The Truth About Cancer Ulitimate Live Synopsium 2016
Dr. Thomas Lodi
Founder of An Oasis of Healing in Mesa, Arizona | An Integrative Cancer Treatment Center
We had the great pleasure of running into Jason from EatMoveThink at The Truth About Cancer Ulitimate Live Synopsium 2016 event. He had been at our clinic with a loved one some time ago. He told us that since he had benefited so much from his “Secondhand Health” experience while participating in the companion program, it inspired him to start a mission of his own.
His mission? Going into schools to teach children how to live a healthy lifestyle and, specifically, to show them how to make smoothies. We love that he is out in the world promoting this valuable and critical message and we want to share his wonderful work with you. This is a nonprofit, so please feel free to donate or contact him to support his cause. And, please share!
His organization:
Like his FB page: EatMoveThink