The Truth About Cardone University
I help people make money, keep it, and multiply it. If you don’t know already, I use one distinct tool to help people make money: Cardone University. My average client sees a 30% increase in income the 1st 90 days using this program, however I had a client yesterday report to me that he had an 80o% increase in income in the 1st 90 days with us training him on Cardone University. The reason I provide this free to my clients is simple. Without income, nobody can build wealth and Cardone University has been the most powerful tool I’ve seen for increasing income. But I want to tell you the truth about my history with Cardone University and what led me to choose it for all of my clients to train on.
The moment I decided to offer this program to my clients. I remember it clearly! I’m in my living room around 8:00 am in November of 2017 just getting ready for work. All of my ideas come to me at 8:00 am. I was trying to solve a problem and that problem was that all of my products help clients save and invest, but too many people are paycheck to paycheck and can’t save and therefore can’t invest. There isn’t a financial advisor or firm out there that has successfully taught clients how to create income (aside from asking them to join a “business opportunity” and I wasn’t about to do that). I asked myself what I could do to help people legitimately make more money. My answer was Cardone University. It was the thing that helped me make more money. It was that simple. I remember talking with Steve Spray at Grant Cardone’s office and signing a licensing agreement to gain access to Cardone U so that I could provide it to my clients!
The truth is I didn’t always use Cardone University. I became aware of Grant Cardone in 2015 and couldn’t stand him. I thought he was pushy, arrogant, and needed to chill out and stop being so aggressive. Yes, that was my opinion of Grant Cardone. Until one day, I was sitting in a hotel room in St. Cloud, Minnesota flat broke wondering how I would get back home to my wife in Alaska. At that moment I decided that regardless of my opinion of Grant Cardone, my way wasn’t working and I needed to do something different.
I spent $997 on a Holiday special Grant was having on product that provided a few of the segments in Cardone University. I was scared, but jumped on the deal and purchased it. I binge watched those videos hard. My income progressively climbed from $50,000 to $80,000 and then up to $125,000. I thought I was doing pretty good. So I quit training. I wasn’t watching the videos because I thought I was done. I’d seen progress, that must have meant I knew everything I needed to know. False! I plateaued. My income was stagnant for months. After about 6 months of spinning my wheels and almost going broke, I realized that it was due to my lack of training. I made a commitment in 2016 to train everyday no matter what.
My results were incredible. I trained on 6 segments per day, 6 days per week. If I missed a segment, I doubled up on them the next day. My income soared, my business grew, and I ended up buying Cardone University for everyone on my team. Things took off even more when I did that. What I found was that the repetition of information, the daily routine, and the analytics provided to track activity and progress on education segments being passed were the key to income. You see, the first part of income is thought. Cardone University handles that by providing the right information. That information allows a person to do the right actions and those actions result in income. Now you can see why I offer this to my clients.
The truth about Cardone University is that I offer it free to my clients, it takes requires daily training, and repetition of information even though you may think you already have the right answer. I’ve made the mistakes and been through the university 3 times over now and I intend to keep going. Why? Because it works. Never change what works. My goal is to become your wealth coach and provide you with free access to the very same program that caused me to win at the levels I’m experiencing. Click hereto schedule a call and get your free access to Cardone University and become a client of Wealth DynamX!
Own Your Potential,
Jerry Fetta
Jerry Fetta helps his clients make money, keep it, and multiply it.
He believes everyone should own their potential. He believes you were not created to spend 40+ hours per week serving the 40-year-to-life sentence trading your precious time for money just to live in mediocrity.
However, the truth is that time and money must be exchanged. It just doesn’t need to be you making the exchange.
Jerry helps his clients create wealth that exchanges time and money on their behalf.
His clients see a 30% increase in income, a guaranteed increase in savings rate, and 8-12% fixed annual returns on their assets in the 1st 90 days of working with him.
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