will fit into our existing networks. We need more than a new wave of products promising the moon and delivering much, much less. We need a partner like Isotropic Networks Inc that will help make sense of it all and put the right technologies in place to address our present as well as future needs.

So, here’s the challenge: as you’re evaluating providers and the latest network management and security technologies, look beyond the marketing fluff and superlatives (bigger, better, faster!) and really ask yourself what you’re getting, because although it seems like connectivity is a commodity, safe, secure, future-proof connectivity isn’t.

#truthincommunications #communications #satellitecommunications #connectingtheplanet


